My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:47 am

Friday afternoon...June 3rd, 2011 12:39p.m.

The Lord has blessed us with beautiful sunshine and cool breezes today. \0/

Woke up at 9:30 this morning. Let the doggies out while I made myself something to eat.

No breakfast....went right into an early morning snack of deli-sliced ham rolled in lettace leaves, 1 tomato, 1 small glass of cranberry juice and a bottle of water.

Not feeling hungry at the moment....I'm just in awe of these cooler temps, not even thinking about food....but am drinking another bottle of water. I'll be hungry by the time dinner gets here though.

Hubby is on his way to Nashville....he's not going to be coming home this weekend. Hoping by the 4th of July he can spend the weekend home. We miss him, and I continue to pray for God to send His angels to protect hubby while he is on the road....Praying he gets to each destination safe and sound.

Thank You Lord for this day, for this opportunity to come to You and thank You for Your many blessings in our lives.
Thank You Lord for watching over us, helping us make the right decisions in our lives...whatever they may be.
Thank You Lord for peace of mind and restful sleep...good friends and family....
Thank You Lord for everything You continue to do in our lives. Amen

God Bless
Love ya's


But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:02 am

Tuesday morning....7:41a.m.

Spent the past 3 days in bed. An old illness reared it's "ugly" head and caught me off-guard. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep...was in a lot of pain. Cried alot, screamed a few times into my pillows... hurt like heck....had to "ride out the storm" until it passed.

Prayed a lot....Asked the Lord to forgive me for all the times I've ever had a negative thought or action towards anyone in my life(past and present), and asked Him to bless them immeasurably.

While the pain was making its way through my body, I said to the Lord "Now I know the pain you felt when that Crown of Thorns was being placed on your head"...(because I know those who placed it on His head were making sure He felt the pain of each thorn as it pierced his head and temple).

I said to Him, "I feel the pain of the nails they drove into your body when they crucified you".....

I cried out to my Heavenly Father to get me through repenting, I need Him to help me learn from past make someone else's life better....and to be the compassionate person I once was....

I prayed to Jesus' mother Mary to give me strength...Fever broke about 12:30 this morning. I'm wiped out, and am going to take it easy, and I know that I am going to be okay. THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER, THANK YOU LORD, THANK YOU MOTHER MARY \0/

Lost some more weight-but now I need to get my energy back. Got my appetite back, finally.

Breakfast: 1/2 banana muffin, 1-15.2 ounce bottle of cranberry juice.

God Bless all who read this post. I pray the Lord blesses your day, and that any obstacles you face will be taken away and your day be filled with laughter, no worries and no stress.

I love you all

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:11 am

Saturday morning...6:43a.m.

Woke up early this morning(4:30a.m.)...stomach grumbling....With half opened eyes I made my way into the kitchen and started making breakfast.

Breakfast: 3 oz. grapefruit slices, 1/2 glass cranberry juice, 1 toasted bagel with cream cheese, 1/2 bottle water.

Still hungry!...maybe I should eat an egg(I had some boiling on the stove in the meantime). Okay...I ended up eating 2. :)

Have dropped almost 30 pounds since first starting this program and eating better. WOOO HOOOO! Bought a couple of pairs of shorts the other day. One pair fit really well. The other pair, a lil' tight-but don't want to exchange them. I am continuing to pray that in another few weeks I WILL be able to wear them. But I am going to take back the tops I bought and exchange them...they are just not comfortable at all. I'll see what I can exchange them for(even if I may have to wear a larger size, it's okay-I like the style, but am not happy with how "fitted" they are to my body).

Watched an excellent sermon this morning on "blessings and curses". It has opened my eyes and made me aware of lately, what has been coming out of my mouth. Basically it said "If we speak of poverty/being poor, so shall we be. If we act jealous towards others, we won't be blessed...our tongue causes grief by what we allow our mouths to utter."

I really needed to hear this sermon. Last week when I was sick, all kinds of negative thoughts were going through my head, and I was speaking negatively about many things...NO wonder I was laid up ill and in pain and feeling like I just wanted everything to 'go away'.

The last night of my illness, I laid prostrate on the bed and I cried out to The Lord to take this pain and all the negativeness out of mine and hubbies life, and bless us and others I've been so negative to, abundantly.

It is my goal to live as The Word says I should live, as long as I am a Believer. To live abundantly, rich in spirit and in finances...To be humble, caring, kind, considerate....Thank You Lord for once again opening my heart and getting it back in the right place. Amen

To all who may read my post this morning, May God Bless you and your families on this day....
I love you

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:42 pm

Saturday night...8:23p.m....

Dinner: 2 turkey burgers, 1 bottle water, 6 oz. green beans, 4 oz. mashed potatoes(no butter).

Evening snack: 1 Blueberry yogurt

My stomach has been grumbling all day....I think it's 'cause I didn't eat much of anything last week when I was sick, so I am "making up for lost time". But also getting back into the routine of eating every two hours. I'm feeling my energy returning daily, and am wanting to do tomorrow I've got a few more errands to run and will do my tri-weekly 2 hour walk thru our local Super Walmart.

If the weather clears up, then I have a "date" to clean(wash/wax/vacuum)my car.

I took a nap earlier today, so I am raring to go. I'll be cleaning house tonight. Laundry is finished and put away. Going to get the rest of the recycleables ready for their Tuesday morning pickup, along with the weeks garbage for Monday's pickup.

Been a quiet day otherwise. Doggies and I have enjoyed it just lazing around. I've read some, gabbed on the phone with my mom earlier...and talked to hubby who was at a truck stop in Illinois, eyeballing a 4 pound hamburger on the menu. I told him, "Go ahead, eat it..but you will be regretting it tomorrow!" He laughed...he knows I'm right, because he'll be calling and saying, "I shouldn't have eaten that burger last night, it laid on my stomach and I am feeling ill right now."

This is something I've become accustomed to hearing. He's a lil' guy, but has ALWAYS had a "hearty" appetite. Back in the day he was skinny as a rail...never saw ANYONE eat like he could. But then he worked at a job where he walked all the time-did physical labor, so he was able to burn off the calories.

It's only been since we've been married that his metabolism has slowed down and he's not burning off the calories as fast. Back this past year, when he wasn't working or sleeping, all he would do was eat...and then just sit around like a big ol' couch potato, channel surfing. I'm telling the truth when I say, he looked like he could have given birth at any moment, his stomach got so big. I'd never seen him that heavy before.

He's lost a lot of the weight since he's gone out on the road, but he still insists on wanting to have a big meal. But I figure, as long as he doesn't eat that way all the time, then it will be okay....I still know though that he will be calling me tomorrow to tell me I was right..that he shouldn't have had that burger. LOL

Okay...for tonight, I hope he enjoys it-tomorrow he will be feeling the repercusions of it.

I pray he gets a good night's sleep. He's got another 1,200 miles or so to go before he reaches his next destination.

God Bless

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:57 am

Monday, June 13, 2011

Praise Report! I am down 28 pounds as of today. :) wooo hooo!!! Only 120 pounds to go. :) Thank You Jesus \0/

As much as I hate to admit it, those new blouses I bought last week are still a tad too close-fitting to my body, and it makes me I am going to take them back and exchange for a larger size. It's okay though. I know I am losing weight, and will continue to do so as long as I keep myself focused on what I need to focus on..and continued prayers and praise to the One who Created me! AMEN \0/

I CAN do ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST who strengthens me! :)

6:23a.m. Another early morning....Big appetite!

Breakfast: 1/2 glass of cranberry juice, 3 oz. grapefruit wedges, 1 cuppa' greens(green beans), 1 bagel toasted with cream cheese. I am stuffed.

Early Morning Snack: 8:30a.m. 1 cuppa' yogurt-blackberry/pomegranate, 1/2 bottle of water.

Lunch: 10:30a.m. 1 tuna salad on lettace leaves, 1 sliced tomato, 1/2 bottle of water.

Afternoon Snack: 12:30p.m. 1 cuppa' blueberry yogurt.

Dinner: 2.30p.m. 1 salad with sliced tomatoes, 1 oz. ham, drizzled with spicy french dressing. 1 bottle water.

Early Evening Snack: 4:30p.m. 4 oz. dried cranberry/sunflower seeds/almonds and 1 bottle of water.

Have to go grocery shopping today. Am out of a few things. One of my fave snacks is a mixed bag of almonds, sunflower seeds and dried cranberries. It supplies the cruch from the seeds and nuts, and the sweetness from the cranberries and keeps me from craving junk(like chocolate or potato crisps/chips). I'll have about 4 oz. every night, along with a bottle of water.

Praise the Lord for cooler temps. This was the 2nd night in a row that I've not had to run the a/c units in the house. Went to bed last night in a pair of long shorts, socks and a sweatshirt. Slept like a baby. :)

Bills are all paid up this month.....Praise Jesus! Hubby's been working hard this past week, taking jobs that others declined...This week he's in Utah, picking up/delivering a load that will get us ahead-so I can now go to the bank and open a savings account. Financial needs are being met, bills are getting paid on time. GOD IS GOOD! THANK YOU JESUS!! \0/

God Bless you all this day. May the Lord provide you with what you ask Him. I pray that your day goes well, and all your needs are met. I thank You Lord for your many blessings on my household and others. I thank You Lord for comforting those who are lost and hurting. I pray your love for them and us will help guide us in a continued awe of what Your Mighty power can do for us.
All this I ask in Your Mighty, Holy, Loving and Wonderful Name....AMEN

Can't think of anything else to say, that couldn't be any simpler-than this....If we need that comfort in our lives, all we have to do is reach out and ask Him....He answers our prayers. \0/ BELIEVE IT....RECEIVE IT!


But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:28 am

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

Woke up early(again)this morning...Most times I don't remember my dreams, but the one I had last night really made an impact....

What I can remember, is that I signed up for the service(Army), and was going thru initiations. We'd already been assigned our uniforms, and were meeting with the "top dogs" of our unit, etc...They were there to tell us what to do, where to go...follow THEIR rules, forget everything we knew-and bend to THEIR discipline.

Discipline...that word smacked me upside the head like a wet noodle! I believe that the Lord was speaking to me thru those ppl in my dream, telling me I need more discipline in my life because what I am doing is not enough, for whatever it is He has planned for me.

So this morning, after I got dressed I put in my very 1st "Walking Away The Pounds" video(with Christian aerobics instructor, Leslie Sansone).....(hadn't done the workout in quite some time).

The workout is 18 minutes long, and includes a cool down session at the end. Total miles "walked"....1. And I did it!

Whatever it is that the Lord is leading me to, He's wanting me to be physically fit. Which I need to be anyway. Tired of being tired....Tired of wearing clothes that make me feel unattractive....Tired of living the "sick and tired of being sick and tired" life.

I'm going to go over the notes of the weight loss program I am on, and see what else I need to incorporate into it. I have been sluggish lately, sleeping a lot...or taking naps during the day which is keeping me from getting a full night's sleep. Then I wake up the next day feeling "blah".

For the moment though, to cool off the inside of my body after that workout...I'm having a cuppa' blueberry yogurt. Once I am completely cooled down I will follow it with a bottle of water(room temp).....then take a shower and have some eggs. I am ready now to get this day started!!! :)

I also have to go grocery shopping.

Thank You Lord for "opening" my eyes on a daily basis. I know I have learned a lot from you, but I know there is much, much more that You want me to learn.

God Bless everyone. I love you....


But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:35 am

Oh my's been 10 days since my last post!

Time has gotten away from me. Then this past week, hubby was home for a few days and I lost all track of time again.

I did pretty good, sticking to foods I know I can/supposed to eat and staying away from what I'm not supposed to eat.

Breakfast this morning was a cup of peach slices(since hubby ate the last of the grapefruit wedges when he was home last week), a half bottle of water.

Lunch...Haven't decided yet. But am thinking, since the weather is cooler I'm going to have something quick and easy, like a garden salad. I recently bought mushrooms, cucumbers and green peppers and a fresh head of lettace. Sounds like a plan. Not really hungry. Have had a sinus headache the past couple of days-and when I have a headache, I don't feel like eating, but I know I need to eat something. Soooo...salad it is, along with a bottle of water. Then I think I'm going to lay down and let the sinus meds kick in.....

Sorry I've not been around much. I've been retreating lately to that space I call "I don't want to be bothered"....I'm trying to keep my eyes focused on the good things the LORD has done in my life, but have let doubts creep in....and when that happens, I don't want to talk to anyone, or go anywhere. I just want to retreat to the bedroom, shut off the lights, turn off the phone and sleep.

I miss my dog. It's been almost 2 months since he was put to sleep.I finally made a big step though...I was able to go into the office(where he used to sleep on pillows on hubby's desk, or look out the window)-without my having a panic attack. I have yet to be able to spend more than a few minutes in that room. I know one day it will be okay. But for now, I'm still sad that he isn't here to pet or hold or talk to.

We had a couple of days when hubby was home to mow the yard(yipeee)and clean out the garage...and do other things around the yard. I weeded what's left of the flower beds, watered the Rose of Sharon bush, raked up piles of leaves and turned those that are mulch and used them around the base of the Japanese Maple. The rest I'm using around the Iris bed, Rhododendron and Rose bushes.

For anyone who reads this today, I pray your day goes well...Thinking of you. God Bless....Will talk to you soon.

Love ya's

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:17 pm

June 27th, 2011 3:57 p.m.

Breakfast: tuna fish on whole wheat. 1 cup of mixed veggies(cucumbers, green peppers, mushrooms), 1 glass of cranberry juice and a small bowl of corn chex cereal with soy milk.

Lunch: 2 chicken breast patties, 1 bottle water.

Dinner: 2 turkey burgers, garden salad, 6 oz. sweet potatoes. 1 bottle of water.

Haven't been eating my snacks during the day. Need to get started back on them. Woke up this morning with a bad case of the "shakes", felt faint. Once I ate though, I felt tons better.

Did some errands, paid some bills, did a lil' bit of yard work....but most of the day I've stayed indoors where it is cooler. By the middle of this week we're supposed to have hot hot hot temps....So if I can get stuff done outside before then, that's good, because I do not do well with the humidity when it kicks in.

A few ppl were at the lake today when I drove by earlier. It has been a sunny and pretty warm day. But now it's looking a lil' overcast, and the wind has picked up. Hmmmm....need to watch the news tonight and see what the weather-people are saying. A storm would be good...would cool things down.

God is SO GOOD! Just yesterday I was balancing the checkbook after sending out the mortgage payment, and saw we were really tapped out in the account. Other bills came in on Saturday, and I was wondering how late those new bills would be, before hubby got his next paycheck.

Today, I called up the automated account info at our bank, and found that another check was deposited overnight. Thank You Lord! Because of that deposit, 4 more bills were able to get paid. WOOOO HOOOO!

Just when I seem to feel like the world is crushing in on me, the LORD clears a path and makes things better again. Thank You LORD!

HE IS MY ROCK, MY SHELTER, MY FORTRESS, MY STRENGTH, MY HOPE, MY JOY, MY PEACE-OF-MIND. HE brings me funny thoughts when I'm in a bad mood(HE hates to see me in one of "those" moods). HE brings me songs that fill my heart with gladness, and makes me feel honored to be able to Praise HIS HOLY NAME one more day.

I LOVE YOU LORD...I can't thank YOU enough for everything YOU continue to do in my life. How many blessings YOU'VE given me and hubby....YOU ARE THE LIGHT THAT SHINES BRIGHTLY ON THE PATHS WE DAILY TRAVEL ON. \0/ AMEN

God Bless

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:21 pm

Dinner was switched up tonight. Instead of the turkey burgers, I ended up with a garden salad with tuna and a small bowl of sweet potatoes and 2 bottles of water. Was very filling.

Bad habit I need to break...falling asleep a couple of hours after I eat, then waking up and not being able to get back to sleep for awhile after. Even though it is past midnight as I am posting this, I need to sign off here and get myself relaxed and get back to sleep.

I like to be up early and get household chores done. Then I can spend the rest of the day relaxing, reading the WORD, catching up on emails, working on a project or other things....When I sleep late, I feel like the day is half wasted, and it seems to draggggg....

God Bless you all....Love ya'! I pray for each of you a wonderful day..... *hugs*

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:44 pm

July 5th, 2011 Tuesday afternoon...330p.m.

Breakfast: 2 sliced apples, 1 blueberry yogurt, 1 glass of water.

Lunch: Burger, fries, bottled water.

Dinner: Don't know yet...haven't decided.

I've really been lazy lately-not keeping up with my eating, or journaling. Weather is warm today-stayed indoors, except for the hour I was out running errands/grocery shopping. Glad to be home now-it's nice and cool and comfy in the house. Doggies are sleeping...Another half hour and it will be dinner for us.

Picked up "Lucky's" ashes at the veterinarian's office the other day. I sobbed after getting back in the car(in the parking lot). Dried my tears, took a deep breath and drove home.

Finances have been nill the past 2 weeks. It's tough trying to make ends meet when money isn't being made. If it weren't for hubby having to pay for the use of the trailer he hauls, we'd be able to have money in the bank to cover expenses. So once again, bills are behind....But I'm trying to keep my eyes focused on the LORD to help us thru yet, another "storm".

My health has been good. I'm sleeping better at night, and during the day instead of wasting time online, I've been doing some crafts. Crocheting is my newest "craze". Anything to keep my hands busy so I won't be smoking....cause I'm really wanting to "kick" that habit as well.

Two of my nieces are moving into their own apartments this fall(they've grown up so fast)! I'm crocheting them each an afghan for their sofa's and crafting a couple of other things for them.

Looking forward to tonight's OBHT program. It's been a few weeks since I was last there.

Totally blew off exercising the past couple of wonder I've felt "sluggish". Time to get back to some sort of routine. Tired of being bored...not working...but don't want to sabatage' my weight-loss because of lack.

God Bless

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby Daisy50 » Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:18 am

September 30, 2011

Have to start journaling again. I fell off the weight-loss wagon awhile back, and what I'd lost earlier- I've gained back. Stress, deaths in the family, lack of finances, and just getting where I was bored with this whole new way of eating has caused me to slip up.

I went to the doctor yesterday. Have been having outbreaks on my skin since the end of May....Made me feel *yucky*(for lack of a better word). I wanted her to see what was going on, put a name to it, direct me to some treatment..and make me feel better about myself.

I look like a leopard, (the backs of my legs, arms, and body are "spotted"). I've become very self conscience of it.....each "mark" looks like a burn-I'd hate for ppl to think I am into "self-harm", when that's not the case.

It is Psoriasis.

The first thing the doc asks me is, "Do you eat a lot of citrus fruits?" I said, "Yes, almost every day." Come to find out, eating these fruits(pineapples, oranges, grapefruits, and even strawberries)because of their high citrus content, have caused a reaction, likend to an allergic reaction....which is why I have been breaking out!

Now I am only "allowed" to eat cranberries, blueberries, grapes and raspberries.

She wrote out a script for some topical cream, which I have to use 3x's/day, and a follow-up appointment in 2 months.

And.......she wants me to go back on the weight-loss program I was doing. Since I last had an office visit, I've gained weight...She was NOT happy(but then again, neither am I).

Today I begin all over again with this weight loss program. Going to be tweaking it a lil' and see how much better I do on it, so I don't stand the chance to "cheat". Not worth it, and I'm wanting these "spots" to go away. I don't want to be wearing long sleeve shirts/pants in the heat of summer next year(which is what I'll be doing if this doesn't clear up).

And I have dusted off the exercise video tapes...again. Time to put them back to good use.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, over easy. 1 small glass of cranberry juice, 3 oz. oatmeal. 1 bottle of water. Multi-vitamin, extra B12, E and Black Cohosh.

Early Morning Snack: Raspberry yogurt, 1 bottle of water.

Lunch: Tuna rolled up in lettace leaves. Garden salad of mixed greens & snow peas w/spicey french dressing. 1 bottle of water.

Early Afternoon Snack: Probably another small container of oatmeal, to keep me tied over until dinner. 1 bottle of water.

Dinner: Chicken-baked, with 1 cup of green beans, and 3 oz. of sliced, stewed potatoes, 1 bottle of water.

Early Evening Snack: Blueberry yogurt, 1 bottle of water.

I've taken bread, cereal and ketchup off my shopping list. ALL are big NO-NO's on this plan.

I'm also keeping an offline journal of what I am eating, so I can take it with me to the doc when I have my next appointment.

Keep me in prayer...

Daisy :)

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
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Re: My Journal...My Journey....My Body...His Temple

Postby momof3 » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:00 pm


Im praying for you sis. So are many many others here.

In Jesus,
love momo *Pray*
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