Preface Part IV

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Preface Part IV

Postby saint701 » Sat May 22, 2010 12:04 pm

Hello All,


The Lord had humbled me at the feet of two hell's angels so He could restore me to fellowship. I ran into an old acquaintance that the Lord had touched with a touch of grace. He began telling me about a man and wife minister team that had started a church out near where I lived. I knew I needed to confess my sins so I called them up and met with them at the place of their fellowship.

They had rented a large section of a small shopping center and in a short time had a nice group of people attending. They listened to me confess my sins and prayed for the Lord's forgiveness. I received it.

I didn't know at the time but they had been praying for the Lord to send someone to them to take over their fellowship as they weren't making enough money from it to pay the rent. They thought I might be the answer. I knew I wasn't. Not withstanding, being a part of their congregation was a great blessing. The Lord was moving in a mighty way at the time and staying filled with the Holy Spirit was easy.

I also met another single young man near my age that sort of took me under his wing. He had been to Rhema Bible Training Center and had all the books by Kenneth Hagin used in the school. One day he showed up at church and said, "come on over here Dennis." I had no idea what he had in mind, but when I got to his car he began shoveling all Kenneth Hagin's books into my hands along with an armful of the ministry's magazines.

I thanked him a bunch. I have to say at this point that just because you have have been filled with the Spirit and have read everything in the church library, unless the Lord has put you into an office, you are out of the Lord's will by being in one. If one is a baby Christian one needs food, not responsibility.


1. [6] Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

I was a novice! I had no business in the fire. I still didn't know how to put on the whole armor of God or pray all day long if such was demanded of me by the grace of God. I didn't know grace was for doing right night and day. And I still didn't know one best merry out of the house of God or not at all, but I was about to get another taste of that bitter medicine. Being a head strong and self willed Christian will get you burned every time! But if God has begun a good work in you no matter how dopey you are and no matter how long it takes Him, He will grow you up, even if He has to do it by fire!

I earned a full time position for the coming year at the same wonderful school I had been teaching at half days. I was thrilled! I had a good time with my 6th graders. We wrote a play together and performed it before all the other classes and their parents. We played softball and basketball together, went to a Cardinal game. We studied hard and did well on our achievement tests.

The next year was the same. Life was good. Satellite dishes had become the big thing with full gospel types and one Texas guy suddenly became "huge" in the ministry. I was still attending the same fellowship. My mentors had found themselves a young couple to take over for them and all seemed well. But Wednesday night meetings turned into presentations by the Texas guy and I knew something was horribly wrong! From the first night of the guy's presentations I started getting beaten up by evil spirits. I still didn't know how to fight them so those little buggers just had field day making me miserable.

Terrible things later happened to those that stayed long under the Texas guy's TV ministry, cancers, horrible accidents! Some were killed because they didn't discern the body of Christ! !The guy's ministry collapsed in bankruptcy and scandal! And I had given a one time gift of a thousand dollars into it! That one time gift has haunted my pocketbook until just recently when the Lord allowed me to see it as an open door and the reason for the years that followed of financial woes.

Now my mentors had found themselves another little church and had begun the process of building another fellowship. The little congregation had some kind of endowment and was able to pay some wages, and my mentors knowing how unhappy I was in the other fellowship invited me to theirs. After a month or so they invited me to bring the message. I was delighted, but again, not knowing how to war brought me into a raging battle I didn't know how to fight, and because I already had a job, I wore out of bringing messages right away. I just quit going.

The devil had me right where he wanted me, sighted in between the cross hairs! My 3rd year of teaching was coming up and I had to attend graduate school to keep up with the school's professional studies requirement. It was late Spring and I got the itch to buy a new car. I had a good job, was single, and went looking for something sporty. I came upon a white 1983 Chevy Camaro Factory Official Car with orange and black bucket seats, rich, plush, carpeting, red pin stripes, t-tops, 5 liter high output engine, with a 5 speed manual transmission. It scratched rubber in all 5 gears! I almost needed to legs just to push the clutch in! It was 1984.

About the same time I bought the car a strange thing happened. Now I hadn't begun running amuck with my new principal brought a writing project to me which was to have my students write a 5 part theme on Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1944 speech on the 4 freedoms we enjoy as American citizens. It was requested by the local 4-H club as they were having a contest for the best theme. One of those freedoms, however, was freedom of religion. So during the course of my teaching on the various aspects of our freedoms I made the mistake of saying God was good.

That brought the superintendent to my classroom the next day with a "you are fired" greeting at my door! I said now hold on there Mr. Superintendent, I was given this project by my principal. (A student in my class later won the contest because of my instruction and that didn't matter either. What mattered was I had dared to say God existed and was good). Anyway, he said I told you not to be doing or saying anything about religion in your classroom when I hired you. (If he did I didn't remember it..which is beside the truth of the matter).

He was looking for a reason to run me off because the school board had decided to kick retired teachers off the school sponsored health insurance plan of which my mother was one, and she attended the same church as that superintendent. He didn't want me as a teacher in his district exposing him for the hypocrite he was.

Didn't matter, he couldn't get me that way! I was obeying a direct order by my supervisor in teaching the elements of the 5 part theme and there wasn't anything he could do about it. He talked with her. He talked with each of my students separately and found nothing with which to do except walk away a huffin' and a puffin'. I didn't know it at the time but he went out thinking about how to get me some other way. Oh how our schools have been taken over by some of the evilest, vilest secular humanist hypocrites! Our fore fathers that brought the Word of God to this country for freedom in it apart from the tyranny of Great Britain have had to have been turning over in their graves the past 60 years!

These wells without water have seduced our ministers and congregations, destroyed our text books, barred prayer and God from our schools, and defiled our nation with every form of idolatry their wicked minds can conjure! I still remember sitting in elementary school as a first grader enjoying the daily PUBLIC SCHOOL prayers of my teacher over us when the word came down from our government such was to stop. It did! And that is where this country began its slide into hell! 200 years of prayers by loving, godly teachers prior to that stopped dead on a dime!
How could 200 years of what our forefathers intended for this great nation suddenly be banned!!!!???? DECEPTION!!!

That night I sad in my heart about that superintendent. You old such and such, you would run me off for saying God is good, but I bet if I ran amuck in this community you wouldn't say a word! I had no idea how true my words were about to become.

To be continued...
Last edited by saint701 on Sat May 22, 2010 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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