Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

BBJ #3

Postby Guest » Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:00 am

You know I love the way God speaks to us, all though sometimes I think that I am to stubborn to hear Him. I have been wrestling with this porn thing for a long time now and I always thought that I only needed to ask God to take it from me and I would be done with it. Well, I have listened to a couple of sermons on the web over the past few weeks and some of the things that were said really hit home for me. God will help me through the problem of porn but I still have a part to do. It is like marriage, it takes two to make the marriage work. First of all, when I look at porn I know what the consequences are. I choose to look, no one forces me. Second, God gave us groups were we can get the extra help we need like the sos forum. Third, I am not perfect, my flesh is weak, and I NEED that extra help... I want to tell everyone who have read all my post since I started here how sorry I am for being a fake. All this time I thought I had everything under control and I don't. I rededicated my life to Christ only five months ago and for some reason I thought I was mature. I am far from it. I do believe God is healing me but I still have a lot to learn. I want to start fresh here if I may and to start it off I would like to say Hello, my screen name is blue bird and I am addicted to porn and have committed immoral sexual acts. I am a sinner who needs forgiveness and strength to over come my addiction to porn. I am in need of courage to ask for help and admit when I have done wrong or am wrong. I can no longer do this on my own. The mind is willing but the flesh is weak.

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Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:50 am

Hey Blue
I just want to tell you you are NOT a fake you are weak in the flesh and that's IT, this porn addiction has ALL of us just as it has you and you are right we have to do our part to get past it but it isn't easy but the Lord wants you to be persistant in your fight when you fall you GET UP dust yourself off ask for forgiveness and move on HE KNOWS YOUR GOING TO FALL BEFORE YOU DO it's no surprise to him as for the "sex acts committed" did you or did you not ask for forgiveness..... it is finished
allow yourself to heal.
please look into the book titled "every man's battle" it along with oasis and 2 pastors AND professional counseling is what I chose to use as my weapons against this sickness those combined with the grace of God AND I WILL BEAT THIS!!!! and so can you!!
God bless
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Postby mlg » Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:41 am

And God friend...we all have our flaws...our imperfections....and our struggles...sometimes we try to hide those for reasons of shame...fear or pride...but hiding them doesn't do anything but make us hurt more...bringing out the Truth as you have just done....sets you on a new path...allowing God to work within help you heal and grow...our walk with Jesus is a lifetime one....we will fall many times before we meet Him in gloryland...but on our way there...we have His blood covering our sins...Keep fighting the good fight...

luv ya
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Postby Dora » Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:59 am

my flesh is weak, and I NEED that extra help

Amen! We think we can over come our problems on our own. We NEED each other to help us over come. We are one body. We are designed to help each other up. How can we if we hide our sins? Sharing, being honest, being humbled and broken is scary. What if someone judges us. What if they gossip about us. What if they point fingers. What if I loose all my friends. What if the world finds out I've got a problem.

I find in my 3-D world it is often the truth that I will be judged, that I will be gossiped about, that I will loose friends. But here people are real. Those that do so are still walking in darkness. It's difficult to be the first one to step out and say, I have a problem and this is my problem. But once you break the ground others will start following and start finding freedom.

I've still got problems, but getting them out in the open helps me walk easier. I don't spend so much energy trying to hide them anymore.
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