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Romans 10 : 11

Postby vahn » Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:58 pm

Although (to me) the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelations speaks of One thing and One thing ONLY , and that is the final victory of our Lord over Evil , who , in my mind , is me ! man ! (we're all sinners right ? we're all evil by nature , Genesis confirms that) , so it all boils down to , no one among us , left to our own devices ever finds easy to give our Lord our 100% "obedience" without first try it some "other way" whether it be in a minor , minute, or in some major , extravagant way first , but with the final outcome ALWAYS being , submission to His WAY .

Romans 10: 1-21 , is one chapter in my Bible(s) that gets worn out within a week or two , (b'cuz of my present occupation) in my obedience to my Lord's call in leading the town's drunks (lost?) or any other "lost soul" to Him . For Romans 10:1-21 has all the ingredients -answers- to ALL of the questions , excuses , "reasons" and down right denials of ANY one trying to convince me that they are "ok" the way things are without having to go through "all that religious stuff" . What I like BEST is that it leaves NO LOOPHOLES for ANY one to try to weasel themselves through it ! It never fails but leave me with a smirky grin in the end , (Hey ! I play to win ok ?) .

Of course we all (as in everyone coming this far in our walk) know of and practise so often that it had almost become a "a thing to say" and some don't even know where it is (I was one of them) the infamous v. 13 -"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." - but , lately , I had been dealing with a sort of a "reluctance" issue , though on who's part is it I have yet to know but nevertheless , reluctance it is .
One , was put in from of me in a form of a question last night , and basically it said , why do certain people - majority speaking , men - are more reluctant to go out "on the street" so to speak to carry the Word , The Truth to others as opposed to women .
The other , is basically on the opposite side , as , though it was not flat out asked but the issue of reluctance exists regardless , was that why is it that some , (again , men) are more reluctant to come forward and confess in the open , even though they KNOW the Truth , and in turn put us in a spot where we get to play "softies" , and in a well understood way , get forced to go the roundabout way in order to achieve that (For it is with your heart that you believe ... , ... and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved , v. 10) .

Romans 10:11 is the answer I found for both mentioned , As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame." . In other words , FEAR ! . Of being placed in a position where they would feel obligated to explain how they got to that point , that means , they think they have to explain why they did all those so-called "horrible" things first that led them to their submission . And HAH ! try to get a "Man" to tell his weakness ? Fat chance right ? . Here's where I shoot back ! "So you DON'T TRUST HIM , (read the beginning of the verse) and by you telling me you don't trust Him , you might as well tell me you're bigger than Him , and if that be the case , my question is , why on earth you went to Him (or come here) in the first place ? " .

I thought I'd throw these next two verses in ..... Just in case *Whistle*
Isaiah boldly says, "I was found by those who did not seek me; I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me." v.20
First, Moses says, "I will make you envious by those who are not a nation; I will make you angry by a nation that has no understanding." v.19

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby mlg » Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:03 pm

Hey Vahn this is exactly what step 4 of the MCFC study is might want to reread's great.

luv ya
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Postby vahn » Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:11 pm

Hey , who asked ya ? rofl
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Postby mlg » Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:14 pm

Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you? If not, I'd like to introduce you.
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