Christianity Oasis Forum
~Dont ever let go~
Could you see the Lord holding you right now
In His everlasting arms of love?
Embracing you right now
Holding you right now in His arms of love
Let Him hold you in His arms
There is safety in His arms
There is mercy, there is grace
His mighty arms of love
He will never let you go
He will never let go
You dont have to be alone
You dont have to be afraid
Hold me in your arms Lord
let me feel your love
Dont ever let go
Wrap me in your arms Lord.
The writing "God's Beauty Tips," whose author is unknown, is a fun and inspirational way to let your inner beauty shine brightly!
God's Beauty Tips
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in other people.
To lose weight, let go of stress, hatred, anger, discontentment and the need to control others.
To improve your ears, listen to the Word of God.
Rather than focus on the thorns of life, smell the roses and count your blessings, giving thanks for each one of them.
For poise, walk with knowledge and self-esteem.
To strengthen your arms, hug at least three people a day; Touch someone with your love.
To strengthen your heart, forgive yourself and others.
Don't worry and hurry so much. Rather than walk this earth lightly, walk firmly with determination and leave your mark.
For the ultimate in business, casual or evening attire, put on the robe of Christ; it fits like a glove but allows room for growth. Best of all, it never goes out of style and is appropriate for any occasion.
Doing these things on a daily basis will certainly make you a more beautiful person.
"You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." 1 Peter 3:4 (NLT)
God bless
Could you see the Lord holding you right now
In His everlasting arms of love?
Embracing you right now
Holding you right now in His arms of love
Let Him hold you in His arms
There is safety in His arms
There is mercy, there is grace
His mighty arms of love
He will never let you go
He will never let go
You dont have to be alone
You dont have to be afraid
Hold me in your arms Lord
let me feel your love
Dont ever let go
Wrap me in your arms Lord.

The writing "God's Beauty Tips," whose author is unknown, is a fun and inspirational way to let your inner beauty shine brightly!
God's Beauty Tips
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in other people.
To lose weight, let go of stress, hatred, anger, discontentment and the need to control others.
To improve your ears, listen to the Word of God.
Rather than focus on the thorns of life, smell the roses and count your blessings, giving thanks for each one of them.
For poise, walk with knowledge and self-esteem.
To strengthen your arms, hug at least three people a day; Touch someone with your love.
To strengthen your heart, forgive yourself and others.
Don't worry and hurry so much. Rather than walk this earth lightly, walk firmly with determination and leave your mark.
For the ultimate in business, casual or evening attire, put on the robe of Christ; it fits like a glove but allows room for growth. Best of all, it never goes out of style and is appropriate for any occasion.
Doing these things on a daily basis will certainly make you a more beautiful person.
"You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." 1 Peter 3:4 (NLT)
God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
If someone is feeling, does that mean that they are thinking less?
If part of your brain is being occupied by feeling, does it makes sense that you have less capacity for thought?
So many days i have wasted in emotional saga. Truth is if i am crying and upset about something or someone, I am not thinking clearly. If i am upset at another for whatever reason possible.. I am not thinking CLEARLY! Period. While doing an inventory i have caught myself creating reasons just to be upset because of my pride or what i thought was meant to hurt my pride (which turns out realy wasnt, it was just my perception in the midst of my "feelings" remember not thinking clearly???)
Why else would people in the midst of a trial or sudden "seemingly" disaster say. " Ok, lets calm down a bit and think about this. Lets go over the Facts and keep the emotions aside for a moment so we can see clearly."
Being that i am a wanna-be multitasker. ( I have improved
) Sometimes i try to multitask a situation, and forget to remove my emotions from the critical thinking. Not a good combination, let me tell ya! I have made many a wrong decision by doing so. Also i have to keep my ego in check and say "Jill, remember not eveything is about you."
So my conclusion and what I am learning is this:
I am an emotional mess
just kidding.
I am learning to keep the two seperate. Because they dont work well together in my case.
the more i think about it.... when selecting a jury for a case, what do they look for?
The judge or the lawyers then ask them questions as to whether they have any knowledge of the case or have had specific experiences that might cause them to be biased or unfair.
Wonder why that is?
God bless
If part of your brain is being occupied by feeling, does it makes sense that you have less capacity for thought?
So many days i have wasted in emotional saga. Truth is if i am crying and upset about something or someone, I am not thinking clearly. If i am upset at another for whatever reason possible.. I am not thinking CLEARLY! Period. While doing an inventory i have caught myself creating reasons just to be upset because of my pride or what i thought was meant to hurt my pride (which turns out realy wasnt, it was just my perception in the midst of my "feelings" remember not thinking clearly???)
Why else would people in the midst of a trial or sudden "seemingly" disaster say. " Ok, lets calm down a bit and think about this. Lets go over the Facts and keep the emotions aside for a moment so we can see clearly."
Being that i am a wanna-be multitasker. ( I have improved

So my conclusion and what I am learning is this:
I am an emotional mess

I am learning to keep the two seperate. Because they dont work well together in my case.
the more i think about it.... when selecting a jury for a case, what do they look for?
The judge or the lawyers then ask them questions as to whether they have any knowledge of the case or have had specific experiences that might cause them to be biased or unfair.
Wonder why that is?

God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Oh geez....wasting time in emotional saga. That is just like me. I pray all the time Lord just help me not to FEEL like this.....then I wont do this stuff. My emotions rule me way tooooo often and I can not function like that.
Jill, I pray that God will be the one to guide your emotions and how you handle them

sbennett - Posts: 303
- Location: Texas
- Marital Status: Married
I have been reading an exceptional book titled "Think No Evil". I couldnt put the book down, in fact i am reading it again. Get the book!!!!
It is a book about how in 2006 a man went into a Amish schoolhouse and took the lives of 5 of the young girls. It happened close to where i live. Anyways...
Thought i would share a little bit of some points that realy opened my eyes to alot about how to immulate forgiveness.
pg 114
this statement was mentioned about the shooter:
"It should be a relief to you that he's dead, he's gone, and he's not going to do this again." This was made by a non Amish.
The Amish found it a very inappropriate comment. The Amish didnt say anything, but his jaw clenched in disagreement, and his eyes looked pained.
This Amish man's first response was not to look for relief or to be thankful for some apparent working of cosmic justice where the evil man gets what he deserves-his first response was forgiveness and a longing for reconciliation.
We must not think evil of this man. Not only were the Amsih determined not to act in any way against Charles Roberts or his family, they were determined to make sure their children did not get caught up in the cycle of hate and retribution.
True forgiveness is a courageous and unnatural act, while unforgiveness is an easy journey down the path of least resistance. It takes little strength to let grudges smolder; extinguishing them through forgiveness is a lot harder, yet so much more rewarding.
Forgiveness is a decision to release yourself from anger, resentment, hate, or the urge for revenge despite the injury you suffered.
Forgivenss is letting go of hope for a different past.
By clinging to the idea that the past could have been different, I am suddenly dwelling on all of the people involved in that situation and the small part each played. This will always leave a crack in the door for unforgiveness to enter our heart. Until we let go of that hope of a different past, it will be difficult for us to move forward in forgiveness.
(pages 178and 179)
Wow!! Glory to God for revealing to me in yet another way through His people how to be more Christ like!!!!!
Amen Hallelujah!!!!!!!!
Thank u Lord! You are Good!
I suggest you all get the book and read it, it has changed my life.
God bless
It is a book about how in 2006 a man went into a Amish schoolhouse and took the lives of 5 of the young girls. It happened close to where i live. Anyways...
Thought i would share a little bit of some points that realy opened my eyes to alot about how to immulate forgiveness.
pg 114
this statement was mentioned about the shooter:
"It should be a relief to you that he's dead, he's gone, and he's not going to do this again." This was made by a non Amish.
The Amish found it a very inappropriate comment. The Amish didnt say anything, but his jaw clenched in disagreement, and his eyes looked pained.
This Amish man's first response was not to look for relief or to be thankful for some apparent working of cosmic justice where the evil man gets what he deserves-his first response was forgiveness and a longing for reconciliation.
We must not think evil of this man. Not only were the Amsih determined not to act in any way against Charles Roberts or his family, they were determined to make sure their children did not get caught up in the cycle of hate and retribution.
True forgiveness is a courageous and unnatural act, while unforgiveness is an easy journey down the path of least resistance. It takes little strength to let grudges smolder; extinguishing them through forgiveness is a lot harder, yet so much more rewarding.
Forgiveness is a decision to release yourself from anger, resentment, hate, or the urge for revenge despite the injury you suffered.
Forgivenss is letting go of hope for a different past.
By clinging to the idea that the past could have been different, I am suddenly dwelling on all of the people involved in that situation and the small part each played. This will always leave a crack in the door for unforgiveness to enter our heart. Until we let go of that hope of a different past, it will be difficult for us to move forward in forgiveness.
(pages 178and 179)
Wow!! Glory to God for revealing to me in yet another way through His people how to be more Christ like!!!!!
Amen Hallelujah!!!!!!!!
Thank u Lord! You are Good!
I suggest you all get the book and read it, it has changed my life.
God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
My favorite and often repeated "woe" was , "Well if you had my life (full of resentments angers and "disappointments" ..) , you'd drink the way I drink too " ... Until , that is , to which my sponsor retorted "vahn , If I drank the way you do , I'd have your life too !! "
Luv ya
In Christ , our Lord
Luv ya
In Christ , our Lord
vahn - Posts: 809
- Location: Earth (STILL !!)
aww thanks for the prayer sb!! love ya sista!
and kimby, what an eye opener , hu? I was like WOW too!
and vahn, thats why i love you. Past and all! xoxox
"Francesca" went home to be with our Lord... she truly is free with Him. It was such a priveledge to take care of such a wonderful woman. She taught me so much. Courage, to fight, to trust, determination. People tell me..."Jill u get too attached to these residents." I would not have it any other way... I hope i never begin to not get attached, or to become numb to life. God forbid it. Lord i ask humbly to keep my heart soft to how precious life is to YOU.
God bless
and kimby, what an eye opener , hu? I was like WOW too!
and vahn, thats why i love you. Past and all! xoxox
"Francesca" went home to be with our Lord... she truly is free with Him. It was such a priveledge to take care of such a wonderful woman. She taught me so much. Courage, to fight, to trust, determination. People tell me..."Jill u get too attached to these residents." I would not have it any other way... I hope i never begin to not get attached, or to become numb to life. God forbid it. Lord i ask humbly to keep my heart soft to how precious life is to YOU.
God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
I found this realy cool quote that i would like to share.
"Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshippers meeting together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become unity conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship. Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified. The body becomes stronger as its members become healthier. The whole church of God gains when the members that compose it begin to seek a better and a higher life."
~A W Tozer
GOd bless
"Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshippers meeting together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become unity conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship. Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified. The body becomes stronger as its members become healthier. The whole church of God gains when the members that compose it begin to seek a better and a higher life."
~A W Tozer
GOd bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Sitting here and thinking about how peaceful "Francesca" is. She did not go easily, she had a tuff time
I am just a caregiver, i cant even begin to imagine how the family must feel.
In theIR wanting to protect theIR mother of the family i seen a slew of lashing out. And anger was one of them. "someone must pay for the unnecessary trouble she is going through to pass on"
When we or our members are hurt, sometimes we do lash out in anger dont we?
In the heat of the moment, we let our emotions get the best of us. And it is natural to do so. We in fact human, right? But we are called to live unnaturaly, arent we? We are a peculiar people.
(Think No Evil by Jonas Beiler)
Thank u Lord! I love You.
God bless

I am just a caregiver, i cant even begin to imagine how the family must feel.
In theIR wanting to protect theIR mother of the family i seen a slew of lashing out. And anger was one of them. "someone must pay for the unnecessary trouble she is going through to pass on"
When we or our members are hurt, sometimes we do lash out in anger dont we?
In the heat of the moment, we let our emotions get the best of us. And it is natural to do so. We in fact human, right? But we are called to live unnaturaly, arent we? We are a peculiar people.
We have seen what happens in a community when people allow unforgiveness to rule their hearts. Lawsuits abound, seperating the perpetrators and their families from those who were wronged, and in the seperation the healing process is slowed down dramatically. When forgiveness is withheld, walls are built within a community and division occurs, leading to isolation and further misunderstandings. Anger and bitterness take hold.
The parents of those amish girls who were killed, along with their family members and neighbors, decided not to allow the shooting to seperate them further from their neighbors. There were no lawsuits filed by the victim's families against the shooter's estate or the emergency services or the governement, as is often the case. They would not permit anger or fear to drive them into installing phones or other modern conveniences that their way of life had survived so long without. They would trust God to protect them, leaving open the gates to their hearts and their communities, and move forward with forgiveness.
(Think No Evil by Jonas Beiler)
Thank u Lord! I love You.
God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers. So he considers me to be one who has found peace.
Song of Solomon 8:10
The other day i was full with sorrow, i had went to the store to buy some needed items. I had Nathan with me. In the store i see everyone with buggy fulls of Christmas gifts for their loved ones. Nathan takes notice of this as well. And i think to myself i should not of brought Nathan with me. He says mom ? can i go look at the toys ? My heart sank. For i know and he knows i dont have much to give in way of material presents this year. I wanted to say no, to save him of an empty feeling and not being content inside of him. I know because i too have struggled with this feeling inside of myself.
I purchase the things that we need, and a small toy to put under the tree for nate. I explained to him that he would recieve other gifts from other family members to give him some peace within.
I left the store, now feeling angry... angry that others had made the celebration of Christ's birthday, commercial and that my son may feel lacking because we cannot give him all that he would like.
Being content is hard work. It is work.
And let not your behaviour be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God.
Romans 12:2
So as the latter of the first verse i posted.. So he considers me to be one who has found peace.
We may not have much "material", but boy lemme tell ya we are spiritually rich!
These things on earth all pass away and everything that we do has been done before, nothing is new.
We have each other as a family, as a unit for His purpose.
We have the gift of eternal life that nothing on this earth could ever purchase in the means of worldly wealth and riches.
It is for the humble and the meek and the broken.
We have the Spirit of Almighty God! What more can we ask for? Eternal gifts, not conformed to this world that is like chaff.
We have a Saviour who was born to be a light to the world.
Thank U Jesus! Thank u Father and thank u Holy Spirit.
God bless
Song of Solomon 8:10
The other day i was full with sorrow, i had went to the store to buy some needed items. I had Nathan with me. In the store i see everyone with buggy fulls of Christmas gifts for their loved ones. Nathan takes notice of this as well. And i think to myself i should not of brought Nathan with me. He says mom ? can i go look at the toys ? My heart sank. For i know and he knows i dont have much to give in way of material presents this year. I wanted to say no, to save him of an empty feeling and not being content inside of him. I know because i too have struggled with this feeling inside of myself.
I purchase the things that we need, and a small toy to put under the tree for nate. I explained to him that he would recieve other gifts from other family members to give him some peace within.
I left the store, now feeling angry... angry that others had made the celebration of Christ's birthday, commercial and that my son may feel lacking because we cannot give him all that he would like.
Being content is hard work. It is work.
And let not your behaviour be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God.
Romans 12:2
So as the latter of the first verse i posted.. So he considers me to be one who has found peace.
We may not have much "material", but boy lemme tell ya we are spiritually rich!
These things on earth all pass away and everything that we do has been done before, nothing is new.
We have each other as a family, as a unit for His purpose.
We have the gift of eternal life that nothing on this earth could ever purchase in the means of worldly wealth and riches.
It is for the humble and the meek and the broken.
We have the Spirit of Almighty God! What more can we ask for? Eternal gifts, not conformed to this world that is like chaff.
We have a Saviour who was born to be a light to the world.
Thank U Jesus! Thank u Father and thank u Holy Spirit.
God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
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