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Postby Dora » Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:49 pm

I don't know if I understand the depths of your question.

I do know right now I don't like this world and the pain and death that it holds.

That transition from life here to life in another realm is a difficult one.

We think it's just a little walk with an angel.

In reality it's possibly the hardest walk of your life you'll ever make, with a stranger. Him in complete control. This angelic person that you've never met before. Can you trust him to take you to a safe place.

Can you imagine going on a journey to a place you've never been with someone you've never met in charge of the journey.

I know for me, anytime I get in the vehicle I feel uneasy if I don't know where we're going and how we're getting there.
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Postby goldieluvs » Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:34 am

Wow deep. Like Pine i am not quite sure i fully understand. Do you mean death of loved ones or our own death? As for me I am not afraid of dying cuz it means I will be in Paradise (no matter how many times i have fallen while on this earth)

The only thing that scares me is what if someone doesn't know for days that Im dead and my dogs starve to death? Course i told that to my sister and she laughed and said my dogs would eat me lol. go figure

Death of loved ones is much harder. I used to avoid them when knowing it was close. I guess it was saying Goodbye, however I know now in many cases it really is See ya soon! I take comfort from that. Though i still grieve when it happens.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:02 am

Hi HTL and everyone.

Interesting random thoughts.

I think death is a picture of sin, how sins kills His Spirit within us, actually when living for Christ we go through death everyday when you think about it.

Dying to the old nature and such, but the glorious part of it all is that after death of these old things we have birth to new things. Dying to the old nature means living in the newness of Christ. Taking on the things that bring us life spiritually and mentally and physically.

Death should not be darkening but enlightning, all life is Christ and through God, anything but this is death.

So as far as it being a major aspect of our lives, i think it is a glorious plan of His that we encounter these things because they bring us closer to Him.

God bless
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Postby Dora » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:56 am

Goldie I'm the opposite...I run to them. I love being there to help them understand that letting go of what they know and crossing into the next is a journey worth making and reassuring them that they are not alone.

Left Grandpas side on Friday and I smelled that stench of death. I've smelled it before. It can make a person want to gag and leave the room.

Then yesterday as I sat with him I thought about this stench while praying. I didn't smell it anymore. It came to me that the stench is the sin. The spirits separation from the sinful flesh.

I considered how my sin must smell.
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