the battle

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:29 pm


Because we bring with us all of our old ways of relating and all of our emotional needs. Sexual sin is a relational problem of meeting emotional needs the wrong way, not an isolated problem of mere sexual preference. With the power of the indwelling Spirit, a Christian can cooperate with God to change this. Some people--a very few--are miraculously delivered from these struggles. But for the majority, real change is slow. As in dealing with any besetting sin, it is a process, not an event. Sin's power over us is broken at the moment we are born again, but learning to depend on the Holy Spirit to say "no" to sin and "yes" to godliness takes time. "We . . . are being transformed into His likeness from glory to glory" (2 Cor. 3:18). Transformation is a process that takes a while. "While we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened" (2 Cor. 5:4). Life in a fallen world is a struggle.

Im sorry for your struggle sis know that we stand behind u sis and are praying for u, my heart is heavy for u

Gbu ♥Jill
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Postby mlg » Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:21 pm

Smiley, my sister just know that yes God wants to take this struggle from you. I wonder though, have you tried to hand this completely over to Him? Or do you think maybe you hang on to a string here or there, trying to do some of the fighting on your own? God will take this from you, but you've got to not pick it back up. We all have a tendency to lay things down and then pick it back up and not lay it right back down. That's when we usually find ourselves falling back...begin working on the weeds of your mind...the thoughts that pop up bringing along with them temptation. When the weeds come, pull them out immediately and replace them with seeds of good thoughts. This will help you as well in your battle.

Keep sharing sis. I know you are lonely, but just know God is there for you and so are we.


luv ya
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Postby Tam » Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:19 pm

Smiley you know that I love you sis and you know that I am here for you .
But my question for you is are you willing to give it all up or are you still wanting to hang on to it because you still like it? You have to keep closing doors and not leaving any ground for the enemy to get in . If you leave a crack that is all he needs to make an entrance. I tell you all the time that I believe in you and that you can do this. You just have to want to get rid of it as bad as you want to do it.
Deuteronomy 32:10 say that He guards you as the apple of His eye.
You my friend are His treasured possession and you are very important to Him... I just wish you could see how important you are to Him.
Please consider doing the counseling steps sis. Please consider letting us here help you and don't do it on your own. 1 is a very loney number but it doesn't have to be.
Just remember no matter what you are my sister and I love you bunches!

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Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:10 pm

Hi smiley,

Well time to get them filters back on and regroup and head back home ;)

I know how you feel, sin is fun for a while or we wouldnt want to obviusly do it, right?

Just want you to know that I am praying for you and that God is still there for ya. He loves ya!

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Postby Tam » Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:14 am

Hey sis , How are you doing? You last post you said that you are not healed. Sweetie none of us are. We are striving to be all that he wants us to be and just stumbling along the way.
We fall down, we get up.........we fall down, we get up
You get the picture.
Love you sis
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Postby Lani » Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:02 pm

Hey Smiley sis,

I have missed you so these days. I pray you will choose to return to a steady visit with the Oasis Family. I've read each of your posts, but forgive me y'all, I've not read the replies. If I repeat what He has said through others...well.... His message sometimes gets stuck on repeat for a reason.

Right now you are feeling overwhelmed by the war raging inside... good v. evil. Well sis, this is not uncommon of any of us. We all have to choose daily to live according to His teaching. Sin is the same in His eye, and we all fall short. We will never be "sinless", not one of us; human nature causes us to fall, but that doesn't mean our goal should sway from trying to be His. By staying in His word, and reviewing His teaching, you will take the tools He has given to try to overcome. Again, you may fall here and there, but failing is not falling... failing is not getting back up.

The thing that stands out is this.... you say you've limited your time here at Oasis because it is to conflicting... Sis, wouldn't the better choice be to spend more time here, more time in His grace, mercy and love? This choice is your own, I know... just food for thought.

God does not intend us to try to fight any battle alone... even the disciples went out as pairs. Even more powerful...
Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)
"12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Why do you think He said this? I am sure His reasons are far beyond my understanding... but what this says to me is: We are meant to strengthen each other. We are all going to fall at one point or another... or twenty times in one day... but that does not fade His love for any one of us. The more Christian faith based family you surround yourself with, the more strength you will find in Him. The Holy Spirit dwells within you just as it dwells within any of us... we believe in Him and therefore have been blessed with such.... it is a constant choice to depend on Him rather then the flesh. Even Joshua was told, in order to overcome his enemies, he had to "Meditate on it (God's word... the instruction manual) day and night" :) Daily reading and meditation on His word is important in any ones walk. Think of it this way... if you light a match, yes it's light is bright... and in a cave of darkness it would be a welcome sign... a lightning bug would be the same, for that matter. But, now imagine a book of matches... at lite at once.... is that light not brighter?

I think it is admirable that you have found the courage to post here, to share your struggle. Others who are not yet comfortable doing so will find strength in your walk, because they will know they are not alone.

My prayer for you is this: 1. That He will continue to equip you with the tools necessary to overcome this situation... daily, hourly if needed. 2. That you will find strength in His love and grace to install the filter once more. 3. You will return here.... ;) especially on Sunday nights cause I miss the beautiful music He shares through you. Kidding, (kind of) I'd just like to see you here more often.

Standing in support of you always sis.

Luv ya! *hug*

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Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:28 pm

Hi Smiley,
I just wanted to extend my prayers to you and ask that you not feel alone we need each other here at oasis, it is a blessing for all of us and I agree with lani SPEND MORE TIME HERE it will give you strength and allow less time for satan to step in.
we all need to lean on each other and your no exception, I am going to start including you and all of our brothers and sisters in my daily prayers
the life stories I have heard since joining has broken my heart BUT when we see those achievements big or small it gives the rest of us hope.
You are not an imbecile,fool,dog or a pig!! just a lost soul needing to allow the Lord to have it ALL and trust Him to deal with it.

1 Peter 5:6-9 = Humble yourselves, therefore under Gods mighty hand
that He may lift you up in due time, Cast your anxiety on Him because he cares for you, Be self controlled and alert. your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour,
Resist him standing firm in the faith because you know that your brothers"and sisters" throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

I love you as a sister in Christ and you WILL make it
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