Christianity Oasis Forum

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in the middle..

Postby Ivan » Tue May 11, 2010 6:36 pm

Hi all!

I have a question for all of you,which is connected with me in fact.

I need to choose between two things in life,one is activity I really like and enjoying doing it,other thing is not my joy but is good for making money,sort of career thing...

What would you do,what would you choose,joy or money?

I am going trough some crisis of middle age and I am not smart what to do... :)

Music is my joy.

Problem is that I have 2-3 hours free in day so I'd like to do something good for me..what would you choose..hobby you like or possibility to make more money or both things but then I won't sleep a lot :)

Thank you for reading this and your answers and opinions.

GB all
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Postby goldieluvs » Tue May 11, 2010 7:16 pm

hiya ozziah!

Which would i choose??? well, i guess it depended upon how badly i needed money, like if i had enough to pay bills and stuff, i would choose the joy, but if i had to struggle to have enuf food or to keep a roof over my head, i would choose work. But, that's just me.

Why don't you pray about it and see wat God says?

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Postby lizzie » Tue May 11, 2010 7:23 pm

hello ozziah,

my question to you is, why must there be a choice of one or other? Is there not some way to balance what you love doing with what must be done?

There is always weekends, or maybe get a part timer job that better fits your schedule. I agree with goldie, stay in prayer about it.

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Postby Ivan » Tue May 11, 2010 7:43 pm

Thanks ladies,I know that I can count on you if I need some answers.

Have to say that in this two years as long I am here I've found really a lot of nice people and you two are just awesome example of that.

Balance?So..that is real question,I am mostly "burning" into something..maybe God wants to teach me about balance..on other side,most of successful people I know are focused on one thing and hard working on it...

Not smart on this..will pray..

Ty one more time

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