Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:51 pm

Thanks momo :)

God Bless

*hugs and love*

Daisy :)

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:04 am

10/5/2011 7:16a.m.

Woke up early this morning, ready to face the day. Have been crazy-busy in the yard. Trying to get the yard "prepared" for the fall, and all those leaves that the trees will be shedding soon. Soooo....raking, raking and more raking, but with the purchase of a new lawn "toy" I managed to get 1/3 of the leaf piles cleaned up(last years leaves)in less than 4 hours. Wooo hooo....excitement!

Yes, I have now taken over the responsibility of keeping the yard cleaned up, since hubby is on the road. I think he'll be amazed at what I've done so far.....but I have a LONGGGG way to go before it's all finished. And to think I used to call myself a "home-maker" that "title" has been extended to keeping up with what goes on outside as well.

Found a "nifty" lil' tool at the garden center in Walmart on Monday. It's not only a leaf blower(much better than having to rake all the time), but is installed with a vaccum & mulcher. Jump for joy! Now all those leaves I've been picking up, have been mulched and I can use them around the flower beds and shrubs. Whatever I have left over, I can bag up and sit to the curbside.

I'm not complaining. This is a great way to get me outside, enjoy the SON-shine and as the weatherpeople have predicted, basking in the 75 degree weather we're supposed to have today. It's all good. :)

This is the kind of work I don't consider "exercise", but the benefits of it are still there. My last doctor visit, I was asked to lose weight before my next appointment(in November). And if I don't lose weight from all this yard-work, then I don't know what will help. But I am giving it a go, and actually enjoying myself in the process. :)

Breakfast this morning: 1 glass of cranberry juice, and a bagel. I have found I know myself too well, that I cannot do without some sort of carb during the day. I figure as long as it's a bagel in the a.m., then I can work off the energy I get from it, and end up eating a lighter meal, come dinner. The weight will come off, one way or another.

Oh, yes...water is playing an important "role" as well. I have been going thru my bottled water like crazy...I have to pick up another case by tomorrow. I don't drink our town smells like rotten eggs some days, and when I do laundry, I sense a "bleachy" kind of smell to option for not drinking it is worth it, by not injesting those chemicals into my body.

When hubby comes home(praying next weekend), I'm having him to go the local box store and buying some chicken wire(he doesn't know about this yet-LOL). I've been doing a LOT of research online about covering the gutters around our house. Vinyl chicken wire CAN be used. It has to be cut to size...I'll let him be the one who climbs that tall ladder we have(I am sooo deathly afraid of heights), and installing the gutter guards for me. The roof is bad enough, we've had leaks in previous years....but this is now more of a "preventative" to keep any more rain from going up under the shingles on the roof. Better to be safe than sorry, ya' know? It's going to be expensive enough to have a new roof put on, but if what we do now, can help us hold on to the roof we have a lil' while longer, then it's worth it.

The other benefit of working outside? Sleeping like a rock come bedtime. I fed the dogs, took a shower, then ate a light dinner myself. Spent the rest of the evening catching up on emails and Facebook. By 11:45p.m., I was in jammies and reading my Bible until 1:30 this morning. Once the lights were out, the doggies and I found our "spot" on the bed and the 3 of us crashed out.

When I woke up this morning, only 4 1/2 hours had passed, but I felt as if I'd slept a good 8 hours. Now I'm sitting here, still not dressed(jammies are nice and toasty warm). I hear the first group of kids outside on the corner by our house waiting for the school bus(and boy, are they NOISEY)!!! LOL!!! By the time the 2nd bus comes and picks up the next group of kids, it'll be close to 9a.m. By then I'll be dressed and ready to face the outside.

I have to continue to thank God for giving me such a life. I feel "rich" in my heart, because He is giving me the opportunity to see the beauty in all He has created outdoors. I am "rich" in spirit when I allow Him to give me feelings of accomplishment, no matter how small the task at hand is. I am "rich" in all areas of my life as long as I continue to give Him the honor and the glory and the praise of ALL He has done and is doing in my life.

I have been blessed with a hard-working husband, whom I hardly see, but whom I pray for God to keep safe until he is able to come home. And even though we only get a couple of days together when he does come home, I am thankful and grateful that I get that much.

I am "rich" by knowing that the Lord will never leave me, nor forsake me when I "mess up". He is my Friend, my Provider, my Comforter, my Confidant, my ALL IN ALL. With Him on my side......I'll never be labled "loser". I once was lost, but now am found.

He is mine and I am His. I praise His name, and thank Him for putting up with me...I am His work in progress. I'm glad He is there to walk with me on this journey of rediscovering myself, my marriage, my hopes, my dreams, my desires and my health. \0/

God's abundant blessings and love to each of you. I love you too! *hugs*

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:41 am

November 10, 2011 2:28a.m.

Early morning...have been going to bed in the afternoon and sleeping til 11:30p.m. And so it was today as well. After a couple of days working out in the yard(the weather has been gorgeous), I am now settled in....tired, but happy for the accomplishements I made wrestling with loads of fallen leaves...again. Will it ever get done? I don't know, I think "mom nature" is winning this "battle". LOL

A few weeks ago I was "diagnosed" having psoriasis. As of this writing, I'm happy to say that most of the breakouts have started healing, and my skin looks better than it has all summer. It's been hard though, because I love fruit(citrus), and that was one of the "causes" for my skin breaking out as it did. But I will continue to stay away from it, until I can deem it safe to eat again. In the meantime I get my "fruit fix" by having a glass of cranberry juice every morning with breakfast.

I've lost 5 pounds. Have started to eat again. Still missing my dog, but am getting better at not letting his death rip my heart apart as it had for months.

I feel alive again...

This morning my body feels like it's been trampled on. All that raking and working out in the yard the past couple of days has made me feel more out of shape than it did the first day I was out on the lawn cleaning up weeks ago. Hubby tells me it's "old age and rigor mortis"(gee thanks, hon). LOL I say it's because I've spent wayyy too much time doing much of nothing since I've not been working these past 3 years and it has caught up with me. But, a couple of Ibuprophen and a bottle of water....and a warm bed will "cure what ails me" at the moment.

More on my journey to weightloss and well-being in the days to come.

Love and hugs and God's Blessings to you all


But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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