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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:51 am

*Cross* Nothing is impossible for You, You hold my life in Your hands. *Cross*

Jesus your all I need.

Had some random reminders this morning that He says,

It is not your sacrifices that i want but your heart.

There is an old saying that "no one catches the wild ass by running, and yet only those who run ever catch the wild ass." Maybe we can say , "No one comes to God just by loving or suffering, yet only those who have loved and suffered seem to come to God more deeply."

Martha never gets there by being more of Martha, and yet Martha's running, distraction, and clumsy, futile attempts at love are the BEGINNING of her evental transformation into Mary. It is the same for all of us.

Although we all use the phrase "peace of mind", there is realy no such thing. When you are in your mind, you are never truly at peace, and when you are truly at peace, you are never in your mind. Dont believe or disbelieve that statement either, just honestly observe yourself. Then you will know- but it will be an altogether new kind of knowing.

Thank you Lord for those.

God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:00 am


Every day i hope that He changes a part of me that needs to be changed, so I can be more like Him. I realise that if I am not open for "change" , it wont happen. Mans ego is so thick. It builds up around us like a brick wall.

More random reminders:

We create much of our own opposition when we refuse to change.

Heaven is NOW and Forever for those who are willing to keep changing, even for the "bad" whom God forever entices into a state of communion, a letting go into love. As soon as we change into communion we are immediately in heaven. So we all had better become well-practiced at changing !

St Catherine of of Siena put it, "It is heaven all the way to heaven, and it is hell all the way to hell."

Hell is an urgent warning against the fatal and eternal consequences of not changing into communion. It indeed kills the soul. We flourish more by learning from our mistakes and changing than by a straight course that teaches us nothing.

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:30 am

How can we begin to understand HIs ways? How can we comprehend what He is doing in this world? He says my face you cannot see!... My back you can see... In Hind sight we shall see, may see, if it be His will.

Do we have an attitude of deserving in life? Pre ordained happiness? Do we have a right to demand it? Everything we have we shall be happy with what we have for it is given by His mercy. Do we have entitlement? Do we have claim? WHo gave us a heart to understand and a mouth to speak? He owes us nothing.. and everything we have we owe to His mercy.

His blessing are all around us.

He is there for us all the time, we cant breath , we cant see, we cant function without Him . HE is always evident and at work in our lives. We cannot comprehend the imcomprehensible.

Subordinating to the will of God. Submit and accept and be thankful for what He has done thus far. Dont ask questions, put intelect to the side. Be silent and accept to the will of God without complaining. Submitting brings us to a place of freedom.


The closer we get to the glory of Him... i realised that there were no more questions.

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:01 am

I learned today that the Davidic harp consisted of 22 strings, one for each letter of the Alef- bet ( Hebrew Alphabet). When David played the harp, it was not just a pretty song to listen to, but also a song that contained words through the music, as each string that was plucked joined words together and was offered up to HIm as praise and prayer. I thought that was fabulous and just had to share here.

Also, We all have our own individual song to Him, and it is unique and only "our" song between the two of us. A deep poem of the soul sent to God. *AngelYellow*

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby Timothy » Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:13 am

What a wonderful state of being!

Thank you for sharing, Jill :)
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:38 am

*Wave* Hi timmy,
Amen! David was in a beautiful state of being. Truly worshipped Him in Spirit and in Truth.

I learned today some important truths about self doubt.
3 words of self doubt

IF – “If I finally manage to get my act together, I will have an amazing business plan.” “If?” What kind of language is that? I thought you were serious? Not if – When! I thought you said it was a great plan? So why start with “If”? I have no idea what your business plan says, but if you don’t wholeheartedly go for it, there’s an excellent chance it will remain one big “if.”

If is iffy. Ban that word! “If” can imply choice, but often it simply means that you doubt it will ever happen.

BUT – “I am committed to working my way through this computer manual, but I need to get a few things sorted out first.” The word “but” is the verbal equivalent of the reverse gear in your car. It negates whatever is said before. “But” is a great eraser. It rubs out whatever positive intentions you had expressed previously.

If a friend says to you: “Miss, you’re looking great today, but it’s a shame about the hairstyle,” she would have been better saying nothing. When someone says, “Yes, but…” you know the emphasis is on the “but,” not the “yes.” When you are expressing your positive affirmation, there is no “but.” Don’t use the word again.

TRY – “I will try to get my office sorted out before I am literally submerged under my papers.” What do you mean by “try”? Are you or are you not going to clear out your office? No one in the history of the planet has ever tried to clean out his office – he either did or he didn’t.
The word “try” presupposes failure. The word “try” is often used when there is an expectation of defeat. You are not going to try to tackle your office deluge – you “will” tackle it! I cannot guarantee you’ll succeed, but I can guarantee that if you try to do it, you won’t. You don’t try to do your accounts – you just do it. To achieve a goal, don’t try; just do. As Yoda said in The Empire Strikes Back: “Do, or do not. There is no ‘try.’“

Excerpted from There Must Be a Better Way, by Yossi Ives

So start speaking as if you mean it. No ifs ands or buts. *BigGrin*

I will be working on these ones *AngelYellow*

God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby vahn » Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:48 pm

Very good Jill [*]So start speaking as IF you mean it.[*] . But .. I'm just joking ... I'll TRY to do be seriouser next time .... rofl *hug*

In Christ , our Lord
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:25 pm

OK OK!!!

So start speaking like you mean it. *Clap*

That better dear? I told you i had to start working on it!!! Geesh *Doh*

love ya, my crazy man ;)

God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:48 am




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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:24 pm

I am so thankful for all my brothers and sisters! Thank you Lord \./.

I am also thankful for my job! This wonderful lady I have the privilege to care for. She is a gem with a heartbreaking story and beat odds that many have not. She has a heart for girls, since she had all sons. And is passionate of Judaism. I was warned by staff that she is a hard case. Well, I said Nothing is to hard for my Lord. I too at the beginning was a victim of such behavior from her. I knew God was going to be working in this.

Fast forward... This lady is now enjoying her evenings with wonderful conversations, enjoys doing crafts and participating in other activities and she is walking with her walker to dinner and back. At times I stand in complete awe how much she has progressed in the last month. I can't do anything else but thank the good Lord for what He is doing in her. That He has softened her heart to reach out and befriend me. Such a joy she has become.

Again I say .. Nothing is impossible with God.
Last edited by xxJILLxx on Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby vahn » Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:15 pm

And that , is what serving our Lord is all about !! ... We serve our Lord , not the "people" He puts in our paths , it is He who will take care of His people , not us , we are but mere instrument of His Love , and for that , we should be all grateful . I know I am , I still , to this day and time of this typing , stand in awe that He would even consider using a wretch like me for anything , let alone being trusted to care for His other Children , my siblings .

Luv ya
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:21 am

Love you vahn xox

i get these daily inspirations on my iphone with an app and i would like to share the one i got today.

"Look inside and you'll see" We must look past the mask people show us, to see the soul within. We do this by working with our own strong emotions. It is what is inside of us that we are trying to avoid that prevents us from truly "seeing" the other. Once we find it and become willing to FEEL it , it is like magic- our vision of the other changes. SOmetimes it is hard to stay there- the blame will keep creeping back in- but when we own our feelings, we start to have some different choices. Today , when you are experiencing a strong emotional reaction to someone, fnd out what old feeling they have triggered. It's never about the other person. Look inside and you'll see.

God bless
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