Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Postby mlg » Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:59 am

mypsbox...the anger, revenge etc...those are emotions that you have regarding what has happened to you. Forgiveness is different as it is releasing the hurt and pain of the past so that you can bring the emotions under control. So in a way they are linked but different.

As far as all those links at the end of step 5, you can go through those when you have extra time each day...but try to stay on the path of the steps...maybe a step and one of those links a day til you get through the ones you want to work on.

mypsbox...I see you growing sis...I know you have hit some tough steps these last couple of days...but when I read what you have shared...I see you are beginning to heal and that you want this healing...and that my sister speaks the healing WILL be yours.

Your doing well.

luv ya
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Postby lizzie » Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:49 pm

OK lizzie, my very HONEST wonderful sis, did He not say, forgive as you would want to be forgiven? Did He not say, if you would want to be forgiven for things, then you need to forgive him for things?

Am I wrong, did I get this wrong? I want to be correct on this. I am not trying to be difficult, I just want to make sure I understand. I feel very deeply about this forgiveness thing. I know, you think I'm holding on to something that I should just let go, but I am very serious about this.

To me, with God's help, I know I can work on the anger, hatred and revenge. I do not want to hold any of those feelings against him. To me, forgiveness is different. I'm not sure how to explain it. And maybe I am obsessing too much about this. I don't know.

mypsyboo *hug* i love u :)

ur not obsessing... ur trying to make sense of something that goes against our very human nature. Forgiveness makes no sense in our logical minds. I mean for cryin out loud, how in the world can one forgive someone who harms a child? or who blows up thousands of people in the name of religion? its just inconceivable to us... yet the way of the spirit is so very different from the way of the flesh, and it is only by the spirit can we find that way to forgiveness. For the truth is, whether we feel as tho someone (including ourselves) deserves to be forgiven or not, its not up to us, cuz when Jesus died on that cross, He did so to make forgiveness and Grace accessible to ALL SINNERS. The murderers, the rapists, the abusers, the liers, the cheaters... and the list goes on. He died for all of us, as we all are sinners, and sin is sin in the eyes of God, no matter how we may try to put it into different degrees.

yes if we want God to forgive us, then we must forgive others.

Now here is the kicker... forgiveness allows us to be right with God again, as we no longer have sin that separates between us and God. If we choose not to forgive, then how is God able to forgive us? Therefore we stand separated from God by our sin yet again, because of our own choice to not forgive others.

Make no mistake about this... forgiving the one who hurt you in NO WAY means that what he did to you was right, or that you condone it. No sis, it just means that you no carry it on your shoulder every single day of your life, because you choose to give that to God and leave justice in His hands as He sees fit. No longer belongs to you.

And to me its a process, not an overnight thing. Yes it takes that decision to forgive, but it also requires us to remind ourselves that we have given this over to God in the times where our minds are tempted to go back into the situation in anger and fear etc.

Now think of this sister... if this person who hurt you, someday repents and asks God to forgive him for what he did... do you think God will say no? No way... God will forgive him and he will be free of his sins. Yet if you choose to not forgive, you will remain in your sins cuz God will be unable to forgive you of them as long as you hold this unforgiveness in your heart...

15 But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins

U are right, forgiveness is a serious issue, and deserves time and effort to understand it better.

When you are able to, matthew 18 has a wonderful parable on forgiveness, that helps us see it thru God's eyes.

Remember that we dont start this journey perfected... rather God perfects us little by little, step by step, as we go, by showing us His thoughts and His desires and His will, and then helping us line up our own thoughts and desires and will with His. So do not think that something is wrong with YOU cuz u find forgiving the person who hurt you so bad a difficult thing. We all struggle with this area, I have and still do at times. But we keep trying and as long as we do our part we have comfort in the fact that God is faithful to do His.

You are doin awesome sister. Keep seeking the Lord and know that all things are possible with Him and thru Him :)

I wuv ya mypsy *hug*
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Postby deetu » Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:02 pm

my, I'm glad you realize the forgiveness is for you.

slow and steady...
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Postby Ann_is_Alive » Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:39 pm

OK I have completed day 6 of the counseling steps.

Homework???? I never got past day 5 before, now I know why - I hate homework!

I never considered my mind as my soul. But I get the all three things as one. I always looked at it like an egg. There is the shell, the yolk and white part. All three separate and yet all three together as one.

Trying to narrow down the things I will put on my growth chart will be the hardest part. *laughter*

Tam, (I don't know how you put up with me - lol) you know me so well, I luv ya so much. Thank you for you encouragement!
The anger, the hurt, the bitterness. the revenge and the mistrust are all because you are still hurting and carrying some unforgivenenss
You also know exactly what to say, even when it's annoying. You would have to point that out to me, wouldn't you!

I see you growing sis...I know you have hit some tough steps these last couple of days...but when I read what you have shared...I see you are beginning to heal and that you want this healing.

Yes, I really do want this. Thanks for you your encouragement!

ur not obsessing... ur trying to make sense of something that goes against our very human nature. Forgiveness makes no sense in our logical minds.

OK, having somebody say that, let's me put that in to a different perspective. I never looked at as 'it makes no sense'. But I understand that.
yes if we want God to forgive us, then we must forgive others.

OK, OK, OK, I get it.
When you are able to, matthew 18 has a wonderful parable on forgiveness, that helps us see it thru God's eyes.

Thanks, I'll look at that.

deetu, yes no worries, I will be doing it slow and steady.
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Postby mlg » Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:52 pm

Step 6

The charts :) These are really wonderful mypsbox. Start with small charts...maybe a few items on each one...that way they won't seem like too can always add things later...but even one item on each chart is better than none :)

Our mind does control our soul...and with that being what it is...working on pulling out the bad things in our mind and placing in the good...means what touches our soul will bring joy and happiness....

luv ya sis
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Postby Ann_is_Alive » Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:57 am

OK I have completed day 7 of the counseling steps.


You guys told me that my flashbacks meant I was ready to deal with whatever was going on. Never thought of it that way. Now I do!!!

I totally get day 7. I printed the charts, I understand how that all works. Now I understand the forgiveness thing now. I still have a hard time doing that, but now I understand why I should forgive! WOW!

I am glad that I 'took' a couple of days off from the steps to process 5 and 6. God knows what he is doing!!!!! I was not ready to handle day 7 until today. Between the last time I did day 6 and now, I've read other posts, I had help and examples of growth charts from you guys, I had several flashbacks - back to back - never had that before. Now I know all these things were what I needed to do before day 7, they have tied in to me understanding day 7 today - right now.

WOW! OK, I need to work on my miracle grow chart now.

Praise God!

God bless you all!

P.S. I also asked phantom to change my name - mypsbox. When I first came to this site, I was not in a very good place. My username was how I felt at the time. I am not that person anymore. When it's changed it will indicate where I am now.
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Postby Dora » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:30 am

God is awesome isn't he!

What's the new name? I can't wait! *angelbounce*
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Postby mlg » Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:52 pm

Oh goodie!! *angelbounce* I can't wait to see the new name. Yippeee!

So you are now beginning to see the whole picture for your God sees it. Often when we are deep in hurt we have blinders on to keep us from seeing the entire picture...but now that you are are able to take those blinders off and see what is the real Truth! I'm so happy for you sis. God is truly blessing you...and He has more yet.

luv ya sweet sis
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Postby Ann_is_Alive » Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:31 pm

Pine and mlg,

It's............. Ann_is_Alive

It speaks for itself!

Glory to God!!!

Thank you guys for your support!!!! Luv ya guys!!!!!

I'll keep you updated on day 8!

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Postby Dora » Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:38 pm





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Postby mlg » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:12 pm

And I smile :)

WOOHOOOO!!!! It's fantastic...great to see you living sis....God is so proud of you!

luv ya bunches
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Postby Ann_is_Alive » Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:04 am

OK, I have completed day 8 of the counseling steps.

I understand trials and tribulation (t&t).....but what is wrong with the enemy thinking I am not a threat to him and him leaving me alone?

Why do we have to have t&t if we don't have to, when we can live a quiet, uneventful christian life here on earth until Jesus comes?


p.s. Lizzie, I read the parable on forgiveness - Matthew 18. I get it, it was very helpful thank you.
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