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God's Grace

Postby sleeplessinflorida » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:45 pm

I thank God for his grace. I can't even imagine what type of mess I would be in if it wasn't for his forgiveness. It is difficult for me to do the right thing and/or to say the right thing everyday. And although I know what is right from wrong, I find myself doing wrong at times. Whether it be a little white lie here and there, or feeling envious of others, and even gossiping period, I immediately feel remorse about it and ask GOD to please forgive me. I know that he does but sometimes I wonder why because I'm weak and not discipline enough to keep from doing it again. :cry: However, as I continue to go thru this wonderful step program I've learned I'm not always going to understand why GOD does what he does. I just need to trust him and have faith in him. I do trust you Lord Jesus and thank you, thank you, and thank you again for always being there for me and believing in me. :)

I have faith that as I continue to work on my relationship with GOD I will definitely be a better christian so that I can be able to please GOD more. This will be my #1 goal! I'm excited about it. *harp*
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Postby mlg » Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:28 am

Sis you know sis...our soul so wants to please God...but the flesh is weak and sinful. Therefore we do the things that we don't want to do, because the flesh gets in the way at times and brings us to fall. This is why it's important we work on strengthening our that we can renew our thoughts day by day to keep us strong in the Lord's way...making it harder for flesh to pull us in.

God's grace sis is so very beautiful. It is sufficient for us. God loves you so much sis...He has offered His grace to you for free...He wants you to accept His grace...

And sis...there will be times you don't understand God's ways...but just trust in knowing that His way is best. He will not hurt you...He wants good things for you always.

Keep working the steps sis. You are doing great.

luv ya
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Postby Tam » Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:03 pm

Keep pressing in Sleepless
You are doing a good job here.
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Postby deetu » Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:17 pm

Also know, the more you walk in His ways, the easier it is to let go of the old stuff.
I used to swear. Especially if I hurt myself. Now I don't even like hearing it from others or on TV (which is getting bad itself)
Keep at it sweetie!

ps I heard someone say that God had them confess the little lies to the person as soon as she made them. She stopped really fast *BigGrin*
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