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Look at the birds in the sky.....Matthew 6.26 CEV part 2

Postby foreverHis » Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:48 am

Every formation has to have a "point goose ' out front, who leads and sets the pace for the others. it's a tough position because the point goose cuts the headwinds, meets the changing weather conditions, and is first to feel the rain in his face, the snow in his eyes and the ice on his wings.

He keeps the formation on target whatever the situation.
It's hard, exhausting and lonely at times because there's nobody is ahead of him to be the wind beneath his wings. The formation depends on him to persevere, stay on track and get the skein safely to its destination.

Point geese lead, set the pace and give direction to those who follow...
just before the point goose is exhausted, a space opens in the formation and he slips back into it while another bird replaces him, seamlessly becoming the next point goose. standing in for each other preserves the life of the formation.

Paul wrote Eph 4:16 every joint prepare to slip into someone elses give another rest and time out to re strenghten

love ya's

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Postby stargazer777 » Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:30 am

Wow forever I never knew that!! f

I always wondered why birds fly in that V shape.

In my mind I thought they were brothers and sisters and it was just their way of sticking together.

How amazing that it has a deeper meaning!
I'll definitely be sharing this with others sis! *Guitar*

God blesss!
Fires *Halo*
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Postby foreverHis » Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:27 am

its awesome the lord uses the simple things to teach us stuff with deep meaning , that will change our lives if we let them...i tell you what a study on your bird..the eagle, there is lots to learn there as well, Joyce Meyer put out a good study on the eagle, not sure if you can get it or not, maybe google her web?
:) love ya little one
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