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Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:06 am

Passion week!

What a wonderful time to celebrate the risen Christ!
He is risen!


I think on the sacrifice He made for me, for us all... His love for us all... Unimaginable! Words cannot describe the awe i feel inside. Precious Jesus! I love you!

Lots of answered prayers these past few weeks. I love the job He has placed me in.

He has brought me this man, a man i have come to adore and love. I'm excited to see where God is taking this. He is good to the kids. We have been serving the Lord together and it has been extravagant! We have just about finished painting the sanctuary at the church in the inner city. We were hoping that we would be able to celebrate Easter service there, but i guess it wasnt His will, for it is not finished. Hopefully the next Sunday. The help for fixing the church is scarse. Basically it has been just me and him and the kids who have worked on this church. Maybe thats how God had planned it to be... I have enjoyed every moment of it. Getting paint in my hair, working to Christian music.. Nathan painting the walls with us... what a joy it has been.

Our youth pastor at my home church is looking to start his own church in the inner city as well! I thought God is this what u want us to do? Prepare the churches of the city? Have met a bunch of wonderful people this past month. Definately have seen God's hand at work here. Have seen HIs breath come to live in souls. New Life, He is doing something new.

I feel torn sometimes... My home church, Oasis, this new church in the city, my job, my kids, this man.... God definately got me busy! Sometimes i ask God where do u want me? He tells me "Wherever i put you, wherever i send you... let me carry u like the wind and sprinkle my Spirit through you over the soils of the land." So I am trusting Him. And I'm not making any decisions of choosing which church, if either has a need and i can do it, then so be it, wherever He needs my help. I am here to serve Him. I am here to grow in Him. How can i say "Lord Here I am, send me" If im not willing to go where He sends me?? Getting out of my comfort zones and letting His Spirit guide me. How satisfying it is to my soul! I dont remember a time where i have been happier.

There has been plenty of bumps in the road for sure... but all learning bumps... faith increasers... thank u Jesus!

Been learning alot on love and compassion. Thank u Lord for setting the example for us. It is a time of reflection of His love for me this week. He was determined to win this battle for me. He perservered through the pain why??? Out of LOVE!!!!! Enduring for LOVE! Looking beyond the tangible and into the spiritual, the eternal... How perfect is His love, Lord mold my heart to your heart.

I want your heart Lord, that is the heart i want...

I love u all!
Have a blessed Easter !
May His presence surround each of you in an extraodinary way this week. May His presence be so tangible to you. May your journeys be blessed with travel mercies and may He show you ways to love others the way He loves us.

♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby Dora » Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:49 am

:) Definitely expanding your territory hu sis.
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:30 pm


yes indeed my sweet sister!

Miss u much!

Have a wonderful Easter my prayers are with you and your family.

♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:43 am

Being drawn by your perfume
Your as a flame of passion blue
Being drawn by your perfume
Tell me what else can i do
I am running after you

Only you can satisfy
The thoughts of you on my heart life
Being drawn by your perfume
Tell me what else can i do
I am running after you

Being drawn by perfume
your as a flame of passion blue

I am running after you

And im love sick
For you my God for you my beloved
and im love sick
for you my God for you my beloved

And im love sick
For you my God
for you my beloved
and im love sick
for you my God
for you my beloved

being drawn by your perfume
tell me what else can i do
i am running after you

only you can satisy!!!!!!!

Running after You
idk singer :)

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
Worthy is the lamb that was slain

For you created all things
andby your will they exist
and were created

Holy holy holy Lord God almighty
who was and is and is to come
Holy holy holy Lord God almighty
who was and is and is to come
You are worthy Lord to recieve
Glory and honor and power
You are worthy Lord to recieve
Glory honor and power


Thank you Lord
Thank you Father
Thank you Holy Spirit

I love You
We love You

You created this and said "It was good" :)
Lord THIS is GOOD!
Thank You

Our God has provided work for our brother in Christ
We are blessed
Thank You Father

Getting up this morning and preparing his lunch
Sending him on his way
Knowing God has his back
Praying for him for safety for His favor to be upon him
Praying for travel mercies
Praying for lives for him to reach through his work for His honor and glory

We stand in awe
We are awe struck
The church sanctuary is almost finished on the inner city church
Had a wonderful day at the Lake yesterday after working at the church
He found a treasure in the sand, an old Dr Pepper bottle from the 1940's Roots of a tree grew around it. It was fun to see this man and my son digging this bottle out of the sand. Anticipation on my sons face... interaction between him and my son. Had many belly laughs yesterday.
Water was freezing but Nathan was determined to get into the water. :)
We skipped stones. Well i attempted to... more like they skipped stones lol
We walked in the sand hand in hand.

"This" is good.

The dr pepper bottle reminded me that "this" is just what the Great Physician ordered, for us all... The other kids are doing well and adapting well.

"I am running after You"

Love you guys dearly

God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:04 am


I love my job!

So many souls there that need to be uplifted and loved! I dont have enough time in my shift to love all of them!

He has been making much impact to these souls there with love. Just ruffling up the grumpy old mans hair and letting him know he is loved by Him. Sitting on the edge of the bed with the lady who just lost her husband a few weeks ago and has lost her independence and had to sell everything she has and helping her to walk down the hallway with her walker to rehabilitate her, because her insurance wont cover rehabilitation. Giving the lady who wants to die prayers and holding her hand and letting her know His angels surround her. So many hurting souls, abandoned souls, souls without a glimpse of hope and feel unloved, uncared for.

God lifting up those in this facility and abroad that feel unloved and unwanted. Give them comfort, send more people in their lives to give them hope. Love on them Father through your people. Heal their broken hearts. Watch over them and keep them from harm. I give you all the glory honor and praise for all you do. In Jesus name amen!

Thank u Father for the priveledge to work with these souls. It is an honor to serve you there and abroad.

I love you Lord!

love u guys dearly!

♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:42 am


This morning lifting up the lil Italian lady that is a resident where i work. Her son is my pharmacist.

I walked in the other day and her son was trying to feed her she wouldnt eat for him. I said wanna let me give it a go? He said sure. I talked to her and let His Spirit soothe her with words of love and compassion and she opened her eyes, took a bite of mashed potatoes. He said "mom its me im here" I see the sadness in his eyes. The giving up in hers. She nodded her head as to reassure him that she knew he was there. I talked to her some more (she doesnt speak english but i know she understands me or at least my tone and feels the love through my words) she drank some pedialite and ate a popsicle. She opened her eyes again and looked at her son. To close them and refuse to eat any more.

I know i was sent there to offer this family HIs peace and love. She is not expected to last longer this week.

I know i will see her, one day again if she passes when i am off of work. On that glorious day when I leave this world.

God bless her and her family.

So much else is going on. The inner city church has carpet now. The pastors family room cieling has insulation up now, next is the drywall then the mud then the sanding. I enjoy working side by side with this man. We work well together. I'm learning alot about fixing houses. And im learning alot about this man. Alot to love about him. God knew exactly what He was doing when he sent him here. We had a lot of opposition when he first got here. But that made him more determined to see why he was here. He is a warrior and takes a battle face on! Me i kinda shy away at times of battle. We compliment each other well. I calm him down and he stirs me up rofl. A happy medium.

Wow so God whatcha doin here? Alot hu? yup Thank u Father... you are Good with a capital "G"

You are goodness and mercy,
You are unconditional love,
You are Life
You are THE reason
You are so precious
and i adore every aspect of You
I adore You
I adore You

All my failure i leave behind
I have one vision, your rugged cross
I have one mission to come and die
And i will be a fragrant burning
Ill wash your feet with my tears
My love will be a poured out offering to You
I have one banner yOur endless love
I have one passion to see your face
Ive one obsession to sit and gaze
and i will be a fragrant burning
Ill wash yr feet with my tears
My love will be a poured out offering to You
Fragrant burning for You
Nothing compares to You
Nothing compares to You
Nothing compares ...
Nothing compares ...

I love You Lord! I worship You! I adore You!

♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:08 am

Dont ever let me Go

Hold me in your arms Lord
Let me feel your love
Dont ever let go

Wrap me in your arms Lord
I feel yr warm embrace
Dont ever let go

Dont ever let go

Dont ever let go

He is holding you right now
In His arms of Love
Let Him hold u in His arms
There is safety in His arms
There is mercy , there is grace
There is safety in this place
HIs everlasting arms
His mighty arms of Love
He will never let you go

He will never let you go
You dont have to be alone
You dont have to be afraid

Hold me in your arms Lord
Let me feel your love
Dont ever let go
Wrap me in your arms Lord
I feel your warm embrace
Dont ever let go

"Justification is the content of the Word of grace that God directs to us, a Word that is mighty, living and active. When God declared by His Word that we are righteous, we are righteous, for His Word makes it so. It is not an empty Word but one that fulfils what it declares." (Thomas F. Torrance - Cheap and Costly Grace)

Mary, right in front of her brother, sister, friends or relatives and many others, ignore
the possible accusations, poured the perfume on Jesus' feet. She did what only the lowest slaves or
prostitutes will do - untie her hair to wash the feet of Jesus. Lazarus was raised by Jesus not long ago, so
her family may not feel pouring the perfume on Jesus is wasteful, but they may still wonder whether she
has to do so in such a way becoming a slave and a prostitute in public. Others in the room may think,
this woman has abandoned herself to vice, how extravagant the way she uses her money!
I think Mary is really brave. She does not care how others perceive her, but all she seeks is the will of the
I think she was the only one who understands Jesus' heart at that time. When Judas Iscariot out of
his own sinful desire accuses Mary for not selling the perfume to exchange money for the poor, Jesus
defended her. From his reply we know that Mary as done the right thing. Jesus said in verse 7, Leave her
;) (NICE TO KNOW HE COMES TO OUR RESCUE!!!!) "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. 8 You will always have
the poor among you, but you will not always have me." Jesus always teaches his disciples to care for the
poor, but this time is different. Mary is in fact preparing for his funeral, therefore he permitted her to do so.
At Jesus' time, when a Jew dies, his relatives will wash his body clean and cover him with spices. Mary knew Jesus will soon leave this world, therefore she treated Jesus as if he were dead, anointing Him with
perfume. This is ironic, not long alone Jesus has just raised Lazarus form the dead, but now he is facing
death himself. Mary sees the death of Jesus is near, therefore to her she is attending his funeral. She brings
her most precious gift. Her attitude is a servant to a master, her love is extravagant. She is willing to give
her best, the most precious, including herself. She is willing to bow down and sacrifice her reputation for
Jesus. She responded to the love of Jesus in such an extraordinary way.

Extravagant Love!!!

And how much more extravagant was Jesus love for us? He not only died for His friends and family but to die even for His enemies??? Wow that is EXTRAVAGANT!

♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby xxJILLxx » Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:51 pm

He says:

"Awaken them with my Love"

"They dont show compassion because they have not experienced first hand true compassion"

"Forgive them"

How can this 88 year old woman transform my whole way of thinking? A woman I have only known for just about a month, who doesnt speak my language, who barely had any interaction with me?

A woman who would not eat for anyone but me, a woman who opened her eyes when she heard my voice, a woman who cried when i prayed over her, even though she could not understand me and i her, our spirits connected. Nobody could understand her, but i could.. i understood that she wanted someone to understand her, to comfort her, to soothe her, someone who showed her compassion.

Wasnt there anyone in that place to show compassion? Are they too busy? Would they go the distance to try to nurture this woman with food or nourishment or would they simply give up and walk away and not bother with her because "she was not a part of thier family, it was not their mother, sister, aunt, grandmother"

But yet He says "Forgive them"

I was so worried that she would not get the proper care when i wasnt there I hoped that she would last til i got there so i could ensure that she got the compassion she deserved.

God answered both our prayers. Friday i went in for my regular shift, she was not doing well, i knew she was going to go. I kept checking in on her but working on afternoons i get a bit busy. 10pm the nurse told me that both the aides called off and asked if i could stay I said absolutely. That night when i worked a double i got to sit in Filomena's room. I prayed with her, Holy SPirit comforted her with the scriptures that i voiced to her. I sang to her praises. I held her hand. He told me it was close. I asked her if she seen Jesus, her expression on her face changed. I told her it was ok to go to him, her kids were going to be fine. I called out Jesus' name for her. Reassured her, held her hand tightly, she gripped my hand with little strength she had left. A tear formed in her left eye. And peace over her face. (this is a woman who was severly dehydrated and she had enough spirit in her to bring about a tear) I called the nurse and let him know she had passed on.

He told me dont take ONE breathe for granted, not one. Every breath you take breathe in love breathe out love. EVERY SINGLE BREATHE!!!! That is compassion my friends.

I have been asking Him to give me HIs heart, show me HIs compassion... well my friends He answered. He answered and this is just a particle of His compassion. A small variable of HIs compassion. Who can match His compassion?

Father give me your heart, give me your heartbeat, help me to stay in sync with your heartbeat. Thump thump.. thump thump...
Psalm 18
1 I love you, O LORD, my strength.

2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

3 I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise,
and I am saved from my enemies.

4 The cords of death entangled me;
the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.

5 The cords of the grave coiled around me;
the snares of death confronted me.

6 In my distress I called to the LORD;
I cried to my God for help.
From his temple he heard my voice;
my cry came before him, into his ears.

I am so honored, it was a priveledge to hand one of my sister's hands as she began her everlasting journey into peace and tranquility. God i dont deserve this priveledge. HOly Spirit you are so precious, Jesus your compassion is endless, Father wonderful creator!!! How beautiful is your ways.

There is safety in this place, His mighty arms of Love, He will never let us go.

Her children were grateful when i had let them know she wasnt alone when she passed. We embraced and they thanked me repeatedly and i let them know that I only did what I would want someone to do for me. They weeped.. i wondered where are all the compassionate people? These people need to be shown His compassion. They can only see it when we do it. By example.

I cry out Father rise up the compassionate ones, let them take their places for Your glory. He calls for a compassionate people, people who will humble themselves for another.

He sends me to the grumpy ole man tonite.. i ruffled his hair again and told him God bless him, he smiled back and said God bless you too, see u tomorrow.

The lady who stays in her room in silence only comes out for meals.

The lady who lost her husband is now walking well on her own.

The hunched back man who God is straightening out and smiled as i left the room.

There are 47 residents there and a bunch of workers, God here I am, send me. Use me. Work through me. Let your Spirit guide me like the wind. All glory and honor and praise to you my King.

I am Yours and You are mine.
My Beloved.
I Honor You.
I give You praise
I bless You Lord.
Bless Your Holy name.

Every single breathe, inhale love.. exhale love

God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby Dora » Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:57 am

Oh Jill, I'm in tears.
What a blessing you are.
Praying for you dear sweet sister as you are out there being His hands and feet.
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Postby mlg » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:12 am

Jill sis...I work with a lot of elderly souls..and I know you know what a blessing it is after reading your shared journal. Keep reaching out with compassion...cuz Jesus had a great heart of compassion for the people and still does. :)

luv ya
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Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:19 am

Thank You my sweet sisters, all glory to the One whom is ours. He is so precious! *Guitar*

There was so much that went on that friday night/ saturday morning that He was teaching me. And that He was teaching her as well.

Well the obvious is Love has no barriers, it reaches over language barriers.

Spirit knows Spirit. Vahn had told me like mercury in the thermometer when it is seperated it clings to nothing but when they come together, its natural for it to just rejoin. They attract one another. Maybe the reason why she would only respond to me. The reason she would open her eyes to me.

4:30 or so that morning i called vahn to ask for comfort from him, He did not answer the phone he was asleep. God was showing me that He is all i needed at that time. I weeped over this woman. My heart ached for her. The nurse was asleep, I told him that she was not going to last through the night. Just me, Filomena and God and some 40 something other residents.

Shows me how many people are asleep, how many people need to be awakened with compassion.

The daughter and son weeping and thanking me and telling the dayturn nurse how compassionate i was with their mother. No... no glory to me... I thank God and give Him the GLORY! It is not me, but Him within me.

calling to Jesus for her, Just repeating His name for her, the tear, the peace...the little grip on my hand, oh Jesus this precious sister of mine waited for you. She waited and i got to hold her hand and witness it. Glorious Jesus.

Vahn said that she was waiting for a witness, a witness to let her know it was ok to go. She wouldnt take food from the world but only from the Spirit. It happened exactly how He had planned it to happen.

Still get choked up about it, never sat with anyone who took their last breathes. She was very comfortable I made sure of that.

So much more he taught me and is still teaching me through this.

I love you all so very much.

♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:34 am


God is soooo good to us!

After all that i have been through. After examining the last year of my life, all the trials at my other job, the accusations, the tears, the frustrations...although it was very hard, extremely hard, painstakingly hard. I understand.

Reaching to just one soul there at my job, reached a whole building. Not only just a whole building either, a family who in turn went to their church and told their friends there about the care that their family member recieved at the facility. I got blessed by gift certificates and beautiful cards with heartfelt words in them that i will cherish and means so much more than any money in fact i turned down the money but they insisted, i also got employee of the month. I get my own parking space at the front of the building ;).Reminds me how our Daddy says those who are last will be first.

With such things going on, i have to deal with the downside of things. Jealousy arises against me. Backbiting. Accusations. Faultfinding. Co-workers who i can hear whisper "who does she think she is, shes only been here for a month" " lets criticise her matter of factly" "you cant spend too much time with the residents and baby them." " we have compassion too, but u dont understand if u treat them that way once they will expect that treatment all the time and we dont have time for that"


so what do i do? i keep striving and continue to do my job that He sent me there to do. I aim to please and honor one person My Daddy. *AngelYellow*

I keep reaching with compassion, i shake the dust off my shoes. Walk with my head held high.

There was a lady who fell yesterday morning i got to minister to her and pray over her leg. The grumpy old man, he remembers my name now and said yesterday after seeing my engagement ring"umm Jill there is something u have to understand, you see i am 91 years old and you are how old?" I replied "35" He then said "Ya Jill you see there is too much of an age difference this would never work out". *laughter* He's a cutey! The lady who lost her husband is coming out of depression and is asking me questions about where we go after we die and how to hear God.

And yes i said engagement ring! It's beautiful! Who would of thought?

It has been an eventful bunch of days, with their share of ups and down and confusion. But i thank the Lord that He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

I have been learning sooo much, I am so thankful that i have someone here now to help me and guide me, to support my walk with Him, to encourage me along the way. I pray I am doing the same for him. *Pray*

The kids are doing well ;)

Miss u guys!

God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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