Christianity Oasis Forum

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Postby Timothy » Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:13 pm

goldiluvs wrote:
> A new day so time for seeing another blessing. <

Like the sunrise - His light shines bright, again.
Like His mercies - new, again.
Like His love - refreshed, again.

again, from goldieluvs:
> Today's blessing was seeing God's hand in everything around me! <

At this moment, as I look around me, I am seeing my brothers and sisters
of the Christianity Oasis. I marvel at how the love of Jesus shines
through each and everyone of you. Its amazing how, when *you* are
blessed by God, the rest of the Body recieves a blessing, too.
Praise be to God!

Today, inparticular, as I read through some of my favored forums, my
heart has been touched through the blessings and sharings of sister
goldieluvs and brother Realtmg.
Thank you Jesus!

I supose, when we have put up some kind of a barrier, knowingly or not,
and we are unable to process God's word, God uses other parts of the body to reach us.
*His* will, will be done! Amen!
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Postby goldieluvs » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:39 am

New day, new blessing seeing time!!!! I just LOVE this, starting my day out just taking time to see a blessing at the beginning of each day. Sassy this is such an AWESOME thread... this totally rocks!!!

Amen brother Timothy for:

supose, when we have put up some kind of a barrier, knowingly or not, and we are unable to process God's word, God uses other parts of the body to reach us.
*His* will, will be done! Amen!

To see Him working in my and everyone here's lives is a blessing like real and timothy said. Ok, onto the blessing...... today, i realized that I have been eating healthier and have certainly decreased my fast food drive thrus! This has inspired me as i had previously told my neighbor that once spring came that i wanted to start going walking. Today, my blessing is God inspiring me to call my neighbor and take Annie (my overweight dog who is on thyroid medicine and needs to be healthier!) Will give us some sharing time. Getting to know each other a lil better and knowing God will come up in the conversation!! I will call her later. lol actually i think i shared two blessings... like i said blessings abound!!!

Thank you Jesus!!!
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Postby Sassy3 » Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:29 pm

Gee, what a blessing it is to read how you folks are sharing. I've been away for a number of days; was good to read all the postings.

Today as we sat watching the new baby calves romp and play in the warm sunshine, then bed down on the hay, it brought a sense of peace. No sounds other than an occasional mother cow's lowing for her baby broke the silence. There was no need to talk; just the company of two good friends taking advantage of the Lord's world....far from the hustle and bustle of life in town.

Tomorrow we shall return to our routine lifestyle; preparing IRS reports, writing business letters acknowledging donations to a non-profit group of which I am a member; helping with the grandchildren; and other things that will demand our attention. But until then, I shall rejoice in the Lord and be glad for His provisions.

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Postby goldieluvs » Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:24 am

Well, i didn't get around to posting before leaving for work yesterday, so i guess i will skip to this morning lol

My blessing today: Last night finances weighed heavy on my mind; then i thought of some friends who have no home who are happy in the Lord and joyfully serve Him. Waking up this morning one of the first things i thought of were my finances as i had been counting on my tax refund to come by now; so when it comes; it comes and am sure the extra money will help cut down on some bills when it does arrive. My blessing comes from learning that.

God will provide! (guess budgeting isn't one of my strong points lol ).
Today I am at peace knowing that God will provide. I go to the doctor
today to find out what's going on with my hands (thinking carpal tunnel but dunno) so being able to go to doctor is a blessing.

The sun isn't up yet cuz of the time change, and yet i have this feeling of peace knowing that whatever today brings, God is with me.

Time to begin the day!
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Postby Sassy3 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:50 am

Blessings....they are many in my life. Health is good; have a home where I can be safe warm/dry or cool, whatever the need; a car (be it old) that takes me where I need to go....and most of all, I have my Savior to comfort me each day.

Now may I ask a question and hopefully someone can answer. Which book in the New Testament refers to "the happy Jesus"? I'm of the opinion it will be one of the four Gospels. Thanks for any help.

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Postby Mackenaw » Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:28 pm

Hello Sassy :)

There is a scripture in the book of Hebrews that speaks of Jesus that way.

Hebrews 1:9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

Looking forward to reading other scriptures that others may share with us.

God bless and keep you.
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My Blessings

Postby Angel42 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:39 pm

I had to comment on my blessings as well. I have many financial heartaches that sometimes overwhelms me and blocks my reception of God's blessings. So today I just want to share His blessings. I am blessed today because God blessed my family and I with health and wellness today and blessed me with money to put gas today so that I could make it to work. Thank you God for your many blessings and all the future blessings to come. I Love You!!!

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Postby flutemusic67 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 am

Feeling blessed today for simply being able to believe in God and have faith as a child.

A new acquaintance has been CON-vinced God does not exist and is Wiccan now. Please pray for him.

My resolution for today, next month, and years to come is to be further from the world and closer to the Word.
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Postby goldieluvs » Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:18 pm

awww flute sis i haven't seen u in ages its good to see u again!! I will keep ur new aquaintance in prayers. Ok, my blessing for today is in receiving an email from my sister sharing God Post Its. They were really cute and uplifting :) God is indeed good!
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Postby Dora » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:51 pm

I got to get out today and do some raking in the flower garden.

Some of my flowers didn't make it through the winter. A bunny or something ate some of my roses. Good excuse to maybe get a new rose bush. :)

I raked back some leaves and found tulips growing! It was so sweet.

The sun was bright and warm. Such a wonderful wonderful wonderful treat after a winter of little to no sunlight.

I'm so thankful for the flowers, the sun shine, and the opportunity to get outside and get some fresh air.

I have a baby I watch 1-2 days a week now. It was so warm outside he was able to go out with me. He loved the swing. And Everyone loves him. He has such a cute little sweet face. He brightens my day. Except he's teething so he's been a bit cranky but I'm still thankful for him and his presence in my life. :)
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Postby goldieluvs » Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:51 am

With the coming of spring, i can feel my spirit lifted.

My blessing comes today in realizing that i have been in the desert up until recently when God brought me back out yet again (thank you Jesus!) and said "Get back to work, reach" So, back to work it is trying to follow God, and His will instead of my own. am so inspired by some loved ones whose faith is taking them around the country, day by day.

Angel42 it's amazing to see how God provides day to day now, just like He did in the Bible, when Moses and his people wandered in the wildnerness, day by day He supplied their needs. He is the same today as yesterday and alll those many years back. He is awesome indeed!!! Reminds me of loved ones who are literally going through the country spreading God's word; going about doing His work, RELYING in FAITH in HIM everyday to supply their needs so they can continue to go about their work for HIM! *Amen*
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Postby goldieluvs » Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:39 am

I had all these plans today from yesterday, like cutting the back yard(managed to do the front yesterday) hanging out more clothes (trying to trim the budget) and i awoke and it was chilly and overcast. At first i was a lil dismayed, til God reminded me that He is in control and NOTHING is impossible with Him. I saw where new buds on trees had come off in the night and saw things budding, knowing life was coming along just fine! Realizing these plans were so little in the scheme of things. Then i came here to post about what blessing i saw this morning and saw there were no posts from yesterday and wondered was everyone too busy? did people just not see their blessings from yesterday? Was i being a dreamer in thinking how inspirational it would be if people posted their blessings even one blessing a day? Then i was again reminded, God's time, not mine. Today, my blessing is that God brought me Peace and reminded me not my time schedule but His.

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