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we had a mini PJ day!

Postby Lionhearted » Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:27 pm

It was such a beautiful day, a balmy plus 4 here in Victoria!!! Yes, I'm bragging a bit because next winter we'll be in Saskatchewan and it will be a "brisk" minus 15-25 all winter rofl

Seeings how it was such a lovely day we went for a long walk on the galloping goose trail (google it, its pretty kewl) ... longer than I thought though, because part of our ritual when we get home is that Rocky gets his "pure canadian duck" jerky treat after his walks; but he ended up vomiting it back up ... poor guy; I'll have to remember not to take him on such a long walk again.

The kids had their brekky and did their Bible work and did a few corrections. Then we split into the afternoon VEG!!!

They finished decorating their shells to hang on the Christmas tree and started gem-izing my cell phone ... totally TACKY ... totally ME rofl

The kids watched road to avonlea, wind at my back, a healthy does of bugs bunny followed by our personal favs .... GAME SHOWS!!!

All in all ... it was a much need break from the regular grind ... *Clap*

hope everyone has a super weekend!!
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:20 pm

awww lion thats great!!!!

Some days are needed like that ever so often!!

Glad u enjoyed it!!!

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Postby HolyGhostFire » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:16 am

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