Christianity Oasis Forum
Balm In Gilead
There is balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul
SOmtimes I feel discouraged
And think my work's in vain,
But then the HOly SPirit
Revives my soul again
There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul
If you cant preach like Peter,
If you cant pray like Paul,
Just tell the love of Jesus,
And say He died for all.
There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul.
Author unknown
All I need is Jesus
There is balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul
SOmtimes I feel discouraged
And think my work's in vain,
But then the HOly SPirit
Revives my soul again
There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul
If you cant preach like Peter,
If you cant pray like Paul,
Just tell the love of Jesus,
And say He died for all.
There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul.
Author unknown
All I need is Jesus
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Oh how He loves me!
My dearest daughter,
I dress you in the finest linen. Your smile delights me. Your beauty is as radiant as a beam of sunlight. The stars are jealous of your beauty, of your sparkle, of your shine. You are Mine. You are My beloved. I chose you.
Streams, lightning, radiance, vibrant colors... that is what I surround your being with. That is who you are. Like flint, you spark and when you spark, you ignite. The fire in you is from Me. I am in you, how much more intimate is that? We are One!
Let Me guide you on this path. Give Me the reigns to your chariot that I summoned for you. I'm sorry they have hurt you. I will never hurt you. Let My words envelope you. You rest in my Glory. I Am Glory and you rest in Me. Forever and ever.
Here, let Me take those shoes, dust them off. There now... let Me put these shoes on you. See the fit? It is perfect My love. Shoes that do not fit constrict you and are hard to walk in My dear. The shoes I have for you is not like any of these.
Waken your heart to My love. Pursuit with Passion, that is how I pursue you, with passsion.
Dont you see Me chasing you? Adoring you? My hand is out, I beckon you, My love... come to me.. come to me... Be Mine and Mine alone. I will protect you. I will keep you. The passion we share nothing can compare to it, nothing on earth will ever be able to compare.
You are so precious to Me, My lovely one. You sing praise to Me, and I adore you young one. You seranade Me and the angels are jealous of our love. You dance for Me and you feel Me there with you. You follow the scent of My perfume.
See how I admire you? Begin to know the beauty you are. Grasp your precious little mind around the thought of Me, God ALmighty, admiring you. And why wouldnt I? After all I created you to be just the way you are.
You are not alone when terror strikes your land.
You heard me say " I Am the good shepherd" I also want to say to you My dear " I Am your good and faithful Husband"
Do you realise how much I love you? Think about the depth of my love for you... I pulled you out of slavery, I purchased you, though you were torn and tattered. I mended your wounds. I nurse you back to health. NO one can do for you like I can. Rest in my comfort and know I am there.
Love Always,
I Am
My dearest daughter,
I dress you in the finest linen. Your smile delights me. Your beauty is as radiant as a beam of sunlight. The stars are jealous of your beauty, of your sparkle, of your shine. You are Mine. You are My beloved. I chose you.
Streams, lightning, radiance, vibrant colors... that is what I surround your being with. That is who you are. Like flint, you spark and when you spark, you ignite. The fire in you is from Me. I am in you, how much more intimate is that? We are One!
Let Me guide you on this path. Give Me the reigns to your chariot that I summoned for you. I'm sorry they have hurt you. I will never hurt you. Let My words envelope you. You rest in my Glory. I Am Glory and you rest in Me. Forever and ever.
Here, let Me take those shoes, dust them off. There now... let Me put these shoes on you. See the fit? It is perfect My love. Shoes that do not fit constrict you and are hard to walk in My dear. The shoes I have for you is not like any of these.
Waken your heart to My love. Pursuit with Passion, that is how I pursue you, with passsion.
Dont you see Me chasing you? Adoring you? My hand is out, I beckon you, My love... come to me.. come to me... Be Mine and Mine alone. I will protect you. I will keep you. The passion we share nothing can compare to it, nothing on earth will ever be able to compare.
You are so precious to Me, My lovely one. You sing praise to Me, and I adore you young one. You seranade Me and the angels are jealous of our love. You dance for Me and you feel Me there with you. You follow the scent of My perfume.
See how I admire you? Begin to know the beauty you are. Grasp your precious little mind around the thought of Me, God ALmighty, admiring you. And why wouldnt I? After all I created you to be just the way you are.
You are not alone when terror strikes your land.
You heard me say " I Am the good shepherd" I also want to say to you My dear " I Am your good and faithful Husband"
Do you realise how much I love you? Think about the depth of my love for you... I pulled you out of slavery, I purchased you, though you were torn and tattered. I mended your wounds. I nurse you back to health. NO one can do for you like I can. Rest in my comfort and know I am there.
Love Always,
I Am
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow--not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love.
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,
I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love which Christ Jesus our Lord shows us. We can't be separated by death or life, by angels or rulers, by anything in the present or anything in the future, by forces
Thank You Father
Glory to God
You are Holy
You are Magnificent
You are Righteaous
You are my Redeemer
You are my Strength
You are my Mighty Warrior
You are the Lover of my soul
I adore You
I worship You
Your perfume is so sweet and inviting
I am yours and you are mine.
I love you
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow--not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love.
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,
I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love which Christ Jesus our Lord shows us. We can't be separated by death or life, by angels or rulers, by anything in the present or anything in the future, by forces
Thank You Father
Glory to God
You are Holy
You are Magnificent
You are Righteaous
You are my Redeemer
You are my Strength
You are my Mighty Warrior
You are the Lover of my soul
I adore You
I worship You
Your perfume is so sweet and inviting
I am yours and you are mine.
I love you
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Send your Wind
Breath your fire
Spirit burn within
Set yr flame upon my heart
Spirit burn within
Consume me
Consume me
Send yr wind
Breathe yr fire
Spirit burn within
Set yr flmae on my heart
Spirit burn within
Consume me
Consume me
Cover the earth
Wind of God of Glory
Spirit of God flow
Cover the earth with yr Glory
Cover the earth
Send yr wind
Breath yr fire
Sprit burn within
Set yr flame upon my heart
Spriit burn within
Consume me
Consume me
Breathe upon us now
Burn within us now
Send yr wind
Send yr Will
Spirit burn within us now
Consume mee
Consume mee
Spirit of God
Consume mee
Cover the earth
With yr Glory
You are Holy, You are Holy,
You are Holy, O Lord
Let me join the angels in singing to you this day. I bless you Lord.
your daughter
Breath your fire
Spirit burn within
Set yr flame upon my heart
Spirit burn within
Consume me
Consume me
Send yr wind
Breathe yr fire
Spirit burn within
Set yr flmae on my heart
Spirit burn within
Consume me
Consume me
Cover the earth
Wind of God of Glory
Spirit of God flow
Cover the earth with yr Glory
Cover the earth
Send yr wind
Breath yr fire
Sprit burn within
Set yr flame upon my heart
Spriit burn within
Consume me
Consume me
Breathe upon us now
Burn within us now
Send yr wind
Send yr Will
Spirit burn within us now
Consume mee
Consume mee
Spirit of God
Consume mee
Cover the earth
With yr Glory
You are Holy, You are Holy,
You are Holy, O Lord
Let me join the angels in singing to you this day. I bless you Lord.
your daughter
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship

"I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
Do u see His goodness??
Do u see it??
He is so good to us He lets us get a glimpse of Him, just a small picture of who He is.. Father you are so good.. I want to see yr face.. You are so compassionate, you are so merciful!!
Let Your fragrance spill over on me
Your sweet perfume let it fill this house, i am yr temple therefore your dwelling place, your home. fill me with Your fragrance , your compassion, your mercy, your forgiveness, your abounding love. Let Your SPirit flow freely through me this day. Let all my words and actions reflect you O Lord. give em strength to face any battle that comes my way. Give me wisdom in all situations. Give me words to speak. Be my breath. Breath through me and in me. Inspire me today to do your works. The breath of God almighty.
Do you see it???
Dont you see??
He is all around us, everything that has breath has the Spirit of the Living God within them, ignite those fires Lord Jesus. Holy Spirit come, Flow throughout these walls of Oasis. Protect your sheep. Protect your workers. Breath your fire in us Holy Spirit. Inspire us today.
This is my plea this is my prayer.
Bless those who bless in Your Holy Name.
Lifting up all the needs within these walls Father.
May your abounding love and mercy fall on all who enter these gates.
May your compassion be on all the hearts here. May your countenacne be seen throughout these walls. May your breath flow freely through this place. MAy you refreshen our souls and spirits in Christ Jesus. Give us perserverance Dear Lord, Give us yiour courage, the courage you had dear Jesus when you walked down Via Delorosa. The courage on yr face, the perserverance of yr legs. Give us that courage to finish this race. Let us not give up dear Father. Lifting up all the needs in this place. Your perfect will be done in all things.
I love you Father
I adore you Jesus
I thank You Holy Spirit for your presence.
In Jesus name
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
I enter your gates with thanksgiving pouring off my lips as sweet as honey. Thank You Lord Jesus, Bless your Holy name
He says,
Do not worry about your life
Do not worry aboutyour life what you eat or drink , or your body and what you will wear.
Is not life more important than food?
And the body more important than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air they do not sow or reap or store food in barns
yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable then they?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Sweet daughter trust in Me.
All i need is Jesus
Sweet Jesus
He shows me a picture
many people swimming in the open calm sea.
There is no fear
There is no worry
They are washed in His grace.
Grace poured down from the Heaven
He gives us freedom
Shackles are gone
Washed away
Live FREE in ME
My yoke is light
Lord take all of me
Give me all of you
Holy Spirit fill me this day may your presence be with me today and in my words and actions. Father give me eyes to see yr hurting. Give me your compassion. Give me your wisdom in all situations. Give me your abounding love that leaps over mountains. May your words flow freely through me. May my belly burn with yr fire, and my heart ache for the lost and wounded. May i see yr people as u see them. MAy u give me boldness and courage to leap in faith Lord. Your courage who can compare to? Guide me today.
I love you Father
I Adore you Jesus
Holy Spirit you are so sweet, I love you.
Praise to the KING!
I honor You
I worship You
Your loving kindness is washing over me
over and over
Cultivate the soil of my heart, plant good seeds.
I pray that the soil of heart be fertile for the glorifying of the Maker.
May the soil of heart bring u 30 fold, 60 fold, 100 fold.
Jesus is come
HOly Spirit do what u want to do
Blow it in me
the wind of God
touch your people Lord.
Forgive me for all my sins
I repent
He says,
Do not worry about your life
Do not worry aboutyour life what you eat or drink , or your body and what you will wear.
Is not life more important than food?
And the body more important than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air they do not sow or reap or store food in barns
yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable then they?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Sweet daughter trust in Me.
All i need is Jesus
Sweet Jesus
He shows me a picture
many people swimming in the open calm sea.
There is no fear
There is no worry
They are washed in His grace.
Grace poured down from the Heaven
He gives us freedom
Shackles are gone
Washed away
Live FREE in ME
My yoke is light
Lord take all of me
Give me all of you
Holy Spirit fill me this day may your presence be with me today and in my words and actions. Father give me eyes to see yr hurting. Give me your compassion. Give me your wisdom in all situations. Give me your abounding love that leaps over mountains. May your words flow freely through me. May my belly burn with yr fire, and my heart ache for the lost and wounded. May i see yr people as u see them. MAy u give me boldness and courage to leap in faith Lord. Your courage who can compare to? Guide me today.
I love you Father
I Adore you Jesus
Holy Spirit you are so sweet, I love you.
Praise to the KING!
I honor You
I worship You
Your loving kindness is washing over me
over and over
Cultivate the soil of my heart, plant good seeds.
I pray that the soil of heart be fertile for the glorifying of the Maker.
May the soil of heart bring u 30 fold, 60 fold, 100 fold.
Jesus is come
HOly Spirit do what u want to do
Blow it in me
the wind of God
touch your people Lord.
Forgive me for all my sins
I repent
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
What is it Lord?
What is it you want me to accomplish today?
What can i do for you today?
"show my people that I love them"
"My compassion is endless, there is no end to it, it abounds."
"there is nothing, nothing at all that can stop me from loving them, no matter what they have done..."
Wake up yr spiritual senses
Smell my fragrance, see how sweet it is? It is so invinting.. follow my fragrance, follow me
Open yr spiritual eyes to see the LOVE, do you see it?
Do you feel my arms around you? Do you feel the kiss on yr cheek? DO you feel me stroking your hair my precious daughter.
Listen... listen.. do you hear my voice? DO you hear the angels? Open your spiritual ears, quite yr mind and listen for my voice. The rushing waters.
Come and taste and see that the Lord is good. Sweet as honey. The taste that satifies and brings contentment to you. Savor it.. taste my goodness and savor it. Nothing bitter there.
Father may all my spiritual sense be sesnitive to what you would have me feel, see, hear, taste and smell. May i follow your fragrance, yr voice. MAy i feel out al situations and make sure you are there in them and if you are not invite you in them. May i taste and see if it is from you. May i look for opportunites to serve you.
I love you
I bless your Holy name
Your fragrance is spilling over me
Let your fragrance fill this house of yours.
Thank you Holy Spirit
Lifting up the needs of this house today.
Those who need healed, physically, emotionally, spiritually.
Lord i ask that you release your kingdom on them.
Send your angels to minister to them, heal them Lord Jesus.
Cast away all that in unfruitful and make us new again.
in the name of Jesus
Fatehr may your grace raindown on us today, have mercy upon us Lord
Forgive us our sins and wash us clean as snow.
Father i ask that you provide for those who are struglling and without food and water. Father i ask that you provide food, shelter, love, and angels to those who are in need of them. Bless your people this day. I pray for healings of all sorts, I pray that you will restore your people. I thank you for what are going to do in this place today. Give us a spirit of perserverance sweet courageous Jesus. Let love be our driving force on oasis and abroad in our families and friends, phone calls, telemarketers, people we pass on the streets. Consume very part of our lives. Awaken us sleepy Chrisitans. AWAKE! there is work to be done. I give you all the honor and glory and praise
I love you Lord
In Jesus name
What is it you want me to accomplish today?
What can i do for you today?
"show my people that I love them"
"My compassion is endless, there is no end to it, it abounds."
"there is nothing, nothing at all that can stop me from loving them, no matter what they have done..."
Wake up yr spiritual senses
Smell my fragrance, see how sweet it is? It is so invinting.. follow my fragrance, follow me
Open yr spiritual eyes to see the LOVE, do you see it?
Do you feel my arms around you? Do you feel the kiss on yr cheek? DO you feel me stroking your hair my precious daughter.
Listen... listen.. do you hear my voice? DO you hear the angels? Open your spiritual ears, quite yr mind and listen for my voice. The rushing waters.
Come and taste and see that the Lord is good. Sweet as honey. The taste that satifies and brings contentment to you. Savor it.. taste my goodness and savor it. Nothing bitter there.
Father may all my spiritual sense be sesnitive to what you would have me feel, see, hear, taste and smell. May i follow your fragrance, yr voice. MAy i feel out al situations and make sure you are there in them and if you are not invite you in them. May i taste and see if it is from you. May i look for opportunites to serve you.
I love you
I bless your Holy name
Your fragrance is spilling over me
Let your fragrance fill this house of yours.
Thank you Holy Spirit
Lifting up the needs of this house today.
Those who need healed, physically, emotionally, spiritually.
Lord i ask that you release your kingdom on them.
Send your angels to minister to them, heal them Lord Jesus.
Cast away all that in unfruitful and make us new again.
in the name of Jesus
Fatehr may your grace raindown on us today, have mercy upon us Lord
Forgive us our sins and wash us clean as snow.
Father i ask that you provide for those who are struglling and without food and water. Father i ask that you provide food, shelter, love, and angels to those who are in need of them. Bless your people this day. I pray for healings of all sorts, I pray that you will restore your people. I thank you for what are going to do in this place today. Give us a spirit of perserverance sweet courageous Jesus. Let love be our driving force on oasis and abroad in our families and friends, phone calls, telemarketers, people we pass on the streets. Consume very part of our lives. Awaken us sleepy Chrisitans. AWAKE! there is work to be done. I give you all the honor and glory and praise
I love you Lord
In Jesus name
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
He's amazing!
Yesterday was obedient to His voice and went and told His people that HE loved them.
Ended up speaking to a few people who He led me to. One wha hadnt been to church in awhile and needed prayer and another who was new to this area and was seeking a church family. Amazing the doors He opens. Just stepping out into that obedience and saying Father have your way, I am your vessel today.. send me...
Our youth pastor who i work under will be proposing to hsi soon to be wife this saturday, he asked me to help him set it up. I told him i would be honored. So yesterday i went out and bought some things for the proposal, there will be a dinner.. chicken parmigan and pasta with of course wedding soup and salad and cheesecake for dessert. After dinner he wanted to blind fold her (all of this is taking place in a secluded area). So while he will have her blindfolded, me and a friend will be setting up the foot washing bowl and pitcher . How romantic!! ( we found this realy rustic looking basin and pitcher in earthy tones that will be a n awesome piece that she can keep as a keepsake and decoration in their home, i was realy excited to see that the pastor loved it!!! ) He said yesterday to me "So like we are linked together forever hu? I said yes of course! We are family. He said i love you crazy woman of God!" He is like a son to me, love that pastor. Cant wait til we to the ramp this summer. We will be preparing a spaghetti dinner at the end of the month to raise funds to go. It will be an awesome empowering experience! Im just as excited as the kids if not more!
I love my church family. Youth ministry is growing we had 60 youths last wednesday! God is good! Like the pastor said last nite at the prayer meeting its not about numbers, its about having that revival spirit.. he wants to be confident that if he were to go on a mission trip that us leaders would be in the same spirit of revival that if he had to go for a bit the ministry would not cave. He dont want it to be there becaus he is a man of God and they want to be around him, but he wants it to thrive because they come together to seek God's presence not the pastor or this staff. Becasue God is there amongst us.
He wants to eventually start a facility outside the church like a safe house for teens and runaways. Im all for it! Woo hooo!
Im excited what the future holds for us!
Ty Father
Ty Jesus
Ty Holy Spirit
I give you all honor , glory and praise!
love u all
Yesterday was obedient to His voice and went and told His people that HE loved them.
Ended up speaking to a few people who He led me to. One wha hadnt been to church in awhile and needed prayer and another who was new to this area and was seeking a church family. Amazing the doors He opens. Just stepping out into that obedience and saying Father have your way, I am your vessel today.. send me...
Our youth pastor who i work under will be proposing to hsi soon to be wife this saturday, he asked me to help him set it up. I told him i would be honored. So yesterday i went out and bought some things for the proposal, there will be a dinner.. chicken parmigan and pasta with of course wedding soup and salad and cheesecake for dessert. After dinner he wanted to blind fold her (all of this is taking place in a secluded area). So while he will have her blindfolded, me and a friend will be setting up the foot washing bowl and pitcher . How romantic!! ( we found this realy rustic looking basin and pitcher in earthy tones that will be a n awesome piece that she can keep as a keepsake and decoration in their home, i was realy excited to see that the pastor loved it!!! ) He said yesterday to me "So like we are linked together forever hu? I said yes of course! We are family. He said i love you crazy woman of God!" He is like a son to me, love that pastor. Cant wait til we to the ramp this summer. We will be preparing a spaghetti dinner at the end of the month to raise funds to go. It will be an awesome empowering experience! Im just as excited as the kids if not more!

I love my church family. Youth ministry is growing we had 60 youths last wednesday! God is good! Like the pastor said last nite at the prayer meeting its not about numbers, its about having that revival spirit.. he wants to be confident that if he were to go on a mission trip that us leaders would be in the same spirit of revival that if he had to go for a bit the ministry would not cave. He dont want it to be there becaus he is a man of God and they want to be around him, but he wants it to thrive because they come together to seek God's presence not the pastor or this staff. Becasue God is there amongst us.
He wants to eventually start a facility outside the church like a safe house for teens and runaways. Im all for it! Woo hooo!
Im excited what the future holds for us!
Ty Father
Ty Jesus
Ty Holy Spirit
I give you all honor , glory and praise!
love u all
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
The church of Jesus Christ is largely sleeping, like a great bedroom and you have all the Christians in bed and thy're all sleeping
And they're sayin "Please don't wake me up! I want to sleep on..."
And of course God starts to operate a revival people cannot sleep in church when the Spirit of God awakes the people.
Look at the 1st verse of the 52nd chapter
Awake, awake, O Zion, clothe yourself with strength. Put on your garments of splendor, O Jerusalem, the holy city. The uncircumcised and defiled will not enter you again.
awake thou that sleepeth arise from the dead
Let our hearts burn for you Lord!
Awaken us!
The world outside is not waiting for a definition of Christianity they are waiting for a demonstration of Christianity!
Would i be out of line to talk about utilitarian religion? An expedient Christianity?
And the question your going to ask yourself is GOd an end or is He a means?
You have to decide very early in your Christian life whether you are viewing GOd as an end or a means.
A more challenging question in this text.
"what is your life?"
The philosphy of today became humanism and you can define humanism this way:Humanism is a philosophical statement that declares the end of all being is the happiness of man. The reason for existence is for man's happiness. NOw according to humanism salvation is simply a matter of getting all the hapiness you can out of life.
And a person was considered a christian becasue he could say "uh huh" at 4 or 5 places that he was asked to .
and if he knew where to say "uh huh" someone would pat him on his back and shake his hand and say brother you are saved.
(At what cost?)
And so it had got donw to salvation was nothing more than a assent to a scheme or formula. And the end of this salvation was the happiness of man becasue humanism has penetrated.
And so if you analyze the fundementalism with the liberalism of a hundred years ago, as it developed it would be like this:
The liberal says the end of religion is to make man happy while he's alive.
the fundamentalists says the end of religion is to make man happy when he dies.
we are still paddling of the ocean of the possibilites of grace. Put a holy dissatisfaction within us today.
Until we find something like this:"accept Jesus so u dont have to burn in Hell..." and the appeal could be as much to selfishness as a couple of men sitting at a coffee shop deciding they are going to rob a bank and get something for nothing!.
Everything is for the happiness of man! And i submit to you that this is un-Chrisitan!
Christianity says ... "the end of all being is the Glory of God!"
Humanism says..." the end of all being is the hapiness of man."
this is the betrayal of the ages.
Isnt man happy?
Didint God intend for man to be happy?
But as a byproduct and not a prime product.
The heathen are lost not becasue they havent heard the gospel they are lost because they are sinners and love their sin therefore stay lost.
I dont send you out there for them..i didnt send you out there for their sakes... He said i Dont send you out there for the sake of the heathen i send you out there for my sake. They deserved hell but i loved them and i endured the agonies of hell for them! I didnt send you out there for them , i sent you out there for me. DO i not deserve the reward for my suffering? Dont i deserve whom i died for?
Serve the living GOd!
Id like to see some peopel repent on biblical terms again.
You see the difference? You see the difference?
the difference is here's somebody trembling becasue he's gonna hurt in hell. And he has no sense of the enormity of his guiltand no sense of the enormity of his crimes and no sense of his insult against Diety. He's only trembling becasue his skin is about to be singed.
Anything you love more than Jesus Christ is an idol.
To be part of the bride you have to be divorced from everything in the world!
Whisper in my ear that Satan has moved you up. He says your getting to be too dangerous to his kingdom. He says your spoiling his plans, your thwarting his purposes, your pulling donw his strongholds.
Oh boy how we want to be esteemed how we want to be respected how we wnat people to realsie the precious gifts of the Spirit he gave us. You know why they dont? Becasue you stink with pride thats why.
Lord Jesus , Im going to obey you and love you and serve you and do what you want me to do as long as i live even if i go to hell at the end of the road simply becasue you are worthy to be loved, obeyed, and served!
And im not trying to make a deal with You.
And they're sayin "Please don't wake me up! I want to sleep on..."
And of course God starts to operate a revival people cannot sleep in church when the Spirit of God awakes the people.
Look at the 1st verse of the 52nd chapter
Awake, awake, O Zion, clothe yourself with strength. Put on your garments of splendor, O Jerusalem, the holy city. The uncircumcised and defiled will not enter you again.
awake thou that sleepeth arise from the dead
Let our hearts burn for you Lord!
Awaken us!
The world outside is not waiting for a definition of Christianity they are waiting for a demonstration of Christianity!
Would i be out of line to talk about utilitarian religion? An expedient Christianity?
And the question your going to ask yourself is GOd an end or is He a means?
You have to decide very early in your Christian life whether you are viewing GOd as an end or a means.
A more challenging question in this text.
"what is your life?"
The philosphy of today became humanism and you can define humanism this way:Humanism is a philosophical statement that declares the end of all being is the happiness of man. The reason for existence is for man's happiness. NOw according to humanism salvation is simply a matter of getting all the hapiness you can out of life.
And a person was considered a christian becasue he could say "uh huh" at 4 or 5 places that he was asked to .
and if he knew where to say "uh huh" someone would pat him on his back and shake his hand and say brother you are saved.
(At what cost?)
And so it had got donw to salvation was nothing more than a assent to a scheme or formula. And the end of this salvation was the happiness of man becasue humanism has penetrated.
And so if you analyze the fundementalism with the liberalism of a hundred years ago, as it developed it would be like this:
The liberal says the end of religion is to make man happy while he's alive.
the fundamentalists says the end of religion is to make man happy when he dies.
we are still paddling of the ocean of the possibilites of grace. Put a holy dissatisfaction within us today.
Until we find something like this:"accept Jesus so u dont have to burn in Hell..." and the appeal could be as much to selfishness as a couple of men sitting at a coffee shop deciding they are going to rob a bank and get something for nothing!.
Everything is for the happiness of man! And i submit to you that this is un-Chrisitan!
Christianity says ... "the end of all being is the Glory of God!"
Humanism says..." the end of all being is the hapiness of man."
this is the betrayal of the ages.
Isnt man happy?
Didint God intend for man to be happy?
But as a byproduct and not a prime product.
The heathen are lost not becasue they havent heard the gospel they are lost because they are sinners and love their sin therefore stay lost.
I dont send you out there for them..i didnt send you out there for their sakes... He said i Dont send you out there for the sake of the heathen i send you out there for my sake. They deserved hell but i loved them and i endured the agonies of hell for them! I didnt send you out there for them , i sent you out there for me. DO i not deserve the reward for my suffering? Dont i deserve whom i died for?
Serve the living GOd!
Id like to see some peopel repent on biblical terms again.
You see the difference? You see the difference?
the difference is here's somebody trembling becasue he's gonna hurt in hell. And he has no sense of the enormity of his guiltand no sense of the enormity of his crimes and no sense of his insult against Diety. He's only trembling becasue his skin is about to be singed.
Anything you love more than Jesus Christ is an idol.
To be part of the bride you have to be divorced from everything in the world!
Whisper in my ear that Satan has moved you up. He says your getting to be too dangerous to his kingdom. He says your spoiling his plans, your thwarting his purposes, your pulling donw his strongholds.
Oh boy how we want to be esteemed how we want to be respected how we wnat people to realsie the precious gifts of the Spirit he gave us. You know why they dont? Becasue you stink with pride thats why.
Lord Jesus , Im going to obey you and love you and serve you and do what you want me to do as long as i live even if i go to hell at the end of the road simply becasue you are worthy to be loved, obeyed, and served!
And im not trying to make a deal with You.
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
As i sit back and think...
Sorrow fills me, those who wlak by and dont even give Jesus a second look...
How He must feel, knowing that He paid such a high and painful price for these souls...
He's crying for them
He says
"Why do u turn away from me? Has your heart been so hardened to not even glance my way? Look at me, do you not see Me at all?"
He beckons them, He deserves them after the price He paid.
Help Him to wake them up, Help Him to stir their hearts.
They are walking around like wreckless zombies and He points in the direction for them to go and they ignore Him, blinded by their selfishness.
I am jealous for My God, I dont like to see people ignore Him, I dont like to see them spit on Him, I dont like it one bit. It makes me angry. A righteous anger. For my God. I am jealous for you Father. I am filled with sorrow and pain for you. I apologize for my ignorance for so many years, i know you forgive me, you are so patient...
He says
"Jill, you were one of them... I waited for you my dear."
Why did you wait for me? I wasnt worthy of it! I wasnt worthy of your love, i turned away... I left you...
"Jill, I am love.. learn from me"
Oh Father i weep for you, i cry out for you!
Give me your heart Lord
Give me your passion
I want that heart!
Awaken my heart to your love, stir within me deep within me your love and compassion.
I want to follow you, your example.
Take all this junk i have in here, take it all.. i want no part of it.
Give me your forgiving heart, your patient heart.
You are HOly God! Your justice is righteous!
Father turn us in the direction you would have us to go, turn our hearts to you.
Purify my heart and my mind, let me meditate on you always. Let me look to you for all wisdom, not man.
He shows me...
A bride... the groom is so anxious .. he fought long and hard for this.. He deserves His bride.
He takes her hand... They walk together up the isle.. He already stated His vows at the cross it is now time for the bride to state hers. She weeps becasue she is not worthy of this man, but yet He is in love with her. He lifts the viel. Looks deeply within her eyes, searches her soul and gives a reassuring nod of his head and a smile cracks on HIs face.
and says
"Yes it has finally come... i have my bride.. my beloved.... you are mine and i am yours."
Then the vision fades that He gave me.. back to the present.. those are things to come.
He tells me
"Go gather my bride, i deserve to have every bit of her."
Precious Jesus, sweet precious Jesus, How i love you, How i adore you.
And yet he dont leave me alone to do the work on my own, i have the rest of you, Let usmake this a reality for Him and waken His bride.. He's coming soon. Let us be jealous for our Husband, He is jealous for us.
Thank you Father for giving me a glimpse into your heart..May many more come.. that is my desire.. give me your compassion for all.
Awaken my heart to your LOVE.
I love you all
Sorrow fills me, those who wlak by and dont even give Jesus a second look...
How He must feel, knowing that He paid such a high and painful price for these souls...
He's crying for them
He says
"Why do u turn away from me? Has your heart been so hardened to not even glance my way? Look at me, do you not see Me at all?"
He beckons them, He deserves them after the price He paid.
Help Him to wake them up, Help Him to stir their hearts.
They are walking around like wreckless zombies and He points in the direction for them to go and they ignore Him, blinded by their selfishness.
I am jealous for My God, I dont like to see people ignore Him, I dont like to see them spit on Him, I dont like it one bit. It makes me angry. A righteous anger. For my God. I am jealous for you Father. I am filled with sorrow and pain for you. I apologize for my ignorance for so many years, i know you forgive me, you are so patient...
He says
"Jill, you were one of them... I waited for you my dear."
Why did you wait for me? I wasnt worthy of it! I wasnt worthy of your love, i turned away... I left you...
"Jill, I am love.. learn from me"
Oh Father i weep for you, i cry out for you!
Give me your heart Lord
Give me your passion
I want that heart!
Awaken my heart to your love, stir within me deep within me your love and compassion.
I want to follow you, your example.
Take all this junk i have in here, take it all.. i want no part of it.
Give me your forgiving heart, your patient heart.
You are HOly God! Your justice is righteous!
Father turn us in the direction you would have us to go, turn our hearts to you.
Purify my heart and my mind, let me meditate on you always. Let me look to you for all wisdom, not man.
He shows me...
A bride... the groom is so anxious .. he fought long and hard for this.. He deserves His bride.
He takes her hand... They walk together up the isle.. He already stated His vows at the cross it is now time for the bride to state hers. She weeps becasue she is not worthy of this man, but yet He is in love with her. He lifts the viel. Looks deeply within her eyes, searches her soul and gives a reassuring nod of his head and a smile cracks on HIs face.
and says
"Yes it has finally come... i have my bride.. my beloved.... you are mine and i am yours."
Then the vision fades that He gave me.. back to the present.. those are things to come.
He tells me
"Go gather my bride, i deserve to have every bit of her."
Precious Jesus, sweet precious Jesus, How i love you, How i adore you.
And yet he dont leave me alone to do the work on my own, i have the rest of you, Let usmake this a reality for Him and waken His bride.. He's coming soon. Let us be jealous for our Husband, He is jealous for us.
Thank you Father for giving me a glimpse into your heart..May many more come.. that is my desire.. give me your compassion for all.
Awaken my heart to your LOVE.
I love you all
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Awaken me to your love
Spirit of God flow through me.
For this is what the high and lofty One says--he who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite Isaiah 57:15
God said it, and all the world cannot unsay it, That there is no peace to those who allow themselves in any sin. If we are recovered from such an awful state, it is only by the grace of God. And the influences of the Holy Spirit, and that new heart, comes grateful praise, the fruit of our lips, are his gift. Salvation, with all its fruits, hopes, and comforts, is his work, and to him belongs all the glory. There is no peace for the wicked man; but let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, and he will abundantly pardon.
In his grace and mercy. He has a tender pity for the humble and contrite, for those that are so in respect of their state. If they be his people, he will not overlook them though they are poor and low in the world, and despised and trampled upon by men; but he here refers to the temper of their mind; he will have a tender regard to those who, being in affliction, accommodate themselves to their affliction, and bring their mind to their condition, be it ever so low and ever so sad and sorely broken Âthose that are truly penitent for sin, who mourn in secret for it, and have a dread of the wrath of God, which they have made themselves obnoxious to, and are submissive under all his rebukes.
With these God will dwell. He will visit them graciously, will converse familiarly with them by his word and Spirit, as a man does with those of his own family; he will be always nigh to them and present with them. He that dwells in the highest heavens dwells in the lowest hearts and inhabits sincerity as surely as he inhabits eternity. In these he delights.
He will revive their heart and spirit, will speak that to them, and work that in them by the word and Spirit of his grace, which will be reviving to them, as a cordial to one that is ready to faint. He will give them reviving joys and hopes sufficient to counterbalance all the griefs and fears that break their spirits. He dwells with them, and his presence is reviving.
Ty Lord Jesus
Ty Father
Ty sweet precious Holy Spirit
Spirit of God flow through me.
For this is what the high and lofty One says--he who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite Isaiah 57:15
God said it, and all the world cannot unsay it, That there is no peace to those who allow themselves in any sin. If we are recovered from such an awful state, it is only by the grace of God. And the influences of the Holy Spirit, and that new heart, comes grateful praise, the fruit of our lips, are his gift. Salvation, with all its fruits, hopes, and comforts, is his work, and to him belongs all the glory. There is no peace for the wicked man; but let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, and he will abundantly pardon.
In his grace and mercy. He has a tender pity for the humble and contrite, for those that are so in respect of their state. If they be his people, he will not overlook them though they are poor and low in the world, and despised and trampled upon by men; but he here refers to the temper of their mind; he will have a tender regard to those who, being in affliction, accommodate themselves to their affliction, and bring their mind to their condition, be it ever so low and ever so sad and sorely broken Âthose that are truly penitent for sin, who mourn in secret for it, and have a dread of the wrath of God, which they have made themselves obnoxious to, and are submissive under all his rebukes.
With these God will dwell. He will visit them graciously, will converse familiarly with them by his word and Spirit, as a man does with those of his own family; he will be always nigh to them and present with them. He that dwells in the highest heavens dwells in the lowest hearts and inhabits sincerity as surely as he inhabits eternity. In these he delights.
He will revive their heart and spirit, will speak that to them, and work that in them by the word and Spirit of his grace, which will be reviving to them, as a cordial to one that is ready to faint. He will give them reviving joys and hopes sufficient to counterbalance all the griefs and fears that break their spirits. He dwells with them, and his presence is reviving.
Ty Lord Jesus
Ty Father
Ty sweet precious Holy Spirit
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Alot has been going on.
Having to make a lot of choices, none of them are easy. Carefully considering what the Lord wants me to do in every situation.
The Lord has been using me in various places, and I'm not used to that... being al over the place.
Things in youth group are awesome, the group is growing and unity is coming together. God has stirred our souls for revival and He has stirred me to go work for Him in the inner city.
Talk about a difference. From one extreme to the other.
My home church, is kinda in a well off area and the kids are as well. Great kids who have a heart for the Lord and want to go into the city and minister to the souls there. Possibly soon they will be performing their praise dance at the local mission soon. They will also be fundraising to go to the ramp again this summer. Lord willing i will be able to go as well.
Now the other end of the spectrum of God's kingdom, the one He loves and stands for, the lost broken hearted, poor and drug addicted. Have been in contact with a pastor and his wife that works at the mission and have been helping out to build His church in the inner city.
God has been stretching me. I asked God to give me His compassion for His people and He has opened the doors and provided the way for me to go.
Its overwhelming and all quite new to me. I have done some street evangelising and some witnessing but not in these areas that desperately need it. Desolate Land. But God can spring forth a river in desolate land. Amen?
Also GOD GOT ME A JOB!!!!!!!!
God provided me a job!!
Where there is 12 percent of unemployment, out of the blue a lady called me about an apllication i put in December!!!!!
God is sooooo GOOODDD!
Its a nice place to work
I will be assisting the elderly and administering His love to them
So all of this happening at once is a little overwhelming. Im like God u got me all over the place.
Went and helped set up the inner city church today, there is a lot of work that needs to be done there. The whole building needs to be done.
Going from a well established church to a church with no drywalls or carpet, what a big difference. His people are the same though where ever i go.
All hard working and passionate about His church. Just was a big awakening to me. to my kids too! As they entered the building and i could see their expressin on their face of "this is going to be a church?" But with God in it there is so much potential!
"friends" questioning my decisions... Lord give me patience with them, and wisdom.
Sometimes i feel torn and with the new job opportunity im like "OK God make up your mind where u want me." But thats the thing.. he doesnt want us to sit still becasue then we become stagnant and complacent. Lord dont let me have a complacent heart. Let my heaRT BURN FOR ALWAYS!
So for now shuffling around my time with my kids and the 2 churches and of course now the job. God is good, the job was ok with me having tuesdays and wednesdays off because of my commitment with the youth group.
Ok thats enough for now. Everything is going good to God be the Glory!
And i sit back and think of O's signature... Get your soul prepared, Jesus is coming ... very soon... and He wants every bit of His bride.
Time for His spirit to waken them up. To God be the Glory and HOnor and Praise!
Gbu all
Alot has been going on.
Having to make a lot of choices, none of them are easy. Carefully considering what the Lord wants me to do in every situation.
The Lord has been using me in various places, and I'm not used to that... being al over the place.
Things in youth group are awesome, the group is growing and unity is coming together. God has stirred our souls for revival and He has stirred me to go work for Him in the inner city.
Talk about a difference. From one extreme to the other.
My home church, is kinda in a well off area and the kids are as well. Great kids who have a heart for the Lord and want to go into the city and minister to the souls there. Possibly soon they will be performing their praise dance at the local mission soon. They will also be fundraising to go to the ramp again this summer. Lord willing i will be able to go as well.
Now the other end of the spectrum of God's kingdom, the one He loves and stands for, the lost broken hearted, poor and drug addicted. Have been in contact with a pastor and his wife that works at the mission and have been helping out to build His church in the inner city.
God has been stretching me. I asked God to give me His compassion for His people and He has opened the doors and provided the way for me to go.
Its overwhelming and all quite new to me. I have done some street evangelising and some witnessing but not in these areas that desperately need it. Desolate Land. But God can spring forth a river in desolate land. Amen?
Also GOD GOT ME A JOB!!!!!!!!
God provided me a job!!
Where there is 12 percent of unemployment, out of the blue a lady called me about an apllication i put in December!!!!!
God is sooooo GOOODDD!
Its a nice place to work

I will be assisting the elderly and administering His love to them

So all of this happening at once is a little overwhelming. Im like God u got me all over the place.
Went and helped set up the inner city church today, there is a lot of work that needs to be done there. The whole building needs to be done.
Going from a well established church to a church with no drywalls or carpet, what a big difference. His people are the same though where ever i go.

"friends" questioning my decisions... Lord give me patience with them, and wisdom.
Sometimes i feel torn and with the new job opportunity im like "OK God make up your mind where u want me." But thats the thing.. he doesnt want us to sit still becasue then we become stagnant and complacent. Lord dont let me have a complacent heart. Let my heaRT BURN FOR ALWAYS!
So for now shuffling around my time with my kids and the 2 churches and of course now the job. God is good, the job was ok with me having tuesdays and wednesdays off because of my commitment with the youth group.

Ok thats enough for now. Everything is going good to God be the Glory!
And i sit back and think of O's signature... Get your soul prepared, Jesus is coming ... very soon... and He wants every bit of His bride.
Time for His spirit to waken them up. To God be the Glory and HOnor and Praise!
Gbu all
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
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