Christianity Oasis Forum
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Defend the castle
I'm one of those guys who sits back and lets the things that I'm supposed to do be told to me by Him.
So I go through my day looking to see if there is something to be done, and wow, its getting really bad out there.
I don't make a habit of going around shoving Jesus down others throats. I will share if someone is there to listen and all but I'm not going to go around town just kicking peoples faces in with Jesus this Jesus that.
I know some people love to go and really tell everyone they see and I think its great, we need some who do.
But maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, the other end of the spectrum is so harsh lately.
For people who "don't believe in it", there sure are some pushy people out there slamming Jesus. It's a LOT too. Much worse lately. I mean wow... just EVERYWHERE I look anymore its something trying to tell me Jesus is a scam and I'm an idiot and I need to die and etc.
What the heck? Where did all of these lobbyists come from all of the sudden. There has always been some, but this is getting out of hand.
And yet, I don't really see much lobbying for Him at all. Infact, the ratio is so off balance, I don't really see a need for all the anti lobbying that goes on, because there simply is none (except the ones who are pretty extremist and really just furthering the damage)
Who can uphold the voice of reason for Him?
Must we go around burning another religions books or trying to kick them out of a new building? How is THAT going to help anything? How is that any different then an athiest making a billboard about why God is a fake?
We need to put our smiles and love on and show that Christians are a misunderstood lot. Go out there with your joy, smile at people, talk to people with friendliness, help your fellow man, for the love of all things Holy, this is getting REAL and FAST.
Times tickin now, show em' whos boss (Jesus)
I'm one of those guys who sits back and lets the things that I'm supposed to do be told to me by Him.
So I go through my day looking to see if there is something to be done, and wow, its getting really bad out there.
I don't make a habit of going around shoving Jesus down others throats. I will share if someone is there to listen and all but I'm not going to go around town just kicking peoples faces in with Jesus this Jesus that.
I know some people love to go and really tell everyone they see and I think its great, we need some who do.
But maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, the other end of the spectrum is so harsh lately.
For people who "don't believe in it", there sure are some pushy people out there slamming Jesus. It's a LOT too. Much worse lately. I mean wow... just EVERYWHERE I look anymore its something trying to tell me Jesus is a scam and I'm an idiot and I need to die and etc.
What the heck? Where did all of these lobbyists come from all of the sudden. There has always been some, but this is getting out of hand.
And yet, I don't really see much lobbying for Him at all. Infact, the ratio is so off balance, I don't really see a need for all the anti lobbying that goes on, because there simply is none (except the ones who are pretty extremist and really just furthering the damage)
Who can uphold the voice of reason for Him?
Must we go around burning another religions books or trying to kick them out of a new building? How is THAT going to help anything? How is that any different then an athiest making a billboard about why God is a fake?
We need to put our smiles and love on and show that Christians are a misunderstood lot. Go out there with your joy, smile at people, talk to people with friendliness, help your fellow man, for the love of all things Holy, this is getting REAL and FAST.
Times tickin now, show em' whos boss (Jesus)
Skrubby - Posts: 10
2 posts
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