Comparing God's Paritcle with The God Particle

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Comparing God's Paritcle with The God Particle

Postby saint701 » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:51 pm

Hello All,


Every once in a while the Lord gives me a message to play with. Several weeks ago while watching some informational program...could have been 60 minutes...I don't remember, but the topic was "The God Particle of Quantum Physics." I thought the title was catchy so I wrote it down thinking the Lord might want to do something with it. Two days ago I received His prompting to go with it. I was excited but knew it would be today before I could begin researching the ins and outs of the mystery. I do hope you enjoy the article. I have pasted it below.

Good day to you St. Louisans, all. We do hope and pray all is well with your soul, and that your soul prospers. Such is a blessing given us by the Apostle John. Kenneth Hagin made it stand out as a key element of his prosperity doctrine, but he did not define it with the wisdom and understanding the light of the Holy Spirit brings to us. He simply gave the scripture an interpretation that would help justify why it is good for us to have lots of money and material possessions. Had he been able to understand the true meaning of the phrase he would have said that one's soul only prospers when the light of men, our Lord Jesus, indwells our soul. His presence within us makes us happy, thus we prosper. The faith of God, the power of God, is changing us from darkness to light.

Traveling to the Jefferson Barracks V. A. medical center via the John Cochran V. A. hospital shuttle yesterday morning, we met a gentleman about our age by the name of Carl. (last name withheld by request) We learned that Carl was a Viet Nam veteran, an X- Hell's Angel, and a recovering alcoholic. More importantly, we learned that he was Christian, and therefore a very important person to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It was apparent from Carl's choice of apparel that his soul was in the early stages of spiritual transformation and not really yet in sinc with what was transpiring within Him. He was still dressing like a Hell's Angel. Nevertheless, his apparel aside, we could sense that within him, the unseen change on the outside, was occuring inside. God's particle was at work within the man, (faith) and in the process of making his soul to prosper.

God's particle and The God Particle of Quantum Physics, (Higgs for short), have some similarities. To date, we have not been able to see either one of them, but reason by their defined effect on material things that they exist. That's one similarity. Another similarity found in The God Particle and God's particle is that they are believed to hold our universe together. We understand such by how they are defined. God's particle, faith, is defined in the Book of Hebrews chapter eleven verses one and three. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. The God Particle of physics is also said to be the very thing that holds our universe together, the very thing that gives mass to substance, the substance being the most minute particles that frame our universe. (National Geographic, July 2011). It is said to be a micro burst of energy that appears and disappears in terms of nano seconds or less. To date such has not been seen, but physicists are still hopeful to catch a glimpse of it soon while the Large Hadron Collider, (particle accelerator), located in France is still in operation.

We find it amazing that what the Apostle Paul penned some two thousand years ago has now landed in the laps of scientists in the form of a search for that which the Apostle Paul spoke of, the power of faith. Even more interesting about the word of God is that it is described as quick and powerful, so powerful that its instant working in God's phrase, "LET THERE BE LIGHT," is the power undergirding everything that exists today. Such explains why if we had the faith of God we could tell a mountain to lift up and fall into a sea and it would do so. Faith is the inherent creative energy within God that comprises His Word, our Lord Jesus, to bring things into being. It works by changing darkness into light. The blind see. The lame walk. The deaf are made to hear. The dumb are made to speak. Evil humans are transformed into good ones. All these things are things of darkness God changes into light.

We wonder what would happen to physicists if they could see the power of God? Would their darkness be turned into light? Most certainly!

Blessings! I pray that you all have a tremendous fourth of July weekend!
Love, In Christ Jesus, saint

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