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Clinical Depression/Christianity

Postby PattyLovesJesus » Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:23 pm

I wonder if there are any other Christians out there who struggle with clinical depression? It's not a topic many Christians like to talk about, which makes it even more difficult for those of us who struggle with this disease. I have been praying and praying for many years that God would heal me from this problem. Sometimes it seems that nothing is changing and that can be discouraging. In fact, one of the few things that makes me joyful is when I am in the chat room with other believers; there is so much love, joy, peace, - all the fruits of the spirit. It's one of the few times I am truly happy!
If anyone cares to comment, please do so. It's rough feeling like the only one.
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Re: Clinical Depression/Christianity

Postby flutemusic67 » Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:56 pm

Howdy, Patty *Wave* There are lots of Christians here with depression. If you were to sift through the forum called COOL Christian Counseling Journals and the Emotion Management or even Prayer Partners, you would be sure to find them.

I go through spats of depression and I agree that being around loving, fun, and peaceful people is really helpful. So is my lil puppy dog. :)

My resolution for today, next month, and years to come is to be further from the world and closer to the Word.
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Re: Clinical Depression/Christianity

Postby gabrielle1965 » Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:02 am

Christians do get depressed and some may think, if your a Christian why should you be depressed. Depression is something we can't control it's a illness that can controls us. Yes the enemy can use it against us to cause me or you to be unhappy and not be joyful in the Lord, but Jesus said this;
But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick". Meaning if we are sick in body or mind for us to seek help with him and also a Doctor.
That shows yes Christians do get depressed. Even Preachers and Pastors get depressed but the hard thing with them is they hide a lot of their emotions because of who they are. so we need to really pray for them. Patty I have struggled most of my life with depression and yes I am a child of GOD, and I am not ashamed to say I have needed help but I know someday there will be a place we want be depressed and we want have to hide are emotions, thats why he died on calvary for you and me and that is something to be joyful for. Honestly who could'nt live in this world of discontentment and not be a little down their is'nt nobody.
I will be praying for you Love Gab *Pray* *JesusSign*
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Re: Clinical Depression/Christianity

Postby Dora » Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:26 pm

Hello Patty *Wave*

I'm glad you found something that picks up your spirits.

I was told I was depressed about 13 years ago. They can't really say it's clinical or circumstantial cause there's really no test.

I don't claim to have depression cause....well....that's just depressing. ;)

I found medication didn't work well for me but herbs did. Also, exercise, eating healthy food, listening to what my body needs, seeing a counselor, listening to music that lifts my mood, not watching tv shows or movies that are depressing, sad, or triggering of bad memories, and hanging around people who are positive helps a bundle.

I also found not giving myself to much of my attention helps. lol That might sound funny but really much of our thoughts seem to be geared towards ourselves. Just thinking about others, focusing on others, helping others, serving others, doing kind things for others. The other day was a really tuff one. My mind wanted to focus on negative things. Then I remembered a time I caught someone by surprise and made them smile. I smiled remembering it. I kept taking my mind back to that thought every time I thought something negative. It was just all I had that day to hang on to. So I hung on tight and I got through that day. Today was kinda ruff mentally as well. I got through it by thinking of how good tomorrow is going to be. Yes it will be a good day! :) Positive thinking. I refuse to think other wise.

Sometimes I have to stop and look around and find something that feels good. Sometimes it's the morning sun light shining through the white lace curtains, sometimes it's a bird outside the window singing, sometimes it's a flower or a light breeze or a child laughing outside or the smell of cut grass. I just grab a hold of that one thing that lifts my mood even if it's ever so slightly and I focus on that to help me through a moment. And I begin praising God for that thing what ever it is.

Often I focus on His goodness. It seems to make everything else melt away. He is good. He is faithful. He will see us through.

Any how. I hope this helps. :)

Christians are just people with the same struggles as the rest of the world, except we have a link to a God of love and hope.

Take care.
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Re: Clinical Depression/Christianity

Postby PattyLovesJesus » Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:42 am

Thank you so much, Flute, Gab and Pine - I appreciate your post - each one was very helpful - it's nice to know I am not alone in this. Right now I'm doing fine, I love the Christmas season - I love listening to Christmas music and doing things for other people - wrapping gifts, baking cookies, etc. Putting up the tree. I usually have the hardest time in January, I live in the northeast and we get a lot of cold weather and lots of snow then. The lack of sunlight seems to have an effect on me too. It is so true that it really helps to focus on something other then yourself. Offer help to other people, pray for them, make it Christmas all year. Exercise helps a lot too. And try to get out around people - that really helps. Thank you all again and I hope you have a joyful Christmas and very blessed 2012! God Bless You!!!
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Re: Clinical Depression/Christianity

Postby Upward » Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:16 pm

I just wanted to reply with some ecnouragement and let you know another believer cares. You need not make any sort of apology for feeling depressed or being afflicted with the condition of deppression. God kows your heart and from reading your post one can easily sense your love for the Lord. Even the Apostles dispaired of life at times and seeing what they went through they must surley got through by the grace and power of the Lord. God is nigh unto you and available to listen to every need concern or fear. I am glad you find comfort in the company of believers here in chat. I do as well. I'm praying for you and your family may you all have a very blessed Christmas and may the New Year bring renewed strength and healing to your mind and heart. I find reading some of the saints of the past who lived their lives for Christ and what they wrote concerning the things we go through today helps me alot. So following are some of those quotes to ponder. I hope they bless you as they have blessed me..

“As followers of Christ, we often suffer not because we are out of God's will but because we are in it, not because we lack faith but because we have faith. We suffer not because we need to be filled with the Spirit but because we already are.
Stronger faith does not mean less suffering, but more suffering means stronger faith. Far from calling our faith into question, our afflictions result in our becoming more and more like Christ Himself.”

“Our Lord does not promise to change life for us; He does not promise to remove difficulties and trials and problems and tribulations; He does not say that He is going to cut out all the thorns and leave the roses with their wonderful perfume.
No; He faces life realistically, and tells us that these are things to which the flesh is heir, and which are bound to come.
But He assures us that we can so know Him that, whatever happens, we need never be frightened, we need never be alarmed.

“Spiritual joy is: The settled conviction that God sovereignly controls the events of life for the believers’ good and His glory. Spiritual joy is not an attitude dependent on chance or circumstance.
It is the deep and abiding confidence that regardless of one’s circumstances in life, all is well between the believer and the Lord.
No matter what difficulty, pain, disappointment, failure, rejection, or other challenge one is facing, genuine joy remains because of that eternal well being established by God’s grace in salvation.
Thus, Scripture makes it clear that the fullest, most lasting and satisfying joy is derived from a true relationship with God. It is not based on circumstances or chance, but is the gracious and permanent possession of every child of God.”

“Your afflictions may only prove that you are more immediately under the Father's hand. There is no time that the patient is such an object of tender interest to the surgeon, as when he is bleeding beneath his knife.
So you may be sure if you are suffering from the hand of a reconciled God, that His eye is all the more bent on you.”

God bless you.....Merry Christmas
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