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I'm on a healing Journey, looking for friends

Postby iloveanimals » Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:28 pm

Hi everyone,
I came here in search of finding good people to talk to. I'm a young person growing up in this technology based era and spend a lot of time on the internet. I'm finding more and more things on the internet that are hurting me. Poems and pictures of sad things people post. People talking about how there is no God and there is nothing they can do to help themselves. I feel my mind has been poisoned with these thoughts and just typed in Christian Online Groups into google and this is the first thing that popped up. No one here knows me and I feel comfort in that.
The reason why I want to be a part of this community is because throughout my struggles I feel like when there is nothing else there is always God. It's hard to find people here that want to talk about God. I grew up with strict Catholic parents and never was a big fan of prayer and worship. I was quite the rebel growing up and joined the army to get out of town. I have no problems with the job itself but a lot of things have hurt me while I have been serving. I was raped within the first few months of arriving to my first duty station (all the way in Germany, far from my family), I became an alcoholic, and spent the good part of the past year in and out of hospitals and rehab. I have come a long way in recovery, but lately have been reliving things in nightmares every night. I've become really depressed and don't understand why things like this happen.
I'm searching for God, friends, support, and people that I can help out too. I feel I have come to the right place :)
Wish you all a blessed day.
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Re: I'm on a healing Journey, looking for friends

Postby Mackenaw » Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:00 pm

Hello iloveanimals :)

God bless you this day, and welcome to Christianity Oasis.

I am glad The Lord led you here, and look forward to seeing you around the site and getting to know you better. I want to recommend a wonder 14 Day Study on this site. It has helped hundreds, myself included, in getting us back on track with God and His Beloved Word...His Son, and how to view our challenges through God's Word, while awaiting our healing. Here is the link to the Study:

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
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Re: I'm on a healing Journey, looking for friends

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:41 pm

Hi Tara,
First might I say look no further for you have found the most loving site and it is full of people who want to reach out to you as well as others that need reaching, You for sure should look around but make sure to look into the studies that mack suggest it will be a blessing to you I promise.
You are SO right about this world so that is even more reason to come here and be amoung those who love God and will do all they can to help you on your journey.
May God bless you and show you healing of your past and strength for your future
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Re: I'm on a healing Journey, looking for friends

Postby iloveanimals » Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:52 pm

Thank you Sister Mack and Cuc for the quick replies...the Lord has sent me to the right place! I'm going to start the 14 Day Study today. Thank you for the suggestion.
God Bless,
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Re: I'm on a healing Journey, looking for friends

Postby grandma dolittle » Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:54 pm

God bless you child. You must be an extordinary young woman to be wise enough to get out of the trash that is on the net. I am sure God led you here, he led me when I was in need of someone to talk to who really loved God and it reflected in what they posted. Welcome with all my heart and enjoy time with God's saints. grandma dolittle *HangInThere*
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Re: I'm on a healing Journey, looking for friends

Postby realtmg » Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:40 pm

We serve a Living God Eh?
He brought me here 5 years ago.

GBU both

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Re: I'm on a healing Journey, looking for friends

Postby popples » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:51 am

Hey hon you have foound the right place and hon you are never alone. God knows your pain, he allso knows your heart, we are your brothers and sisters here and just know one thing we love you and am here whenever you need us, and when we arent God will be.
God Bless
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