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John 16:2 - Whatcha think?

Postby lizzie » Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:37 pm

Been looking at this verse:

John 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

Do you think that this may reference islam and its belief in martyrdom? I mean they do believe that they are killing in the name of God...

Whats your understanding of this verse?

Thankies *Halo*
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Postby vahn » Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:08 pm

Funny thing , was reading an anti-islam report on the web just before I clicked on C-O , and here !!

I don't quite remember (or even know what verse) , but I think it was Paul writing , in affect , who cares HOW some people are worshiping God ... as long as they are worshiping GOD !! (Back in those days , of course the issue was 'tween the Gentiles and the Jews , and the "followers" of the New Gospel weren't even being called Christians yet ! Let alone Islam being in existence at all (Their calendar coincides with the birth of their prophet which is 5 to 700 AD )

In my humble opinion , I think that verse is referring more to the Jewish converts and the Jews (throwing you out of synagogues) . Why would a Gentile , Muslim , or even a Christian be going to a synagogue at all , let alone worry to be thrown outa there ?
When they (Jews) killed Stephen , the thought they were doing God service .

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby lizzie » Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:25 pm

thanks for your thoughts vahn

I may have neglected to add 'as it pertains to current day' in the question.
Not in the time that Jesus actually spoke it, but as it is now and how it may pertain to future events also. I dunno, Im kinda thinking its not just limited to the time period they were in.

Im also lookin at these verses

3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.
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Postby vahn » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:13 pm

To tell you the truth , the thought did cross my mind and kinda even knew that is what you're talking about Lizzie . But , to cover my hind from being labeled , uhh , "sympathetic" ? (*fishing for words*)

But whatever the case may be , I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my opinions on the subject , just for the sake sake of enlightenment and/or correction .

First and foremost , it is my opinion , anybody , regardless of belief , religion , or whatnot , that kills anything in the "name" of God , had better take a look at what god they are "serving" to begin with . If it is the same God you and I are serving , it amounts to nothing but blasphemy . So .

Second , there does exist this thing called fanaticism , yes , it even existed within the Christians ! Look at the crusaders and the so-called "witch-burners" and it comes down the line to Anti-semitic neo-nazis . Just as these movements do not define Christianity , neither should any other fanatic "revolutionary" butt-heads define any other "religion" that Glorifies God (in their own way) .

For the record , both Judaism AND Islam are from the seed of Abraham . Isaac and Ishmael respectfully .

At this point I would like to take the time and let it be known to everyone reading this , that in no way I am intending to offend anyone . It is a disturbing issue that we all are dealing with nowadays , but Truth is Truth and fault is fault . We don't need to hate ANYBODY just because of misconceptions , whether it be toward Jews , Islam , Christians or any other . Our Lord asked us to Love one another , He didn't say pick'n'choose !

In Christ , our Lord
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