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This forum is a place where those who feel called by the Lord are able to post about any trials or victories they are going through as they serve the Lord by reaching and teaching His children. You can post and then lock your thread so no one can reply, if you so choose. Think of it as your own personal diary or journal that you choose to share with others who are called as to share ideas, experiences and tips as they too serve the Lord.

Postby Lani » Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:18 am

*Hug9* P'apple!

Sweetie, it seems those closest to us tend to be a little (or even a LOT critical) of our actions.... for any number of reasons.

Whether your brother is older or younger, there is a natural... competitive streak and it is likely he feels some of the same anxieties in his life that you feel in yours. If he feels he cannot share, for any number of reasons, it is likely he keeps these feelings inside and this causes him to "attack" ... sadly, that it seems he comes to you.

Please know, you are appreciated and loved very much!! And anytime you want to make Pancakes, lg and I will be waiting ;) he is a pancake monster :)

Thanks for sharing sis!

How is running going?

Peace and Love in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

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Postby pineapple-lump555 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:40 pm

Went for a run yesterday, for the first time all december-(it seems christmas put a halt on my fitness regime) though i ended up running about 200m and walking the rest of the 2.5 k, but thats excercise right? and i ran a little bit! I need to work on the RUNNING bit at the

I am going to sponsor a child with world vision. My mum has agreed to pay half, so i am paying $20 NZ per month, and she is paying the other $20, which, minus my other expenses, leaves me $7.90 NZ (US $6.16) a week. But if african kids can survive on a dollar a day for a whole family, including expenses, i can too right?

On a less bright note, my grandfather had a heart attack on new years eve, and is in hospital at the moment. he is progressing slowly but well, and he might be coming to stay with us soon as he can't go back home by himself yet.
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Postby deetu » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:14 pm

It is better to light a candle then curse the darkness *lost*
No fear... just freedom *knight*
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Postby pineapple-lump555 » Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:35 pm

it was our pastors last day at church today, and our new pastors start (officially) in a fortnight. We prayed for them after the service and then everyone hugged them and said goodbye (there ended up being a really long line) and heaps of people were crying and the worship team sung a song.

Gonna miss them heaps but i can't wait for our new pastors.
Don't cry because its over.
Smile because it happened.
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Re: Papple

Postby pineapple-lump555 » Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:54 am

Wow. Haven't posted in here in a while.
Looking back today, i found that the only time i could think of when me and my mother actually got along was when i was 7. Making daisy chains.
Our relationship is in tatters and i know it. I haven't told her things for nearly 7 years, because whenever i told her something she just shrugged it off as nothing and told me to ignore it. The yelling, the fights, the tears, i stopped telling her what was really going on, when something wen't wrong, i didn'ttell her.
Now, i've found that i hate her more than i love her, and my dad is going overseas for a month in may and i don't know how im going to be able to withstand a whole month of her yelling without my dad there. I wish he didn't have to go.
Don't cry because its over.
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Re: Papple

Postby pineapple-lump555 » Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:41 am

I finally got it all down on paper. My story. My struggle. The story is one big metaphor, it takes it away from the harsh reality of the content, so that it moves people, not scares them. But then, mostly so that it wouldn't scare me. My best friend is the only person who has seen this story, and although she does not know my background and what happened, she gets the story, and she thinks its beautiful. I like it, still needs some work, but it feels good to get it out.

The Gift

It was given to me on the day i was conceived, a small box, wrapped in happiness and heartache, adventure and tragedy. Each day unlocked new secrets. But like many gifts i have received over the years, after a while, i no longer wanted it.

At first i was enchanted by the magic of the box, as i ripped off layer after layer of the paper and discarded the torn shreds as memories. But when i looked around me at the broken fragments i called my life, my heart sank.

It was one big mess, shredded strands lying all over the place, some with holes in them. I picked up the nearest piece of paper and shuddered at the picture it showed. A young girl pressed against the wall, her hands covering her ears in a desperate attempt to block out the jeering taunts of her classmates. I threw the paper away in horror as the memory came to life in my mind.

My fingers shook as i picked up the next piece of paper. The girl was older now, staring at the picture in her lap of two smiling girls. I set it aside gently and once again shuddered when i saw the next picture. The girl was standing on her bed, tying a pair of black stockings to the roof in a skinny loop. I couldn't bear to watch anymore. I threw the pieces away.

The papers seemed to form a never ending sea of sorrow, drowning the good memories under the painful ones. I wondered if it was all really worth it. Why keep a gift that causes you more pain than it does happiness?

I tried to destroy the box. It wouldn't have taken much. Life is so fragile, it can shatter in a moment. I fought against the idea. It was still a gift, no matter how much i hated it; a gift someone believed i would benefit from, so who was i to destroy it? I couldn't help but think of all the other lives so delicately intertwined with mine. How much damage would i cause to their boxes with the destruction of my own?

As i tore the last scrap of paper from the box, i realised i had never actually looked at the gift. I had been so occupied with the paper it was wrapped in that the gift itself hadn't even received a second glance.

It was a delicate glass box. The surface was scratched, but the scratches formed an intricate design, beautifully engraved in the glass. I could see my reflection staring up at me, and in the box's surface i could see the faces of people i knew and loved. People who loved me. I knew i could never destroy it now. It would destroy them.

My hands shook as i opened the box. A beautiful, slow melody floated up to my ears, quiet and sad in places, happy and fast paced in others. What a beautiful gift it was, the music box. It sang its beautiful song and i realised that my song wasn't ending after all. In fact, it was just beginning.
Don't cry because its over.
Smile because it happened.
Dr Seuss
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Re: Papple

Postby SuperBiblePingu » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:02 am

i would be sad if you left..
and btw aweshome story papple,

God Bless
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Re: Papple

Postby momof3 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:45 am

Papples, *hug*

This really touched my heart today. from ashes...A tapestry being woven by the Hand of God..leaving His fingerprints. Thank you for posting this. *BigGrin*

In Jesus,
love momo *Halo*
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