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The Misfits of God

Postby morningrain » Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:18 pm

Romans 15:4, For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
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Postby Dora » Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:57 am

For about 6 months now the story that keeps calling me to look at it deeper is the woman at the well.

Often the focus is on her. A woman who had five husbands and now living with a man who she's not married to.

And that Jesus offered her living water. Despite their differences and social boundaries.

What about how he treated her. He didn't look down on her like many of us have had religious figures do. He didn't say you sinner you need to repent.

What he has been having me to focus on is not about what he didn't do, but what he did do.

He sat and talked to her.

Will you give me a drink, he asked. Serving. That's something I like to do. Keeps me busy so others won't see what is going on inside. If I'm busy they won't take the time to see how worthless I really am. I like busy.

He talked to her. He wasn't in a hurry. His friends came up. He didn't say to her see ya later I have other people to talk to. No he kept his focus on her. If that happened today a woman may think he's after a relationship. Probably a one night relationship. But not Jesus. His focus was kingdom bound. I'm told this is one of the longest conversations recorded in the bible. Not a sermon but a conversation between two people. He takes the time to explain to her what he means. He doesn't speak over her head. He comes down to her level and even reveals to her that he is the Messiah because she has no spiritual discernment of her own to know these things.

The thought of someone doing that brings me to tears. I can not imagine Jesus taking the time to talk to me like he did this woman. But then if someone ever did I don't think I could sit through it. I'd change the subject. So perhaps some have tried and It's just to uncomfortable to have someone give their time and thoughts towards me that I find a way to slip away. Though so did she. Jesus was relentless in seeking her. He spoke about who she is and she changed the subject to talk about him and who he must be. Yea talking about me can be uncomfortable so lets talk about you.

Mean while his buddies where trying to get him to quit talking to her and eat. As if filling their tummies was more important than reaching this very lost and hurting person because she was no only female she was a Samaritan. Is that not typical of the many humans to give us a once over to see who we are before they'll share a moment of their time, let alone a few moments to get to know us and feel where we are at.

Then I have to ask myself do I give others this kind of time and attention?
Busy aren't we. At times to busy to do God any good? Distracted by work, cooking, cleaning, repairs, the lawn, activities. We work to afford the car that requires repairs so we work more so we can afford the repairs. Or the home. Or the clothes. Or the _______ you fill in the blank.

The one thing God keeps showing me about this story is Jesus was gentle.
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Postby morningrain » Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:37 am

Can tell you really have given this story a lot of thought and can see the Lord's Spirit working through you. Jesus has taken His time with all of us. We are to follow his example, only right whenever a time arises we should do the same with other and more importantly take time and spend time with Christ.

Thank you Pine for sharing this. You've got me thinking.


Anyone else have a story or person of the bible that has spoken to their hearts and have learned something of great vaule? Whats shared may be in need of hearing by someone that comes along and reads.

Romans 15:4, For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
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