Springs, streams, and rushing rivers: whisp blog

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Postby mlg » Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:45 pm

What do I do for fun...I watch my daughter play basketball, I watch my daughter cheer, I listen to my daughter sing, I guess I love being a mother.

What else do I do for fun...well I spend time with my friends..and my family. I love to cook...so I do a lot of that too.

I enjoy travelling and doing things to just relax. Playing games...reading...and even writing when I have time.

I would say those are fun...but most of all I enjoy reaching out to lost souls telling them about Jesus...This is my truest passion...and yes sometimes I encounter heartache, and have even recently been laughed off...but in the end...I know that I've tried, and if one thing I've shared sinks through and plants a seed...then I have done what will bring Glory to my Father...and that brings me all the joy that life can offer...It's more than fun...it's a blast!

luv ya
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:30 pm

Very nice mlg.

For everyone including me, hug your children tight everyday, always tell them you love them.
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Postby Wonderfilled One » Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:45 pm

I second that emotion, Whisperingsprings, for they are only a shirttails distance for a short time. Love em always, and *hug* em whenever ya can!
"Please, Lord, teach us to laugh again, but God, don't ever let us forget that we cried."
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:52 pm

*Pray* *Pray* *Pray* *Pray* *Pray*

goodgrief. how is it that one employment market can be so unstable emotionally?????

please *Pray* . I need a specific person to sign off on some paperwork or I am in hot water with this employer. I've been trying to respect the person who needs to sign the paperwork but, things don't work that way these days. (sigh) I honestly wonder what happened to trying to be patient with one another and showing kindness as best as you can?????!!! I don't get it. I feel like either I take and get what I need cause of the rules or I get into trouble. I'm not trying to shirk my responsibilities for certain. I can't help but wonder if there can't be a better way to manage a company and still respect everyone involved?

I think I need to find a management type friend or something to help me work through this carefully. I will talk to one of the people I work with.

Guess I'm kinda delayed. Heck, I'm 41 almost 42, the 25year old understands all the rules and rationales perfectly. However, there are other areas where I was more balanced and healthy at 25 than the young lady mentioned above. Perhaps I should be grateful for God's timing: the way the potter formed me "the pot". The more I ponder why I should be grateful, the more joy I am beginning to feel in my little soul. :) :)

Praise the Lord.
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Postby mlg » Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:15 pm

awww whispering the answer to your question is yes. I am a manager and have about 50 employees under me...and they all are respected by me and in turn I receive that same respect. Just know that all companies aren't like that...but take and draw on patience during this time....as it will help you get past this.

luv ya
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:14 am

hugs mlg. thank you.

Hi everyone,


The person i was looking for showed up on the night they weren't supposed to be there. ;) Paperwork taken care of. Then another incident. Geez, honestly, sometimes, I wonder. Well, heck, this time, I talked to my friends and took their advice. I'm keeping my mouth shut and seeing how this plays out. If I had done as instructed, then we would have had a Bad outcome. *eek* Because I missed that 1 instruction, things turned out well.

Holey moley . . . do I *laughter* or :cry: I suppose I should laugh for now, huh???? I'll just take God's joy and keep on movin on, I do believe. ;)

I skipped the gym today. I bought shoes that won't work HOWEVER, I searched the internet and found a store close to me that will help me!!!!! :) I refuse to let my overweight body keep me from living my life. My big ole behind and I will be at the gym tomorrow for certain.

I've also called the chiropracter to schedule an appointment. I need my spine adjusted and the correct shoes for my feet.

Hmmmm, I wonder what I did with that yoga book. (looking at icing leftover from devoured chocolate cake :oops: ) Oh well, try again :P
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Postby mlg » Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:35 pm

Hi hun glad things worked out for ya. *hug*

Oh go ahead indulge in life...and keep up the exercise habits too :)

luv ya
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:04 pm

well chiropractor had to crack everything from my spine, ribs out of place, shoulders, neck, hips both sides, and ankles. My feet are now taped up and comfortable this way :)

my spine has only been aligned for 17 hours. it's popping out of alignment again but that's okay. that happens and i expected this. so did my chiropractor. he's going to help me by making orthotics for my feet too. he keeps in mind my stability needs for the spine. woot :D.

very expensive but i think sometimes ya just gotta do what you gotta do. besides, my employer requires that i be on my feet etc alot. so i can't not do anything, ya know what i mean?

gotta go. take care everyone and have a good weekend. next week i'm working alot! I have to get the money together for this ski trip. we need a vacation and have needed one for a very long long time.

hugs mlg.

and have a great weekend everybody hug5
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:59 pm

busy week. stressed but okay, does that make sense?

i think everyone has stress.

finding my way back into several websites that i have absolutely no business being in. think i went there because it is easier on me than dealing with my stress here at home. i am working with God through that one. I am getting responses from Him. cut the boys hair today. they wimpered and cried. finally had it out with them. let them know i am tired of the whining and crying when i cut their hair. they are going to have to be brave and put up with mommy. let them know if they don't want to comb and brush it then it has to be cut.

i intend to raise men not large babies. wish oh how i wish i knew how to do that. I am at such a loss. i want my babies to know sooo very much. i think that the parenting will come okay as long as i spend more time with them and talk to them. but i need to be present and available not physically present. and wish i could throw out all the computers in this house. i think we have 5 all total (including Kindle, I-pad.) This is ridiculous.

Time to pray and ask God to start breaking things. that has always worked in the past. Time to pray this one again. I certainly need to be careful where I am on the web and what I am reading, cause, it ain't good!!! perhaps i should start with my own stuff. yep, that's where i need o start.
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:39 pm

made it through work and no porn. confessed the porn issue to the spouse. i don't know if it was so much a confession as a I'm tired of trying to deal with my stress and strain and don't know what to do. This is me and I'm struggling.

sometimes I wonder if other people find themselves using porn to relieve the stress of day to day life. Kinda like people who are over eaters use food initially and then later it becomes a big problem . . . Same with pornography, I think.

Sin will take you farther than you wanted to go. Keep you longer than you wanted to stay. And cost you more than you ever intended to pay.

Keep struggling, keep swimming. Keep moving. One day, this world and existance will be finished. I'll be free.
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Yep, works just tha same...

Postby Wonderfilled One » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:49 pm

Hey Whisperin,
Indeed, it surely does give one the same effect. And it can be sooo easy to accidently stumble onto them darn sites that we know we shouldn't go to. I saw the extent that online porn can drag a person down to, when I was going to a sex addiction support group, and I really didn't know the powerful draw it can have. I never went there, because I had no idea how to hide the tracks from my wife, and figured she would stumble across them somehow, sometime.
My big fear is for all the preteens+ who can now access porn from their cell/smartphones! There is anything, and everything you could think of out there for them to see, and I know in my heart that we are going to have an epidemic of addictions ahead. And NOBODY seems to be aware of/addressing it!!!
For the three years after I got "caught", I had no problem with abstaining from acting out, as we had a normal sex life. After the separation 2 1/2 yrs. ago, I had no accountability to speak of, and have occasionally found myself straying off course, but on this side of paying for anything on the net.(still plenty to drink in!), and it brings a new dynamic into play...no partner.
I'm glad to see you've kept up your blog...Thank God for that.
Keep Him in you sights as you walk thru your days, and if ya stumble, get back up, brush yourself off, and keep lookin forward.
Always around if ya need an ear to listen..
GBU. luv ya,
"Please, Lord, teach us to laugh again, but God, don't ever let us forget that we cried."
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:20 am

yes, i do believe you are correct in your assessment of the porn situation.

i'm going to be honest with you though. i intended to locate the porn that night and went looking for something to relieve the stress of my mind. i will also say that it was one of the very worst choices that i could have made because it fried my brain. my eyes and brain aren't the same still yet. in the words of my coworkers "jacked up".

guess what i have that i could have been doing? let's see here; sewing projects 3; cross stitch projects 2; studying 2 to 3 books; reading about gardening; cooking a yummy dessert or trying a new recipe from my million cookbooks downstairs!!!!!! the list goes on and on and . . . oiye vey.

all i can say is trying again. continuing to journal. and well, i need to journal in my other hard cover too. alot to say that i don't want here. i think it all still goes back to not wanting to cry . . . not wanting to hurt . . .

and yet, somehow, i manage to injure myself alot.
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