Springs, streams, and rushing rivers: whisp blog

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Postby Whisperingsprings » Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:39 pm

thanks everyone for your prayers and support.

I'm struggling very much as is my spouse. I had thought about inviting him to Celebrate Recovery, but he already knows about it. I hate being the one to suggest things so frequently. It makes me feel like I'm the only one interested in the quality of our marriage.

I do like my meetings though. I also like my garden though I think the cabbage is going to die because someone I know didn't get it into the ground. Hmmmmmm, :roll:

anywhoosie, the petunias, jasmine, and some of the pansies are fine. the tomato plants look happy too. The dog is digging in the spinach cause it's in a pot *laughter* .

Going to work tonight need the money. Will also work an extra day on Saturday. Need the money. I will have a long tiring week this week but that's okay. It'll be worth it to pay the bills ya know. take care, I'll check in with everyone else later.
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Postby mlg » Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:42 pm

Whisperingsprings, I must say...I am proud of you...despite the struggles you keep on pushing through...knowing that you are faced with adversity at each turn...God is even more proud.

Awww...I hope you can take some pictures of your garden when everything starts blooming and share them with us here in your journal.

May God be your strength during this tiring week...He will see you through.

Great hearing from you.

luv ya
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Postby Mercy7 » Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:52 pm

Keep on Journaling, doing good!! Keep it up ;)
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:16 pm

OOOOOhhhhhhhh my goodness!!!!!!

You guys have no idea how your prayers helped me last night. Thank you . . . . thank you . . . . thank you . . . . thank you . . . . . and please continue the pattern for the next one million thank yous *laughter* .

Last night was more than just rough. It was BAD!!!! And even more awesome than that was that God stayed in my heart. I only contributed a little money to my cursing jar *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* .

*Halo* *Halo* *Halo* Boy was I trying to bump the halo thing and get it to turn on. Then wouldn't ya know it!!!! I didn't recharge the thing with God to begin with . . . *Whistle* so that's why it kept going out huh? :oops: :P

(Sigh) And yet, it is about beginning again. Each moment was another opportunity to start over and start over, I had no choice. I have a grea boss who I can learn so much from. It's very easy to see Christ in her and guess, what, things must have gone well . . . because even the other staff thought I handled the adversity well WOOOOT !!!!! *HappyBirthday* *HappyBirthday* so, I celebrate.

Please come to the celebration with me. It is better shared anywhoosie, don't ya think????

So at least that went well. Actually all in all, I think things went as best as I could with my knowledge and the situations at hand. I was told that I will be written up about one issue at work, however when I spoke the the boss, they said, "no, I wouldn't be written up; because, she is the one who would be writing anyone up if necessary.

And to think that I went in to help out and earn a little extra cash for the family. Some days, it really is better not to enable situations and to allow whatever that should happen . . . to happen. I am not God and neither is anyone else. I step in God's way all to often, and often get plowed under for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or whatever.

I'm not sure that this was the case last night. I do think everything that happened was supposed to happen and that everyone did the best that they could with the situations we were given. Soooo, I guess I agree to take the write up - if it happens - and learn. And if it doesn't happen, then that's ;okay too. Maybe next time I will perform even better under duress. After all that will be where my character is shaped whether I want it as such or not. Soooo, might as well work with the plan, ya know what I mean.

Well, I'm rambling now soo, off to bed. Won't get to go to Celebrate Recovery this week because I have to work. I am disappointed but okay Maybe this is the way things are supposed to work out. I'm okay with that thought.

Hugs everyone. I'll check in on you and my dead plants *laughter* after I wake up.
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Postby mlg » Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:28 pm

rofl The Spirit within your post sis...was just awesome!! I love watching God move...and move He did for you...and just as you said...it's often about getting out of His way so He can move...and if we will just remember to do this...maybe just maybe we wouldn't stumble on those stumbling blocks so much.

God is smiling on you sis. So happy for you.

luv ya *hug*
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:21 pm

doing fine.

didn't get to go to celebrate recovery and i do wish that i could have gone but, alas, i did go to work. everybodies gotta eat.

work is nuts: write ups, grumpy managers, throw in a thief or 2, laziness and there you have my work week for last week. i think i forgot the lawsuit issue - ahhh well that's still up in the air for now.

marriage: today is my day so this is going on the back burner of my brain.

kids: one is way to chunky, something to do with 5am cookies on the couch while watching cartoons until 7-8am when he decides to make himself breakfast. ahhhh, the things i learn by sleeping on the couch.

dog: happy doggie. just alot of eye boogers. have no idea why and we've been on antibiotcs multiple times. i think maybe she has an allergy to something. gotta figure that one out.

garden: still alive woot!!!! except for the cabbage. if only i can locate the small rock for a headstone. "here lies cabbage - rip" :oops: :roll:

the spinach continues to survive the doggie woot!!! however the marigolds didn't make it into the ground either and I do believe little nosey has drug off a few of my marigolds, I see the evidence left behind!!!! *Whistle* *laughter*

well, my little people are requesting my presence. they need someone to cut the brownies. :P

take care everyone.

i've been thinking about adding a new pet to our nutty home - perhaps a guinea pig . . . . . hmmmmm. the store owner said not to purchase anything lower on the food chain . . . . but i wonder. maybe it would work ?
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Postby mlg » Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:26 pm

Sounds like your going through life sis...you shared everything going on in your physical household...but how about your Spiritual household? Your life with you and God? Are you getting time to spend with Him? Resting in His presence?

A new pet huh? I had a couple of guinea pigs once...but found out quickly I was really allergic to them and I had to send them to a new home. But if you are not allergic to them...they are fun pets. :)

Keep on keeping on sis...*hug*

luv ya
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Postby Tam » Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:52 pm

Hi whispering

So glad to see the garden is still alive and you are still pressing in.
Hope to see you tonight in SOS

Lova ya
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Postby Dora » Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:53 pm

the store owner said not to purchase anything lower on the food chain

Is he speaking lower than the kids? Cause anything higher on the food chain than the kids could get..um..well..messy. *Yikes*

Super glue the cookie jar. That'll teach the chunky monkey from sneaking sweets at 5am. :P

Enjoyed your post. You seem to be handling the stress of work, family, marriage, and life well. :) Keep giving it all to Him.
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:27 pm

Someone asked about my spiritual life. It has good and bad moments. Moments when I blame God for things going on in my life and other moments, when I realize that it isn't His fault. Quite frankly, some of the stuff, I'm going through wasn't His idea either. I know Him, and I know that He had a different plan. He's allowing everyone including me to make our choices, and then He plays the hand He has.

So often, I think that both Christians and non-Christians alike believe that God planned for the insanity to happen in our lives. This just isn't always the case, plain and simple. Yes, he has definitely allowed kingdoms to be over thrown and yes, he always supports truth irregardless of it's beauty or lack thereof.

However, I've decided that not everything that happens is really in God's plan. Human's have free will and then God literally works with whatever we choose.

Then I have to learn to accept somethings just aren't God's idea. He's just playing the hand that was dealt to Him.

And that is my situation. God is playing the hand dealt to Him.

So, My spiritual life is okay. Not perfect, not wonderful, not necessarily healthy either - on many days the snail eaten flowers look better than my soul to be quite honest. For today, I'm okay and only because God lives.
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Postby mlg » Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:46 am

Hi sis...that was me who asked about your spiritual walk. Our spiritual walk is a constant...we have to work on it continually...just as any relationship takes work. But just know this my sister...Jesus loves you no matter what...and on those days you feel like you aren't as close to Him as you would like to be...He is still near.

Luv ya sis *hug*
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:02 am


thanks for your post mlg. Yes, He is always there :) thank goodness, huh.


Okie dokie, so I really need to work an extra day today but, I also need to focus on finishing my tasks here at the house. The house/garden is going to win out. Especially since is comes with a soy cafe mocha latte from starbucks :P

Ahhhhh, heaven in a cup ;)

*ReadBible* I decided a few days ago to work on a new goal. We all have to do this for my support group. As you achieve your new habit you are rewarded with chips. The chips are passed out for 30days, 90days and so on. My returning habit unfortunately not new, will be to get back to reading my Bible every day. I decided this was God's way of rewarding me for getting back closer to Him. (I mean getting the chip thing as a reward.)

*KeepOnWalkin* So, I'm a scootin along in life.

And about that cookie jar issue. The little chunky monkeys ate all but 10 cookies in the bag. This is all I'm gonna say on that topic cause otherwise my emotions will switch over to Rushing Rivers. And that just isn't where I want to be. ;) I'd much rather be *dance* or *Peace* or *Coffee* and *Gardening* with more *coffee10*. *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter*

So, I'm taking my giggly bones to the garden and Starbucks and having a good day. :)

*hug5* to everyone and thanks for stopping by. *harp*
Last edited by Whisperingsprings on Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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