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Postby Dora » Fri May 14, 2010 6:59 am

Why aren't you sleeping sis? :(

Whatever may be your task,
work at it heartily (from the soul),
as [something done] for the Lord and not for men,
Knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [and not from men]
that you will receive the inheritance
which is your [real] reward.

Yup if we work so we can say look at me, we've just received all the reward we'll get.

Robbing ourselves of the "real" reward.

Gotta wait for it. *Halo*

Love you jillie
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Postby mlg » Fri May 14, 2010 7:15 am

*sings Jill a lullaby*

Rock a bye Jilly
In the Treetop
When the wind blows
Her hair gets tossed
When the bough breaks
Jill will scream
And down will come Jill
Thinking she should have just went to sleep.

Have a delightful day sis *hug*

luv ya
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Postby xxJILLxx » Fri May 14, 2010 9:47 am

My 16 year old son broke up with his girlfriend, and she called me crying.

My son broke up with her because he said he was going to get his heart right for God and get closer to him... and a "few weeks later" he "likes" this other girl. The exgirlfriend finds out and is all upset. Now me and my son are arguing because i dont like the way he is treating his now xgirlfriend.

So thats why i was up.

All because of puppy love. But the thing i was upset about was how fast he got over her and she is still hanging her head, not to mention the fact that he said he was doing it for God. Which he could of meant at the time but why am i not believing that?

I havent been going to the youth group for the last couple of weeks. Tired of all the questions about the marriage/engagement and the "are you ok" comments, by the leaders. Its just a mess. Tired of going to church and coming home feeling guilty like i did something wrong, or i am not ok.

Now this breakup of two of the inner youth peers, my son and his ex, its just a mess.

Then the other pastor of the other church wants to sit down and talk ministry soon.

I took on more hours at work starting next month.

Just alot of things.

Questions boggling my mind
should i get a wedding dress?
when should the day be?
should we just go to the justice of peace?
we bought this van and it is acting up on us
missing Oasis
Missing Filomena

just alot going through my mind as of late

But I always have my Jesus and i always have support here too

God bless
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Postby Dora » Fri May 14, 2010 11:05 am

Well sis you can mark two of those things off your worry list.

The dress doesn't matter, neither does who you have sign the government slip of paper that says you are married in their eyes. All that matters is you, him, and God.

As far as your son goes, do you remember the lessons you learned when you were that age about love? They hurt, but the only way to learn them is to feel them. Just keep praying for him. He is Gods child. :) Gods got this too.

Maybe all this other stuff is just stuff to get you distracted from the ministry.

Love you much! *hug5*
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Postby mlg » Fri May 14, 2010 11:17 am

Thought I'd share a chorus to a song that I love...

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

Don't worry about those things of the world sis...worry on the things of Jesus...follow His direction always.

luv ya
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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue May 18, 2010 9:46 pm

While talkin to vahn in spirit today He sparked a vision to me. Kinda like a continuance of another vision He gave me a while back. I will share both with my brothers n sisters.

The vision i had before was He showed me the world as we know it. over the earth he showed me this cervix. The cervix was ripe and thinned. The mucous plug had already been ruptured and people were reaching up their hands from the earth and the cervix was so thin they could reach right in and poke it and water was dripping. Trickling... and He told me within the cervix is the Spirit. His spiritual giftings are being poured out more these days and upon the land because the new heaven and earth are near and about to be birthed. And He reminded me to pray for HIs kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven.

Today while talking to vahn He flashed another vision to me which brought me back to first one of he cervix. This one He showed me that while in the cervix of heaven we as humans are being birthed and are in the birth canal while we are here on earth. That is why we go through so much in that birth canal, squeezed and shifted etc. Im sure painful as well. But through that birth canal we transform from water to air.Not sure what He is telling me there, i know water is Spirit, air is His breath... still thinking on this... And it is when we get birthed into eternity that we actually take our first breaths. Some babies dont make it through the birthing process for various reasons that are unknown to us.

Makes me wonder...we dont remember the birthing process as babes, I hope we will remember our days here on earth.

But anyways just thought i would share that with yall as it has blessed me, i hope it blesses you all as well.

Things at home with my 16 year old are getting better.

God bless
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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed May 19, 2010 4:21 pm

Guess what?

I got a wedding dress!

It's pretty!

Its white and long and like a haltered top with beading and a train and a veil!

Its beautiful!

Now need to set a permanent date.


Wish i had more help planning this. I can do this! I am so unorganized!

Love yall

God bless
Last edited by xxJILLxx on Wed May 19, 2010 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Congratulations Jill

Postby jamisfaithnjoy » Fri May 21, 2010 6:39 am

Congratulations on your plans to get married :) *angelbounce*
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Postby xxJILLxx » Mon May 24, 2010 8:58 am


awww thank you faith!

Ok , this is HARD!

Every Sunday morning now, i start up with joy in getting ready for church...

But i always feel bad for dropping my older kids off at our first church and me going to the inner city church.

Wednesday evenings i still attend at the youth group but Sundays i go to the inner city church. Less than 20 members at this point. They need the help. The pastors wife would like to finish the bottom room for the younger children and she has asked me to help out with this. The older kids want nothing to do with this other church... which i totally understand that they have made friends and have a bond with the youth pastor and everything and i respect that. My dedication is to God, not just one church building. I get comments like "well if you would of went to church you would of known..." *sighs* I am going to church just another one where He has called me.

Trying to figure out how i can resolve this situation and make everyone happy. And i cant find a solution. All i can do is pray for the best and His will to be done. I hope i am making the right decisions, i always tend to question my choices.

I try to include them in things we do, but they dont want no part of it. So now what do i do?

I dont know...

God bless
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Postby mlg » Mon May 24, 2010 9:53 am

uh huh now you go through the phase of their rebellion...and this will take children are naturally selfish in their own way when it comes to their parents and as they mature to teen years they tend to want to try and take over control of what you have to do sis is pray, be patient, and stand firm with the children and let them know that your decisions have no bearing on them...but that you are the parent and that they have to respect your choices.

luv ya sis
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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue May 25, 2010 6:56 am

Who'd a thought that parenthood would be so confusing, eh?

Give me independence, no wait that is too much responsibilty your pressuring me. Lol

New day...still residue from yesterday.

Lord let me fix my eyes upon you this day.

Last couple of weeks Blind Barnabeaus (sp?) has been the subject as of late.

The song of JohnMark Mcmillan "closer" has been ringing in my ears.

Come closer
Closer to me
Find me broken
Find me bleeding
Because i need more now
than fairy tales
God whom lives abroad
I need someone real
So would you come
would you come
If i begged you would you come
closer to me now
Come closer
Closer to me
Find me broken
Find me on my knees
Because i need more now
than philosophy
so God in outerspace
Doesnt mean anything to me
Would you come
WOuld you come
If i begged you would you come
Closer to me now
Would you come
would you come
If i begged you would you come
Closer to me now

Son of David
Dont pass me by
I am naked
I am poor and im blind
Son of David
Dont pass me by
I am naked
I am poor and im blind

Now its making sense... as writing the words down to this song... i have been studying the sermon on the mount, and the first part is being Poor in Spirit.

Being vulnerable and naked in front of our King, laying everything out there on the table, also been studying Genesis.

We have to be blind to have a guide.. we need Him to guide us, we need to be naked to have intimacy with Him, everything out there for Him to see. Being poor in Spirit open to Him to fill me up with His spirit. Less of me more of Him.

How can He come as close as possible with all these "clothes" covering us? When someone is cold and need body heat, best results are skin upon skin.

"Clothing" coverings~ Adam and Eve covered them selves in their nakedness they should of stayed naked!

Being vulnerable to HIs Spirit, not trusting my own judgement. Nakedness.

Being vulnerable to Him is being poor in Spirit.

I am naked Im poor and Im blind

We need these things to be poor in Spirit.

I praise you my King!

You are righteous and holy

God bless

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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed May 26, 2010 2:08 pm


I feel so free today!

God has been working through vahn on many areas of my life i dare not even touch at a counselors office. Feels like such a release to be able to talk about these things and be honest with myself. Free from myself. Free from the bondage i have placed myself in for too many years. I feel refreshed and awakened.

For many years since childhood actually i have always not trusted my own choices,(my choices always led me into things that hurt me) never realy figured that out til recently. Always second guessing myself. Always worrying bout the counter affects of my choices. God doesnt want me to be that way. God wants me to stand on my own two feet. God wants me to be free from myself. I put myself in this bondage. I kept myself there for many years. Imprisoned! Cant go here or there in my mind... the list goes on and on. HA! I am making choices and i love it! Frreeeeee! Free from guilt and shame! Free to be who He made me to be.

My nathan, my nathan......*sniffs* He is bringing home pictures now of sunshine and fishing, before they were war pictures with blood and violence.

"This" seems like a fairy tale to me. I am happy, wake up looking forward to the day. Riding in the car with the windows down letting my hair blow in the wind and feeling freeeeee!

Now if God can get everyone to get along together. ;)
why not ask? He has answered the rest of my prayers! I love you Lord!
Love you guys! Oh man words cannot express how grateful i am to this website! It has realy seriously transformed my whole existance! Dont know where i would be right now without you guys!

Have a blessed day in Him

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