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Inventory : How "BIG" am I ? ... Really !

Postby vahn » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:49 pm

Ok , so , let me see . Where am I ?

Planet Earth , hmm , is that the one ruled by Prince Moron or something ? Ah , yep , yep that's the one !

You mean the one with close to five Billion people ? Yep , yep , that's the one !

The one in one of those Galaxies ? The "Milky"-WAY or something ? Yep , yep , that the one !

You mean the Galaxy that houses close to five Billion stars and stuff ? Yep , yep , ditto for that too !

Do you REALLY mean the ONE Galaxy ? Like out of the OTHER TWO Billion Galaxies ? Man you're a genius vahn !!

Now WHO RULES ALL THAT ? Uhhmmm , wait , wait , I know that one ! I know that one !! Some shepherd-turned-king-turned-sinner-turned-KING-AGAIN !!- said something like "Who am I , for you to be so mindful of ?" in his days , I always wondered Who is he talking to ? Ohhh , I get it !! The Prince of the UNIVERSE !

Man , that's a tuff one ! Prince of the World , Prince of the Universe , man , tough one to choose one huh ??

Here , let us make it a bit harder ok , why not ?

Another one of those people in a Big Black Book with a "Foreign" language , that EEEVERYBODY understands , yes including you , says that "Hey , since You are the Prince of this Galaxy that we know about , then You should know EACH and every star in it by Name"

Ok , where's my calculator .

Ah ... Milky-Way = 5 Billion Stars
Planet Earth = 5 Billion Souls

Does that mean He knows "The Other Ones" by name too ?

HaHa !! This World ain't big enough for BOTH of us "BUD" ! One of us GOT-TO-GO !! Read The BOOK again pal . Something about "Gathering ALL that is Mine ! "

Oh , by the way , this Planet is already over-populated , so get packing !! We need more room for Our Children !!
Last edited by vahn on Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mlg » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:50 pm

Wooohooo Amen!

luv ya
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Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:20 pm


The Truth IS so sweet isnt it?

Make way for His children, The Chosen Ones!

Chosen to bring good tidings to all the earth and much Joy through Christ.

He is the King of Kings!

God bless
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