Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.


Postby sweetlittleangel » Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:51 am

Skyscraper story..

See the man over there looking at the blue print? Go ask him. He ll tell you everything u want to know.'' Following the pointed finger of the sweaty construction worker, I picked my way carefully through rocks and dirt. The man with the blueprint looked up with an inquisitive expression. '' may i help u'' he asked.

''Oh yes,sir, "I answered. ''I dont want to take much of your time, but curiosity has gotten best of me. I was hoping you could explain something for my benefit.

'' You see, over the past few months I have passed this site a number of times. I have always seen hard-working men all over the place, but nothing seems to be happening. There's no building yet, just a big, gaping hole in the ground and...''

He told me how the height of the buliding determined the width and depth of the concrete footings that went into ground and also the size number of the steel reinforcing bars that were placed in the ground before pouring the cement.

He showed me the blueprints and related that it had already taken more than two years of palnning, drawing, meetings with the zoning board and the expenditure of thousands of dollars to bring the crew to their currrent phase of construction. He also stated for a building this tall forced them to dig down rock and then pour tons of concrete upon the rock to establish a suitable foundation.

The project i had just visited entailed much advanced planning, site approval, demolition of previous lot coverage, excavation, the dumping of truckloads of cement, and the strategic placement of steel reinforcement bars. All of this work, and still were no visible, above ground results!
So much of the work of God does and allows in our lives is unglamorous, employing vast amounts of time with little or no measureable progress. We also find it extremely difficult to understand why life seems treating us so "unfairly"

Imagine ourselves as a building? Is it one-story structure? A 10-story edifice? Or maybe 40-50 story skyscraper?

The height determines how deeply God must dig before laying the proper foundation. No human can handle the elevation of God's blessing without the corresponding work of the Cross cutting to the core of the soul. Gods promotes prepared peaople.

God promotes people who will allow Him to prepare the soil of their hearts for solid foundations.

But how does God prepare us? It is in the school of sufferings. There are no easier answer. Afflictions that come in the form of uncontrollable events or nasty, critical people are some of the trials God uses to dig away the dirt get down to the bedrock. During these times, it hurts deeply. The pain is unbearable.

In meantime satan is not sleeping. He potrays pain as illogical, unreasonable and "unfair". He desires for us to remain as one-story people with tiny, one story-capacities for the foundational riches discovered in God's Words, the bible. Satan also tries to cause us to harbor mental-attitude sins of jealousy and envy towards Christ followers who are growing in their walk in the Lord. Satan will do anything that will distract us from eternal purpose.

While God is using circumstances to dig and blast in preparation for the foundation, there seems to be no spiritual progress. No visible results appear above the surface. In fact, our mental, emotional and spiritual lives actually seem to be in confusion n upheavel. It is during this times, however, that we need to take heart, to encourage ourselves with the lively hope that benefits us with maturity in time and rewards in eternity.

The choice is up to us. God will not violate our freedom of choice. Do we want to be normal, one-story person with shallow foundation and convenient, comfortable, predictable Christianity that gets tossed to n fro with every storm? Or do we want to be a skyscraper person who bleeds every situation for every bit of maturity we can squeeze from it? How about it? Just dutifully exist in life, or attacking it with unbridled enthusiasm?

We may saying, ''But my foundation has already been laid and the building program in my life is in its advanced stages. Recently, the zoning board of heaven ruled that any further construction would present serious potential damage to myself, my family, and my neighbours. They based their ruling on the sub-standard material we chose and the shortcuts we employed with planning and building our life. In other words, our life doesn't meet the universal regulations of God's building code. What we re to do?

We have two options:

1. Ignore the warning. Keep on building. Attain new precarious heights
of success and properity. Eat,drink, and be merry. Enjoy life for the presence flush of excitement. Run with the crowd. Avoid spiritual principle at all cost. They might make us uncomfortbale and make us think about the consequences of our avoidance mentality and behavior.

2. Heed the warning. Stop construction. Separate who we are from the plan we used. Walk in humility before God while He uses the word, His precious Holy Spirit, and possibly some ''unfairs'' circumstances to assist in demolishingthe old so He can establish the new. God will use His blueprints, His building material, and His construction techniques. It will be worth the honesty and pain.

After i read this story and all of the story's explainations ...He made me realized that He is not finished with me yet.. ..He is still at work or under construction.. to lay the right would be ready by the time He pour His greater order to bless others..
luv all..sla *Peace*
Last edited by sweetlittleangel on Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
walk the Faith..

walk the Love..
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Location: under the wings of His love..
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Postby --- » Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:39 am

i think i would be a small building. lol i like this story. its cool. and true. we should be patient.
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