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Blogging? Is this where we do it?

Postby failure » Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:22 pm

ok. I entered into this 14 day counseling thing hoping and fearful... As I venture into this counseling endeavor I can not help bit feel nervoucs. Each one of us has stuff, but I feel like my stuff is so different. I have been focusing on being poured out at the foot of the cross - even at Jesus feet but I am here adn fearing the many "what ifs". So here I go....

My first thought is "I think im depressed." I dont see my children any more as beautiful gifts with a bright future. I look at them and see my failures. I see two beautiful children who are extremely obedient, and respectful. they have honored God and their parents. Why would God want them to go through this.....My husband and I have been in the 'ministry" for 20 years. we moved across the country for a "better" oppurtunity to minister the Gospel to women. it was good at first. Then things started happening and 5 hospital stays later, and a quadruple bypass we ended up back where we started. ONly we were living in the basement of our friends house- all four of my kdis and all four of hers. Yes that makes 12 people in all. My husband was on death's door, neither one of us had jobs, and I was lost. My trust in God was waivering, my understanding of Him was blown to smitherenes, and I had to keep it all together for the kids. On top of that my husband received news he had to get his leg amputated...crushing. He got his leg amputated and all seemed well until helanded in hospital one more time with infection. This was a devastating blow because we thougth the amputation was going to end the hospital stays. I am working and now struggling to find time to take him to dr appts- take kids to their stuff adn still maintain a semblance of normalcy.

to be continued....
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Re: Blogging? Is this where we do it?

Postby Lani » Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:57 pm

Hello Sis
*WelcomeTrain* to *ChillinAtOasis*

It is an honor to meet ya :)

I cannot call ya "failure" cuz sis.... You aren't. The burden gets heavy, and it can feel like failing but... you are not a failure. Know how I know.... You are here, you are His, and you are Loved.

God has led you to an awesome Family to help comfort, uplift, and encourage you, as together God shows ya how to move beyond this point.

Looking forward to walkin each of these steps with you on that journey toward Healing. I pray you will continue to journal through each day.

Prayers are with and your family.

Peace n Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani


Just to help answer your initial question :)

This is actually the welcome forum awesome place to meet the O family :) woot! Welcome once again!!!
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*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Re: Blogging? Is this where we do it?

Postby Dora » Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:41 pm

Hello sis. *hug* You sound so over whelmed.

When reading your post I thought about sharing with you to consider Job and the testing he went through. Above all and through it all, keep your faith. Keep it strong. There will be a better day. This is not failure. This is just a test. I pray you can trust Him despite the whirlwind going on around you. He does love you and wants what is best for you and your family.

May you feel peace that is beyond understanding as you seek Him and His perfect will in your life.

You are not a failure. You are His. And He does love you more than you can imagine. I am glad you are here. I feel for you and will continue to pray for you. Glad you shared. *Pray* Here if you ever need a friend. An ear. Or a hug.
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Re: Blogging? Is this where we do it?

Postby Timothy » Sun May 01, 2011 5:21 am

Hello Sis, *jump*

Glad yu are here! *ohyeah*

God has called you so you are His and He won't let you go cause He loves you so.
He will strengthen those who call upon Him. His mercies and faithfullness endures.
He will be with you as you pass thru the waters and go thru the fires.
He has called you by your name. You are His!

What you are, Not, is a failure.

So the four of us are in agreement.
And you know what the Bible says about when two or three or four or more are in agreement.

I think its time for a name change. One that speaks Life...
"Claimed - by Him"
"His Beloved"
"Chosen by Him"
or maybe even, "Hello Sis"? :roll:

*Computer* See ya around..."Victorious"...

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Re: Blogging? Is this where we do it?

Postby Lani » Sun May 01, 2011 11:35 am

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww *Amen2*

I definately hafta agree with Brother Timothy...

*ohyeah* "Victorious"! *ohyeah*
Cuz through Him, you WILL have Victory over these storms, declared in Jesus Name! *Clap*

We are always here to stand in support and encourage your steps til the storm passes (and beyond).

Please keep us posted as ya can sis.

Prayers remain
Luv ya
*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Re: Blogging? Is this where we do it?

Postby ciny » Thu May 26, 2011 6:58 pm

welcome to oasis nice to meet you hope you find this as a nice friendly place we are all like a big family i pray its a sfae place for you
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