This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.


Postby hopenconfidence » Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:42 pm

Please help me here for I can't seem to get this out of my mind no matter how much I try. I'm talking about sex. Here within the last couple of months with going through the stresses I've been going through, I've also have a problem thinking about sex (in my head) with a couple of my co-workers. These two guys are younger and they are not Believers so it makes things difficult. It doesn't stop there for then I see guys at the health club and instantly my mind goes there. I guess with the holidays coming up and the feeling of being alone is what triggering this but I can't stop. I pray and try to think about other things but cannot seem to shake these thoughts off. What makes my situation worse is that I have been bitter about those getting married or being a couple or having kids for I'm getting older, I'm 30 almost 31 and still haven't been in a relationship. It scares me to think that God gave up on me for I'm not preparing myself for the guy He has ready for me. I feel that I'm disappointing Him due to my nasty thoughts. When I think I'm doing okay then it starts up again creating frustrating thoughts and worse. Please use this as a way to help others through this type of situation for I'm sure I'm not alone in this battle. I guess not being able to experience being in a human relationship can create other problems. I know that God loves me for He sent His Only Son to die on the cross for my sins, it's just that He also doesn't want me to be alone and to have that intimate relationship with a guy He has placed in my life. Unfortunately, Satan wants me to be alone and so therefore, I've allowed these thoughts in my head and now I can't get them out.

Thank you for understanding ahead of time and if there is anyone, ANYONE who can help me out with this, I would definitely appreciate it for I want to be honest here and that I cannot stand these holidays for I don't want to think about being alone.

Thanks for letting me vent once again.

hope :( *help*
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Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:19 pm

Hey Hope,
listen to that part of your screenname....hope...that is what you have.
No you are FAR from being alone, I know what you mean though I too am alone due to these bad thoughts I went farther though and porn destroyed my marriage and now I too like you face the holiday season without my kids and wife of 13 years BUT just like you I have the good Lord and he will get us both through this, as for you remember that you are Gods child and satan is fighting for your soul by planting those thoughts in your head now it's how you deal with them that matters you can allow your mind to go with the thoughts OR you can stop them AS soon as you realize what is up by saying LORD he's at it again please help me to focus my mind on you and not these thoughts and move your eyes from the distraction....I know it's hard but train yourself and soon you will do it without even trying, you see what is happening is your eyes is where the thought starts and your mind is taking over from there so stop the thought by stopping your eyes.
as for God being disappointed He knew before you thought them what you where going to think, the ONLY thing that would disappoint our Lord is if YOU turn your back on Him and give up, your Lord has an unconditional love for you and NOTHING you do changes that
almost are still very young and God has a plan for you BUT it will be in his time not yours, I'm 46 and have never had that "one love" but I'm waiting on Him to lead that "right one" to me.
we on here all love you and we are all together in this battle against satan and his filth and with each other and Gods lead WE WILL WIN!!!
please keep talking to others on here and go to the counseling pages too they are helpful
God bless
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Postby hopenconfidence » Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:24 pm

Thank you for your response. It was greatly appreciative. :) It's been a real drag especially when I've been going through the transition such as starting a new job and moving into an apartment due to losing my home so that stress could've lead my thoughts elsewhere. Today, as I was talking with friends, they understood what I've been going through especially with relationships for they see how important that is.

I know 31 is considered young to most but I look at it as I won't be able to see the guy God has ready for me and that I won't be able to experience the joys of being in a Godly marriage. There's so much I can say on that but I don't want to confuse anyone.

I'm sorry that you went through what you went through christnundrconstruxn (plz forgive my misspelling on your name for I tried to remember as much as I could), for not having your family nearby would cause stress on your mind and to think horrible thoughts. I've noticed you're from Ohio and that is where I'm from so my guess is that our state needs God's help in a major way. (I know there are others just saying since we are both from there)

As you said that we are in a constant battle with satan and without God and the people He's placed in our lives, satan would win over our souls. Thankfully, with the people He's placed in my life, I'm very grateful of getting through these thoughts no matter how much it hurts. I'm glad you understand my situation even though I don't know yours as well.

I just keep praying and taking one day at a time so that way I'm with the Lord and that He is with me as I'm battling the thoughts once again. Thank you once again for your response and I'm glad you're able to keep going even though you've been through a lot yourself.

I'll keep the hope and not give up for I know God is with me and that His Only Son died on the cross to allow me to have freedom. Thanks brother.

Your sister-in-Christ

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