Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Participation ... Do we really take part ?

Postby vahn » Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:23 am

I mean really , all of us KNOW we have a problem , most of us WOULD LIKE to do "something about it" , and some of us who "decide" to "do something" almost don't go beyond occupation of a chair , drinking the coffee , eating the cookies , read some of the materials , the finding of any ear that would listen to our never-ending boo-hoo stories that our love of alcohol , drugs , and sinful activities that "caused" our state of misery at an AA meeting or church , being under the FALSE PRETENCE , that doing these we are "doing something about our "problems" . Yes , we ARE ... doing something allright , but what ? ... Oh yeah , I get it !! *Doh* , "I went to AA didn't I ? " ... "I went to "counseling" didn't I ? " ... " I joind a church ? " ... Oh and here's the one that gets me most ... " I laid ALL my "problems" at the foot of the Cross " !?!? ... HAH !! what in the world do we think the Cross IS ? An emotional dumpster of a sort ? ... Are we really taking the PROBLEM to God or are we just taking our emotional boo-hoos ( ok , "feelings" !!) to Him ?

Ok , so I just got done letting everyone know what I did for the longest time "trying to do something about my "problems" , ... only to turn around , go back to the Cross and say "oops , this one got there by mistake !" take it back and start working on a new set of problems (this one's different) and start the ball rolling again and wondering what happened !!

The razor-sharp mind of this wretch didn't realize that , in order for him to take ANYTHING ANYWHERE has to first , find out WHAT is it that he's takingand WHY ? ...Hmmmm

When one ends up breaking-up in hives or a rash because they ate strawberries , KNOWING they are allergic to them , going to The Doctor to "take care" of the rash does NOT solve the ALLERGY and worse yet even the "Why is it that I keep doing this ?" ... Doesn't it make more sense if we were to think that the "rash" is only a SYMPTOM of an pre-existing problem ? Like allergy ? ... or a self-deception of "this time will be different" (oh yeah ... go ahead , blame the enemy , your past ... just blame ANYTHING that moves !!)

In order for me to take my problem to the Cross , I had to first , be willing to WALK (action) to it , and before I even consider to do that , I had to find out what the NATURE of the "problem" was , and NOT , the consequences of it , taking care of the consequences NEVER solved ANYTHING .

Well , I'd better pause here before this post turns into a newspaper .

In Christ , our Lord
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Re: Participation ... Do we really take part ?

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:25 am

Hey brother,
I don't see the need to stop there.....I thought you where hitting right on in this topic and I am to say the least sitting here saying.....OUCH!!! but just as you are saying, quit puttin a bandaid over it and HEAL IT!!
I liked the way you used the strawberries as a metiphor (sorry I know that's not how you spell it), only with me I keep eating the strawberries and instead of the doctor I wait until the hives go away and eat some more!! and then complain *Doh*
SO finish writting "the paper" cause I'm really wanting to see what else you have to write.
God bless you bro
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Re: Participation ... Do we really take part ?

Postby realtmg » Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:01 pm

Speaking of.............There have been many members come here for help and direction. We worked with them for weeks and months.
Where did they all go? When I do not see certain names logged in; I wonder if they went back to their old ways.
Maybe I said something they did not like? eh..
So many people come here and are so proud they found Oasis. I've seen many come and go. I do not judge,but I often wonder wonder where they went.
One gives in order to receive.
Just had this on my mind for some time now.

Luv ya,

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Re: Participation ... Do we really take part ?

Postby momof3 » Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:50 pm

Brother Vahn!

Awesome! I agree! (the strawberry thingy cracked me up cuz if I eat one again, I die *Whistle* ) but ohhh, how our addictions kill without:

Get to the ROOT of the problem...with His leading...

God bless ya, bro. Would like to read more, too...

James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.
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