Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.

you say...God says:

Postby momof3 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:01 pm

You say: God Says: Bible verse:

"It's impossible" All things are possible: Luke 18:27

"Im too tired" I will give you rest: Matthew 11:28-30

"nobody really loves me" I love you: John 3:1-6 & John 3:34

"I can't go on" My grace is sufficient: 2 Corinthians 12:9 & Psalms 91:15

"I can't figure things out" I will direct your steps: Proverbs 3:5-6

"I can't do it" You can do all things: Phillipians 4:13

"i'm not able" I am able: 2 Corinthians 9:8

"It's not worth it" It will be worth it: Romans 8:28

"I can't forgive myself" I forgive you: 1 John 1:9 & Romans 8:1

"I can't manage" I will supply all your needs: Philippians 4:19

"I'm afraid" I have not given you a spirit of fear: 2 Timothy 1:7

"I'm always worried and frustrated" Cast all your cares on ME: 1 Peter 5:7

"I'm not smart enough" I give you wisdom: 1 Corinthians 1:30 & James 1:5

"I feel alone" I will NEVER leave you or forsake you: Hebrews 13:5

These arent just pretty words written on paper, they are His promises to you. We gotta DAILY renew our minds with His thoughts toward us.

Love you alls.

In Jesus,
love momo *Halo*
James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.
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Re: you say...God says:

Postby goldieluvs » Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:53 pm

momof3 wow *hug5*

Thanks so much for sharing.... it hit home, i copied it into a word document and am gonna share it with a couple people i know.

Wow He is awesome huh?

luv ya
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