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Story 'The Journey'

Postby SEMPERFIDELUS8403 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:44 pm

There is a story told of a young man, a boy really, named Johnny who left home at sixteen. Not much is known about him or his family, but what is known is quite a story. He was not close to his family, as they were busy with the cares of this life, and did not spend time with him. His family did not show their love for Johnny, as a result he grew from a child never knowing what love truly was. He spent his time alone wondering, dreaming, of what must lie beyond the prison walls of life.

Johnny set out on a journey to find the God he had heard about so many times from people he knew or seen. He was convinced that he could find God through the knowledge found in the world. Johnny thought "Surely I can find GOD if I learn enough about Him". He spent the next twenty years of his life searching, but to no avail. He roamed from town to town, searching the synagogues and churches he found along his way. Asking how to find this God he had heard so much about. He spoke with rabbis, pastors, ministers and priests, even strangers on the street, but no one could tell him where to find God. The Rabbis spoke to him of the creation of the world and Moses. How GOD had spoken the entire world into existence through HIS mighty power. They also told him of the miracles that GOD had done for HIS people, the Jews. Mostly the Rabbis spoke of the laws that GOD had given to the world to follow, and all the traditions that were to be followed by the Jews. In the churches Johnny heard the story of JESUS and how HE was born of a virgin named Mary. The priests told Johnny she was divine, but this did not make sense to Johnny as GOD was supposed to be three beings in one, not four. They sent him many places and taught him many things, but none could calm the storm raging in his soul; or fill the void that consumed his heart. He searched long and hard to find God, but no matter how much he learned, he still could not find GOD. After so many years of searching, Johnny became discouraged, and started thinking "Maybe GOD cannot be found". Johnny's great journey had made him tired, for now he had grown older. He had learned a great deal on his journey and his mind was full of knowledge, but still he did not know who GOD was. He felt like a failure, because even though he had all this knowledge, he still did not feel like he knew anything. In his heart he still had a void, a place that only love could fill. Sadly, he never thought about love, as no one had spoken more than in passing of the love of GOD. Never was GOD described of as Father' by any whom Johnny had spoken with. All had spoken of GODs power and might, which only reminded Johnny of his family' and what they had done to him. This only fueled the storm that raged in his soul, tearing it apart as a hurricane does to a building. How can this GOD with so much power and might allow such pain to envelop the world HE created
Last edited by SEMPERFIDELUS8403 on Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Woooo Hoooo!

Postby Guest » Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:58 pm

Booya dude! Proud of ya! ;)
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Postby momof3 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:47 pm

God bless you, bro, Semp. This is beautiful and amazing. Our Father's love..and mercy. Nothing campares. No words can describe it, but this brought me to tears, bro. He is all things. Thank you for posting this as the Lord led you to. SOOO many need to know His love..His heart for us.

In Jesus,
love momo
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The Journey

Postby Guest » Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:56 pm

WOW !!! great story. Sort of like some people i know. Keep it up bro'
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the journey

Postby Guest » Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:03 pm

think I replied already...comp shut down. Not sure if it git sent or not...Great Story bud....keep it up !!
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