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We learn more of God ...

Postby vahn » Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:02 pm

We learn more of and from by obeying Him instantly , without arguing or asking why and how , than we do spending a lifetime of studying and "memorizing" the Word !
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Postby realtmg » Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:43 pm

I had a ex-pro basketball player that runs a christian retreat nearby ask me a long time ago............" Real?, I can see that you know the Bible very well; BUT, Just how well do you know Him?" This has stuck with me ever since.
It's the intimate love relationship that we develop with our Creator that has made me grow.

Luv Ya Bro.

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Postby Dora » Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:26 pm

Possibly the problem is some don't realize Jesus is the Word.
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Postby Dora » Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:36 pm

Possibly the problem is some don't realize Jesus is the Word.

Now you open up a can of worms Vahn! Imagine you doing that. *Whistle*

I know full well you are not saying don't read the Word! But some may take it that way. *dunno*

Cause after all that's our instruction manual. And the Living Word of God.
But just to earn knowledge? We know knowledge puffs up.

I get this picture of someone eating desert. Best tasting food they ever had. Slowly cherishing every little morsel before they swallow each bite. Then someone who's momma says eat your peas and eat them now! That kid of coarse dreads to eat his food. Then yet another who eats at a certain time in a a certain way cause that's just the thing to do.

The word of God is designed for the first. Sometimes it's just one verse that feeds us all we need. If you enjoy every portion of it as if it's sweeter than honey, cause it is. :)

Vahn you get to eat desert before dinner! :P
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Postby vahn » Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:15 pm

Pine , yes of course I'm not saying don't read the Word , and I do agree with what you are saying ... eating dessert before your meal , though it doesn't make sense , but , some do it anyway and they don't see any problem doing so , even after complaining of constant hunger and more than frequent visits to the bathroom . ("Like a man who looks himself up in the mirror , but soon as he walks away from the mirror he forgets what he looks like")

We can read the Bible , get fed (knowledge , dessert) but soon as we put the Book down , we hungry again !

The operative word(s) in what I was saying is "Instant obedience" to when the Lord asks us to do something , without hesitation , or question , or argument whether or not we be able to do what was He asking us .
Where else we are to learn how to get to that point unless we read the Word first right ? , Take for instance , Noah , I mean , if I were in the Arizona or the Mojave desert somewhere and I hear this "Build me a boat" I be going "HUH?" , like Moses and Jonah and the rest of them , "Yeah-but !!" , One was banned to enter the Land that was Promised the other ended up smelling like a fish ... But Noah floated , Mary had a little Lamb and Peter walked on the water . Where did I learn that ? Reading the Word , it was by reading the Word that I learnt "You learn more of God's will for you by obeying Him instantly , than spending a lifetime of study"

Luv ya
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Postby Dora » Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:26 pm

I love the way one word leads to another word.

How many times have we asked God His will and purpose for us and we hear, then doubt cause what we are asking is something that sounds as far fetched as building a boat in the desert. So doubt sinks in. Then we run like Jonah.


luv ya brother vahn!
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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