Christianity Oasis Forum
I am tickled!
This weekend was awesome! And it isnt over yet!
Ok Friday i get a phone call from my friend and she said we are supposed to be doing something for the Lord today i said ok come get me i want to be a part of this.
So we jumped into the car, prayed and said HS guide us to where u would have us go, and we went
ended up at a Hospital and she ran into an acquantice that we got to talk to and stirred up some seeds there. As we were in the Hospital we got a phone call from one of the youths. He said he was bored. We told him we were out evangelising and told him we were on our way. He has recently rededicated his life to Christ and is a baby in Christ but i see so much potential in him. God gave me few words about him and i believe he is going to be a big part of this revival, anyways he lives in a tuff neighborhood on the north side of youngstown ( what a coincidence of the dream i had of the north side of youngstown that i posted in dreams and vision forum, amazing how God talks to me
So this kid Lamar (if u cld keep him in prayers ty) a few months ago was selling drugs to make money because there is no work around here. anyway he knew he wasnt supposed to be doing it and he stopped and when he did God provided for him etc etc but the pressures to go back to selling drugs is heavy because of the area he lives in. So anyways we go around the north side of youngstown on the street where i had my dream and went into a store and bought some sodas. He thought we were nuts, he said these people are going to think your fenes( hooked on drugs) because we were white and he is black and was not too recently in the game. (selling) So sure enough there were gestures being made from others about sales and stuff but anyways to make a long story short, we ended up at a mental hospital off the street i dreamed about and visited a lady there who lost her daughter a few years back and has never recovered from it and has not done so good mentally, she used to be very active in church (she was in charge of a safe house) and when her daughter passed she was hurt by the church because they didnt reach out to her after the death and grew bitter. She is angry at God but we reassured her that He loves her and thats why we were there, to let her know. Lamar encouraged her and witnessed to her. She didnt want us to leave, she is fine mentally that i saw, just that she seems realy depressed and she loses her train of thought easily but not like demetia, she just gets lost in her thoughts and cant express them. She cried quite a bit and we loved on her.
After that we let the HS lead us to lunch
while we were at the table i said lets do a treasure hunt, lamar has never done one but me and my friend have.
Treasure Hunt = we pray and ask HS to give us details of a person who GOd wants us to bless or reach out to out of HIs love.
we write down whatever comes to mind, its fun you should try and u wouldnt beleive how much you realise God talks to us.
weach of us writes down 6 things of that the HS brings to our mind about the person that God wants us to seek out for HIm to bring them HIs love and bless them.
6 things about their appearance
6 names
6 places (stores mall etc.)
6 reasons for prayer ( healing of certain area, divorce etc)
6 unusual items (like water fountain, globe, etc)
ok so we got our clues to our treasure so i wrote down walgreens so that was the first place we went it was the closest, so we get into the store and we are looking for someone who meets our description on our lists and we spot a
guy with a red shirt (my list) dickies pants and black shoes (my friends list) and so we want to approach him, he was making a ice cream delivery and ended up leaving the store through the back door and so we go outside and go around to the back of the store where his delivery truck was. We appraoched him and said "i know this might sound strange but we are on a treasure hunt and God has highlighted u to us today and we believe you are our treasure"
So he looks at us funny so we begin to say some things off our lists and show him that he is our treasure, he meets our description. And so we say is there anything we can pray for you about, n he says " it is so funny you say that, yes there is something and he proceeds to tell us about his father and i say what is his name and he tells us and we look on our list and it isnt there, he says what names you got on there so we go donw the list and he said Eric? you said eric? and lamar says yes and he says that is my name! So as you can imagine we get just as excited as they do because God is soooo good! and we get amazed too! SO we go on and ended up praying for him and blessing him and sent him on his way
so that was friday so much fun!
Saturday was the food giveaway and the kids performed and praise God there were 24 salvations! There was healing administered a lady with back and neck problems prayed over and healed a lady who was blind in one eye ( now this is how good GOd is! Listen to this!) One of the youths went out and prayed for her the youth came up crying to me she said u wont beleive this i said what what?? and she was just crying and crying.. she said i prayed for this lady and when i was praying i just had this outburst of tears and i didnt know why and i remembered the story of Jesus spitting in the
sand and made mud and put it on the blinds persons eye in the bible and i visualised Him doing it to her and i opened my eyes and the lady starts crying and exclaims i can see i can see! This youth was so excited and amazed she came running up to me crying and amazed, i start crying and we praised God!
After we were done we went to a seperate part of the church and praised and worshipped God for all He had done then we split up into groups and and did treasure hunts at the mall... too much stuff to write!
It was awesome!
So i am praising God for not having to work these past few days! I love HIm so much ! It is amazing!!
Cmon guys praise HIm with me and rejoice for their is a revival starting here in youngstown i can feel it!
ok thats all for now~
Gbu and i love u much!
Oh ya , i forget to write the name Eric was on Lamars treasure list and when the man told him his name was Eric, Lamar was so exicted!!!!! God is good, he needed to build up his fiath more and that was just what God had in store for him to do it
This weekend was awesome! And it isnt over yet!
Ok Friday i get a phone call from my friend and she said we are supposed to be doing something for the Lord today i said ok come get me i want to be a part of this.
So we jumped into the car, prayed and said HS guide us to where u would have us go, and we went
ended up at a Hospital and she ran into an acquantice that we got to talk to and stirred up some seeds there. As we were in the Hospital we got a phone call from one of the youths. He said he was bored. We told him we were out evangelising and told him we were on our way. He has recently rededicated his life to Christ and is a baby in Christ but i see so much potential in him. God gave me few words about him and i believe he is going to be a big part of this revival, anyways he lives in a tuff neighborhood on the north side of youngstown ( what a coincidence of the dream i had of the north side of youngstown that i posted in dreams and vision forum, amazing how God talks to me

So this kid Lamar (if u cld keep him in prayers ty) a few months ago was selling drugs to make money because there is no work around here. anyway he knew he wasnt supposed to be doing it and he stopped and when he did God provided for him etc etc but the pressures to go back to selling drugs is heavy because of the area he lives in. So anyways we go around the north side of youngstown on the street where i had my dream and went into a store and bought some sodas. He thought we were nuts, he said these people are going to think your fenes( hooked on drugs) because we were white and he is black and was not too recently in the game. (selling) So sure enough there were gestures being made from others about sales and stuff but anyways to make a long story short, we ended up at a mental hospital off the street i dreamed about and visited a lady there who lost her daughter a few years back and has never recovered from it and has not done so good mentally, she used to be very active in church (she was in charge of a safe house) and when her daughter passed she was hurt by the church because they didnt reach out to her after the death and grew bitter. She is angry at God but we reassured her that He loves her and thats why we were there, to let her know. Lamar encouraged her and witnessed to her. She didnt want us to leave, she is fine mentally that i saw, just that she seems realy depressed and she loses her train of thought easily but not like demetia, she just gets lost in her thoughts and cant express them. She cried quite a bit and we loved on her.
After that we let the HS lead us to lunch

Treasure Hunt = we pray and ask HS to give us details of a person who GOd wants us to bless or reach out to out of HIs love.
we write down whatever comes to mind, its fun you should try and u wouldnt beleive how much you realise God talks to us.
weach of us writes down 6 things of that the HS brings to our mind about the person that God wants us to seek out for HIm to bring them HIs love and bless them.
6 things about their appearance
6 names
6 places (stores mall etc.)
6 reasons for prayer ( healing of certain area, divorce etc)
6 unusual items (like water fountain, globe, etc)
ok so we got our clues to our treasure so i wrote down walgreens so that was the first place we went it was the closest, so we get into the store and we are looking for someone who meets our description on our lists and we spot a

So he looks at us funny so we begin to say some things off our lists and show him that he is our treasure, he meets our description. And so we say is there anything we can pray for you about, n he says " it is so funny you say that, yes there is something and he proceeds to tell us about his father and i say what is his name and he tells us and we look on our list and it isnt there, he says what names you got on there so we go donw the list and he said Eric? you said eric? and lamar says yes and he says that is my name! So as you can imagine we get just as excited as they do because God is soooo good! and we get amazed too! SO we go on and ended up praying for him and blessing him and sent him on his way

so that was friday so much fun!
Saturday was the food giveaway and the kids performed and praise God there were 24 salvations! There was healing administered a lady with back and neck problems prayed over and healed a lady who was blind in one eye ( now this is how good GOd is! Listen to this!) One of the youths went out and prayed for her the youth came up crying to me she said u wont beleive this i said what what?? and she was just crying and crying.. she said i prayed for this lady and when i was praying i just had this outburst of tears and i didnt know why and i remembered the story of Jesus spitting in the
sand and made mud and put it on the blinds persons eye in the bible and i visualised Him doing it to her and i opened my eyes and the lady starts crying and exclaims i can see i can see! This youth was so excited and amazed she came running up to me crying and amazed, i start crying and we praised God!
After we were done we went to a seperate part of the church and praised and worshipped God for all He had done then we split up into groups and and did treasure hunts at the mall... too much stuff to write!
It was awesome!
So i am praising God for not having to work these past few days! I love HIm so much ! It is amazing!!
Cmon guys praise HIm with me and rejoice for their is a revival starting here in youngstown i can feel it!
ok thats all for now~
Gbu and i love u much!
Oh ya , i forget to write the name Eric was on Lamars treasure list and when the man told him his name was Eric, Lamar was so exicted!!!!! God is good, he needed to build up his fiath more and that was just what God had in store for him to do it

♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
i went to my job today to pick up a schedule, i took a friend with me to be a witness.
After the girl who was working went into the office to make a phone call to the dayturn girl she told me that she ws not allowed to give me a schedule and that i was not on it. I explained to her that i needed one for the unemployment office and she said thats not her problem and that i would have to call the owner.. the owner of course didnt answer his phone. I asked well is there any paperwork of these customers complaints or anything letting me know whats going on and she said no.
so no paperwork, no write up slips, no customer complaints, no schedule.. ya ok
put a application in today at another place, its only 20 hrs a week Gods will be done.
we got church tues , wed and thurs this week, that keeps me busy and keeps my mind off of things. Trying to stay busy in His work, listenend to a sermon today about agape love, Hes been putting on my heart to be more compassionate and also to be bold in a loving way.
You know it realy humbled me when i had to stand in the food line, a little embarrased bout it, especially being it was at my church... but everyone was very compassionate towards me they all know me, i can see on their faces that they felt bad for me , they gave me extra groceries.. i ddint like that, i dont want peoples pitty... this is something that has definately humbled me, but since i havent been at work i havent been happier.
Every now and then i get angry but it is a righteous anger, because of how i was being mistreated and continue to be mistreated. Then i take a few breaths and say God you know best, I trust you.. Your Will be done.
Kids are doing ok never did get around to christmas shopping this year, i kinda feel bad well not kinda but i do feel bad and i feel somewhat of a failure because i cant provide for them this Christmas. I trust they understand and my family will give them gifts so they will have something to open Praise God for that. I just cant wait for 2009 to be over
... want to start fresh and IM excited to see what God is going to do this next year. IM sure there will be more trials but nothing i cant weather with my Jesus.
This weekend i will be at a resort with the youth group (indoor water park) some of the students are planning on getting baptised in the pool there, that was their idea and i think that would be an awesome time and bring us many chances to witness to others there at the resort. To God be the Glory! Amen! We plan on evangelising too when we get out there in that community. will be an awesome time, cant wait although i dont know if im going to swim
. with all this stress i havent had time to work out and lose a few more lbs before we go.
WE shall see.
and ty all for yr continued prayers, i love u all so very much
After the girl who was working went into the office to make a phone call to the dayturn girl she told me that she ws not allowed to give me a schedule and that i was not on it. I explained to her that i needed one for the unemployment office and she said thats not her problem and that i would have to call the owner.. the owner of course didnt answer his phone. I asked well is there any paperwork of these customers complaints or anything letting me know whats going on and she said no.

so no paperwork, no write up slips, no customer complaints, no schedule.. ya ok
put a application in today at another place, its only 20 hrs a week Gods will be done.
we got church tues , wed and thurs this week, that keeps me busy and keeps my mind off of things. Trying to stay busy in His work, listenend to a sermon today about agape love, Hes been putting on my heart to be more compassionate and also to be bold in a loving way.
You know it realy humbled me when i had to stand in the food line, a little embarrased bout it, especially being it was at my church... but everyone was very compassionate towards me they all know me, i can see on their faces that they felt bad for me , they gave me extra groceries.. i ddint like that, i dont want peoples pitty... this is something that has definately humbled me, but since i havent been at work i havent been happier.
Every now and then i get angry but it is a righteous anger, because of how i was being mistreated and continue to be mistreated. Then i take a few breaths and say God you know best, I trust you.. Your Will be done.
Kids are doing ok never did get around to christmas shopping this year, i kinda feel bad well not kinda but i do feel bad and i feel somewhat of a failure because i cant provide for them this Christmas. I trust they understand and my family will give them gifts so they will have something to open Praise God for that. I just cant wait for 2009 to be over

This weekend i will be at a resort with the youth group (indoor water park) some of the students are planning on getting baptised in the pool there, that was their idea and i think that would be an awesome time and bring us many chances to witness to others there at the resort. To God be the Glory! Amen! We plan on evangelising too when we get out there in that community. will be an awesome time, cant wait although i dont know if im going to swim

and ty all for yr continued prayers, i love u all so very much
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Talked to the lady at unemployment office today and told her they wont give me a schedule or any paperwork concerning why i am not on the schedule.
I just got the feeling that she didnt believe me, well i guess if i were in her shoes and all the scams people try to pull and how unlegalistic it sounds to be removed off the schedule without paperwork... i guess i can see how she would be confused. The owner wont answer my phone calls, im supposed to get paid on 25th which they will be closed so i will go in with a witness on saturday to pick up my paycheck, i hope its there. Thinking of contacting an attorney or the labor board to see if what he is doing is illegal and if i have any case against him. i know i have been overstressed and had to go see a counselor because of all the stress... But then i feel well Jill you dont want to seem like you are greedy by filing a case, and just let it go... but what if he does this to another person or lets this go on in one of his other businesses. He is acting as manager of that store because there is none there, he was fired... but yet he is not going through proper procedures of paperwork and such. Isnt that illegal?
on the flip side all is wonderful, had youth last nite , and youth again tonite. Going to pick up some teens invited another girl tonite and she wants to come!
Had a wonderful conversation with my mom yesterday, she was kinda upset about the whole job situation and how they treated me but she was so proud of how i was handeling it. We talked at great length of how she used to go to Kathryn Kuhlmans services in the heart of YOungstown when she was young.. inspired me to listen to some of her sermons, so i have been busy learning and spending time in prayer. She had so much insight to the power of the Holy Spirit...
Been asking God to give me a compassionate heart for all HIs people.
I love you Lord! You are king! I praise your Holy name! All glory and honor to the one who saved us! It is not by our will or by our works that we are saved but by the grace and love of GOd. Thank u Jesus for being that saviour for us!
Thank u Jesus, I adore u!
I praise u!
HAppy Birthday Jesus!
I adore you Lord!
You reign Jesus!
wwoooo hoooooooooo
I just got the feeling that she didnt believe me, well i guess if i were in her shoes and all the scams people try to pull and how unlegalistic it sounds to be removed off the schedule without paperwork... i guess i can see how she would be confused. The owner wont answer my phone calls, im supposed to get paid on 25th which they will be closed so i will go in with a witness on saturday to pick up my paycheck, i hope its there. Thinking of contacting an attorney or the labor board to see if what he is doing is illegal and if i have any case against him. i know i have been overstressed and had to go see a counselor because of all the stress... But then i feel well Jill you dont want to seem like you are greedy by filing a case, and just let it go... but what if he does this to another person or lets this go on in one of his other businesses. He is acting as manager of that store because there is none there, he was fired... but yet he is not going through proper procedures of paperwork and such. Isnt that illegal?
on the flip side all is wonderful, had youth last nite , and youth again tonite. Going to pick up some teens invited another girl tonite and she wants to come!

Had a wonderful conversation with my mom yesterday, she was kinda upset about the whole job situation and how they treated me but she was so proud of how i was handeling it. We talked at great length of how she used to go to Kathryn Kuhlmans services in the heart of YOungstown when she was young.. inspired me to listen to some of her sermons, so i have been busy learning and spending time in prayer. She had so much insight to the power of the Holy Spirit...
Been asking God to give me a compassionate heart for all HIs people.
I love you Lord! You are king! I praise your Holy name! All glory and honor to the one who saved us! It is not by our will or by our works that we are saved but by the grace and love of GOd. Thank u Jesus for being that saviour for us!
Thank u Jesus, I adore u!
I praise u!
HAppy Birthday Jesus!
I adore you Lord!
You reign Jesus!
wwoooo hoooooooooo
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship

Did not recieve my paycheck was supposed to be for 48.5 hrs... have no idea if im the schedule or not, i tried calling people, none answers my phone calls... why string me along? Why not just get it over with and say im terminated or laid off or whatever. Why the games?
That check is half my rent for January, im trying to stay self controlled and not get bitter or angry but it is very hard not to when i am being so unfairly treated.
He keeps telling me Jill my daughter everything will be ok. I believe Him and i trust Him.
He brings to my attention "I was wrongly accused and rediculed and not believed, you are only getting a glimpse or what I have been through for all mankind."
So that brings me to God is in control, He sees whats going on.
Funny thing i was praying and asking God where is the justice?
I opened my bible to Job chapter 42 it says:
1Then Job answered the LORD and said,
2"I know that You can do all things,
And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.
3'Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?'
"Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand,
Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know."
4'Hear, now, and I will speak;
I will ask You, and You instruct me.'
5"I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear;
But now my eye sees You;
6Therefore I retract,
And I repent in dust and ashes."
He wasnt repenting for hidden sins as the "friends" accused he had part of to have all this come on him, but he was repenting for questioning GOd's sovereignty and justice.
And i have been praying for them who have wronged me. IM resting in Him, He knows best.
Christmas was awesome! Had a wonderful time!
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Finally got a phone call back...
Was from the dayturn girl and i am off the schedule until further notice, and supposed to come in on her shift and return the safe key, i am not on the schedule for next week at all. Thats all the info they could give me at this time. ok not a problem. whatever... angry ? yes a bit im not going to lie.. i feel angry at the deception going on, i am angry at the enemy
Father forgive me for being angry at the people and keep my focus on you and help me to recycle this anger against them and keep it on the enemy where it belongs.
lemme ask this....
Am i supposed to show humility to those who are working for the enemy? Am i supposed to sit back and watch these events unfold like this and fold my hands and say ...UMMMM ya i can take that hit , give me another.. and another... It gets me angry, frustrated. Im trying sooooo hard but i feel so hurt and so plotted against. The enemy is a punk and it angers me so much that i just want to go out there and win as many souls as i can to the Lord.
I HATE SIN, I HATE THE ENEMY, thank u Lord for covering me and forgiving me from my sins. Lord i pray that they find salvation, i pray u bless them with your presence, i pray u heal them of their ailments, i pray u forgive them, because u forgave me when i didnt deserve it too. IN Jesus name i pray ~ Amen
Is there a such thing as righteous anger? Yes Jesus had righteous anger when they turned His fathers house into a place for thieves, he overturned tables.
I must war in the spirit not in the flesh, win as many as i can to the Lord and begin to be even more bolder in my witnessing and showing compassion...
"as you did to one of the least of these my brethern, you did it to me " Mt 25:40
Lord let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you
In you, in you I hope, My God!
"whoever would be first among you must be slave of all" MK 10:44
God's will be done not mine.
Was from the dayturn girl and i am off the schedule until further notice, and supposed to come in on her shift and return the safe key, i am not on the schedule for next week at all. Thats all the info they could give me at this time. ok not a problem. whatever... angry ? yes a bit im not going to lie.. i feel angry at the deception going on, i am angry at the enemy
Father forgive me for being angry at the people and keep my focus on you and help me to recycle this anger against them and keep it on the enemy where it belongs.
lemme ask this....
Am i supposed to show humility to those who are working for the enemy? Am i supposed to sit back and watch these events unfold like this and fold my hands and say ...UMMMM ya i can take that hit , give me another.. and another... It gets me angry, frustrated. Im trying sooooo hard but i feel so hurt and so plotted against. The enemy is a punk and it angers me so much that i just want to go out there and win as many souls as i can to the Lord.
I HATE SIN, I HATE THE ENEMY, thank u Lord for covering me and forgiving me from my sins. Lord i pray that they find salvation, i pray u bless them with your presence, i pray u heal them of their ailments, i pray u forgive them, because u forgave me when i didnt deserve it too. IN Jesus name i pray ~ Amen
Is there a such thing as righteous anger? Yes Jesus had righteous anger when they turned His fathers house into a place for thieves, he overturned tables.
I must war in the spirit not in the flesh, win as many as i can to the Lord and begin to be even more bolder in my witnessing and showing compassion...
"as you did to one of the least of these my brethern, you did it to me " Mt 25:40
Lord let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you
In you, in you I hope, My God!
"whoever would be first among you must be slave of all" MK 10:44
God's will be done not mine.
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Hello Jill
God bless you this day.
I'm sorry for the problems you are experiencing with your employer. Obviously, there is something odd going on there -- for whatever reason.
When you meet with dayturn chickie tomorrow, remain calm and listen to what she says and what they offer.
There is no need to tell her what your plans are or how messed up you think they are.
If you need to spew/vent so as not to explode -- do so in your Crew Journal, or PM me. I'll listen and not judge you, and then I'll give you a hug.
If I were you, I would file for unemployment. Google, Ohio unemployment filing and read what is required to start the process. Don't spew. Don't give your opinion of these people, just give the reasons, or tell them you don't know why you are no longer being given hours, as you have not been given the details. ... umentation
While it would not seem to be the most ideal place to return to work, if asked by the dept. of labor, you should have an answer ready for them. A "yes" answer would show your willingness to work. I would ask The Lord to help me to overcome my anger, and to go through the process in a way that glorifies Him.
If the employer then tries to have unemployment denied you -- saying your were dismissed for poor performance, you can ask for a hearing.
There is a strong possibility that they are trying to have you quit -- then you would not qualify for unemployment.
Jilly, it is important that you practice self-control and not spew in an emotional out-burst. "Just the facts, ma'am."
In the meantime, update your resume' and start applying wherever the Lord leads you.
Perfect time to turn the other cheek, and show your belief in the Word of God. See: Matthew, Chapter 5.
Trust God through all of this, Jilly. I'm praying for you. God's will be done.
God bless you, Jilly.

God bless you this day.
I'm sorry for the problems you are experiencing with your employer. Obviously, there is something odd going on there -- for whatever reason.
When you meet with dayturn chickie tomorrow, remain calm and listen to what she says and what they offer.
There is no need to tell her what your plans are or how messed up you think they are.
If you need to spew/vent so as not to explode -- do so in your Crew Journal, or PM me. I'll listen and not judge you, and then I'll give you a hug.
If I were you, I would file for unemployment. Google, Ohio unemployment filing and read what is required to start the process. Don't spew. Don't give your opinion of these people, just give the reasons, or tell them you don't know why you are no longer being given hours, as you have not been given the details. ... umentation
While it would not seem to be the most ideal place to return to work, if asked by the dept. of labor, you should have an answer ready for them. A "yes" answer would show your willingness to work. I would ask The Lord to help me to overcome my anger, and to go through the process in a way that glorifies Him.
If the employer then tries to have unemployment denied you -- saying your were dismissed for poor performance, you can ask for a hearing.
There is a strong possibility that they are trying to have you quit -- then you would not qualify for unemployment.
Jilly, it is important that you practice self-control and not spew in an emotional out-burst. "Just the facts, ma'am."

In the meantime, update your resume' and start applying wherever the Lord leads you.
Perfect time to turn the other cheek, and show your belief in the Word of God. See: Matthew, Chapter 5.
Trust God through all of this, Jilly. I'm praying for you. God's will be done.
God bless you, Jilly.
Mackenaw - Posts: 2426
- Location: NY
- Marital Status: Married
thanks guys.. love u all so much!
will be on a retreat with the youth the next few days, should be an awesome Holy Spirit filled time.
I have a feeling from the Holy Spirit that this is going to be a mini missions journey for us all. Over 50 peeps going 10 of them leaders. Me and my friend will be the oldest peeps there
All of the youth leaders are still in early 20's. Dont let their age fool ya! Wise and Spirit filled indeed!
We plan on doing baptisms in the pool there at the indoor waterpark
. MAybe will be an awesome time to witness to all those that are not there with the group. Me and my one friend plan on doing some treasure hunts as well with the youth (treasure=souls). Plus have lotttsss of fun!
Is a lil break i think i need, just to gt out of here for a few days and have fun. Im resolving my anger, every now and then i get a tinge of it then HS reminds me that i shouldnt and to just go with His flow.
Our church is doing a church wide fasting the first week of 2010 starting Jan 3rd, we will be meeting every nite a 7pm to pray together and sunday eve, the 10th we will break fast with communion. Pastor preached on the proper attitudes going into fast and to realy seek God in this time and minister to Him during this time. He also preached on different types of fasting as a person and as a church in union for His cause and glory. I never fasted for that long a period, but im going to do it for Him i want to get closer to Him that is my main reason for fasting to be more in communion with Him. Giving HIm the first full week of the new year and setting it aside for Him.
i am so blessed to have a wonderful church family. Her where i live and here on Oasis as well. Double blessed!
Gbu and see u in a few days!
will be on a retreat with the youth the next few days, should be an awesome Holy Spirit filled time.
I have a feeling from the Holy Spirit that this is going to be a mini missions journey for us all. Over 50 peeps going 10 of them leaders. Me and my friend will be the oldest peeps there

We plan on doing baptisms in the pool there at the indoor waterpark

Is a lil break i think i need, just to gt out of here for a few days and have fun. Im resolving my anger, every now and then i get a tinge of it then HS reminds me that i shouldnt and to just go with His flow.
Our church is doing a church wide fasting the first week of 2010 starting Jan 3rd, we will be meeting every nite a 7pm to pray together and sunday eve, the 10th we will break fast with communion. Pastor preached on the proper attitudes going into fast and to realy seek God in this time and minister to Him during this time. He also preached on different types of fasting as a person and as a church in union for His cause and glory. I never fasted for that long a period, but im going to do it for Him i want to get closer to Him that is my main reason for fasting to be more in communion with Him. Giving HIm the first full week of the new year and setting it aside for Him.
i am so blessed to have a wonderful church family. Her where i live and here on Oasis as well. Double blessed!
Gbu and see u in a few days!
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Thank u Jesus i finally go through to the unemployment office had to correct some forms the employer fouled up.. so waiting for an appeal and answer to my denial form...
God is in control!
Me and the 2 teens are sick, think from being in the cold and swimming and stuff, also prob from lack of sleep. in any event i feel yukky. Can barely talk, sound like a man
. owwies that hurts to laugh.
all week we have service at 7pm at church, we giving our first full week of the year to the Lord.
yesterday we prayed for world missions today I am praying for God's purpose for my life.
i like the changes here, chat room is very nice and i do feel more in unity, i had wondered like when we have cool church we see a whole lot of light blue peeps at the top of the page, i remember how i felt befor i was a mod being in the dark blue and also when i became a mod i remember feeling bad for not being a part of the dark blue anymore. but this brings unity all in all.. isnt that how God intended it to be? Friendships will be based on friendships not on status.
God is good!
Resting today... resting in Him
God is in control!
Me and the 2 teens are sick, think from being in the cold and swimming and stuff, also prob from lack of sleep. in any event i feel yukky. Can barely talk, sound like a man

all week we have service at 7pm at church, we giving our first full week of the year to the Lord.
yesterday we prayed for world missions today I am praying for God's purpose for my life.
i like the changes here, chat room is very nice and i do feel more in unity, i had wondered like when we have cool church we see a whole lot of light blue peeps at the top of the page, i remember how i felt befor i was a mod being in the dark blue and also when i became a mod i remember feeling bad for not being a part of the dark blue anymore. but this brings unity all in all.. isnt that how God intended it to be? Friendships will be based on friendships not on status.
God is good!
Resting today... resting in Him
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
some quotes im reflecting on:
Another reason [patience] is so hard to come by is that we often don't like the way it comes. Romans 5:3 says, Suffering produces endurance,
Another reason [patience] is so hard to come by is that we often don't like the way it comes. Romans 5:3 says, Suffering produces endurance,
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Some things im pondering on today
If your anger is due to your recognition that a holy God has been offended by another's behavior, that anger is righteous. In other words, if we are angry because God's revealed will (not His decreed will; for everything that happens has been foreordained by Him) is violated, our anger is righteous. On the other hand, if your anger is the result of not having your personal desires met, that anger is likely to be sinful.
I go further and say that there is a great need in the contemporary world for more Christian anger. We human beings compromise with sin in a way in which God never does. In the face of blatant evil we should be indignant not tolerant, angry, not apathetic. If God hates sin, His people should hate sin too. If evil arouses His anger, it should arouse ours too. What other reaction can wickedness be expected to provoke in those who love God?
So there is such a thing as perfect hatred, just as there is such a thing as righteous anger. But it is a hatred for God's enemies, not our own enemies. It is entirely free of all spite, rancor and vindictiveness, and is fired only by love for God's honor and glory.
Does it grieve you my friends, that the name of God is being taken in vain and desecrated? Does it grieve you that we are living in a godless age...But, we are living in such an age and the main reason we should be praying about revival is that we are anxious to see God's name vindicated and His glory manifested. We should be anxious to see something happening that will arrest the nations, all the peoples, and cause them to stop and to think again.
Controlled anger against sin and genuine love may dwell in the same heart at the same time and be directed toward the same person. It is legitimate for us to be angry with our children over genuine disobedience. At the same time, we must not express that anger in sinful ways (yelling, screaming, nastiness, irritation, etc.) but in loving ways for the good of our children.
Anger is (not) in itself sinful, but it may be the occasion for sin. The issue of self-control is the question of how we deal with anger. Violence, tantrums, bitterness, resentment, hostility, and even withdrawn silence are all sinful responses to anger.
God is good!
Love ya'll
If your anger is due to your recognition that a holy God has been offended by another's behavior, that anger is righteous. In other words, if we are angry because God's revealed will (not His decreed will; for everything that happens has been foreordained by Him) is violated, our anger is righteous. On the other hand, if your anger is the result of not having your personal desires met, that anger is likely to be sinful.
I go further and say that there is a great need in the contemporary world for more Christian anger. We human beings compromise with sin in a way in which God never does. In the face of blatant evil we should be indignant not tolerant, angry, not apathetic. If God hates sin, His people should hate sin too. If evil arouses His anger, it should arouse ours too. What other reaction can wickedness be expected to provoke in those who love God?
So there is such a thing as perfect hatred, just as there is such a thing as righteous anger. But it is a hatred for God's enemies, not our own enemies. It is entirely free of all spite, rancor and vindictiveness, and is fired only by love for God's honor and glory.
Does it grieve you my friends, that the name of God is being taken in vain and desecrated? Does it grieve you that we are living in a godless age...But, we are living in such an age and the main reason we should be praying about revival is that we are anxious to see God's name vindicated and His glory manifested. We should be anxious to see something happening that will arrest the nations, all the peoples, and cause them to stop and to think again.
Controlled anger against sin and genuine love may dwell in the same heart at the same time and be directed toward the same person. It is legitimate for us to be angry with our children over genuine disobedience. At the same time, we must not express that anger in sinful ways (yelling, screaming, nastiness, irritation, etc.) but in loving ways for the good of our children.
Anger is (not) in itself sinful, but it may be the occasion for sin. The issue of self-control is the question of how we deal with anger. Violence, tantrums, bitterness, resentment, hostility, and even withdrawn silence are all sinful responses to anger.
God is good!
Love ya'll
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Have you noticed how much praying for revival has been going on of late - and how little revival has resulted? I believe the problem is that we have been trying to substitute praying for obeying, and it simply will not work. To pray for revival while ignoring the plain precept laid down in Scripture is to waste a lot of words and get nothing for our trouble. Prayer will become effective when we stop using it as a substitute for obedience.
The cost of obedience is nothing compared to the cost of disobedience.
God you are awesome!
The cost of obedience is nothing compared to the cost of disobedience.
God you are awesome!
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
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