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Real Date??

Postby Wonderfilled One » Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:14 pm

Hi Momo,

Two questions really...1. What is the REAL date of the Crucifixion and Resurrection?
2. Why is the number of the beast 666, and not, say, 13 or any other number? Is there some meaning behind that number?

I thank You..and GBU,
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Wonderfilled One
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Postby lizzie » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:39 pm

hi wonderfilled :)

I noticed u asked Momof specifically, so just wondering if you would like others to comment also if they wanted to share thoughts on your questions :)

GBU *hug*
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Postby momof3 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:47 am

Hi Wonder,

The closest date Ive been able to find for Christ's resurrection is April 7th....but we know that it was after the Sabbath, which was on Saturday. I dont know if this the exact true date as this is only what's listed in the timeline in my bible. Am looking forward to other responses here.

as for the number of the beast, I dont know. Im gonna go look for some studies here for that, but the link below may help you understand the date of the resurrection better.

This subject has been one that Christians and non-Christians alike debate, but what truly matters is the intent behind the celebration of Christ's sacrifice for our sin and shame. His mercy and Grace is endless. God bless you, wonder..and again, looking forward to other responses here from those who know more about these questions.

here is the link for His resurrection. Its VERY informative! Thank You, Holy Spirit! ... hadows.htm

God bless you, Wonder! Have an awesomely blessed Easter! Bless and be blessed!

in Jesus,
love momo
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Hey, Thanks

Postby Wonderfilled One » Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:57 pm

Thanks Bren, that's much more than I knew bout it. As far as the date, I hope people don't think that, for me, the real date overshadows the true purpose and meaning. I've wondered (imagine that) why there just is not a single, concrete date to celebrate them on, but instead, we've a many fact formula to figure them out. Christmas is always celebrated Dec. 25, so why not Easter???(just thinkin

Alright, take care, Thanks again, n I'll see ya in chat.
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Postby momof3 » Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:25 pm

hey wonder...oh wow! i hope i didnt make you feel like i was questioning your motives :( i think its an awesome question! ive just seen too many times when people wont celebrate Easter or Christmas cuz no one knows the date or for some or other reason :oops: ....i hope i didnt offend you. if i did, im sooo sorry! i sure didnt mean to *Halo*

love ya wonder..and bren, thanks for the info! im searchin that one out too! woohooo!! *angelbounce*

love you all sooo much!

in Jesus,
love momo
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Postby Lionhearted » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:13 am

no offense taken ...


luvya momo *hug5*

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