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A pondering today

Postby goldieluvs » Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:17 am

I am sure most of you know that I been running for past few months now. I keep saying I am coming back, back to how I felt when I first got here and started working on learning more about God; but have still been holding back. Not taking time out to live and do what I know I should.

I know it was my bad choices that caused me to stop coming in much. Why, cuz of embarrassment and shame. Then it occurred to me that God was with me the whole time, even through things I am ashamed about. That really got me. No matter what, I wasn't able to hide from God. So, two choices: either continue to go down that dark path, or bring it into the Light and continue in the Light.

At first I had all sorts of reasons why I did what I did. In reality, it was totally MY fault. Outside circumstances we have a choice as to how much to let it affect us. I am sad to say that I didn't do so well in my choices.

But, Today is a new day. A chance to start over. I admit I am a lil scared cuz well; I don't have that feeling
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:24 pm


I think many are going through this same issue that you are.... Iv
heard about it through many.... This same story.... just from a different
person.... and maybe a few things changed....

Hang in there, lean on him... Pray....

And know that we are here for you :)

Glad to see you are coming back :)

Love ya sista!
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Postby mlg » Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:38 pm

Who are you to respond? Well my sister you are someone who understands how we can mess up and God still loves can relate to these you are there and have been there...God can use us mess and all...reach out sis...

Praying for you my precious sister...may you know how much we luv you here at the Oasis.
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Postby Dora » Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:24 pm

Goldie I love the way you are being real. :)

If we wait till we have it all together before we reach out and help another person it will be to late. Reach now, with what you have, just as you are, being real just like you did here, and let God do the rest. You'll be blessed and so will the person you reach out to. *angelbounce*

Think of it this way, if you don't reach out, you may be the very person with the right words for that one person to help them through the storm. If you don't share, maybe they won't receive the words they need to hear. Be His hands and feet. His grace is sufficient.

Also remember when you want to walk away and stay away, there is a reason the enemy wants you out there alone. It hinders Gods work he is doing in you and through you. :) So fight those thoughts with the truth. Tell that whisperer to take a hike.

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Postby momof3 » Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:24 pm

hey goldie, sis. wow...what do we say? underneath all the fear and shame is a child of God, sis. you know that fear and shame arent from the Lord and they only serve to keep us from coming to Jesus for healing and forgiveness. Yeah, its time to let it all go, give it to Him and walk in the freedom of knowing you are loved by a God of pure love and mercy. Time to get up and move forward, sis. You are so not alone in your everyday struggles with the flesh. We are all on this same road in one way or another...its a daily thing. Keep running the race sis. He's not left you..and He loves just as much today as He did when He breathed life into you. He still sees the you He created you to be..His child, His bride, His heart is for you.

welcome back sis and know that you are not alone.

in Jesus,
love momo *Halo*
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Postby deetu » Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:16 pm

goldie, I was thinking about you today, wondering where you have been. Isn't that funny? God was letting me know maybe.

Sometimes I wonder if all of us are having troubles because the enemy doesn't want this site to be up and working. In order for it to work, everyone has to be willing to post answers. I know you know things that I could never so you would be better able to answer them. *BigGrin*
Always let the Holy Spirit guide your words. That's all it takes.

Love ya sweetie!!
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