Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who are 18 years of age or older. This forum is a sanctuary for those who are experiencing trials and tribulation and seek words of wisdom, comfort and TRUTH from fellow Christians who have experienced similar trials and tribulation and have overcome them. Never forget that we ALL fall down as we sojourn down this Christian Walk. The trick is to get up and carry on fighting the good fight of FAITH. One of the greatest gifts that our Father gave to Christians is ... Fellow Christians. James 5:16 ... Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much ...
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Postby mercedes12 » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:12 pm

this is very awkward to speak about but i feel at home here and that no one would judge. Im a virgin and never had any sexual intercourse with a man. At times i do have lust and curiousity on how sex feels. im 19 about to turn 20. Everyone around me has experienced it and the more they talk about it the more curious i get. Sometimes my crave for lust gets so intense i want to touch myself.its embarrasing to talk about but does anyone think there is a way to avoid the temptation. ive tried stop thinking about it, reading the bible, or putting my mind to certain things yet it keeps coming back.
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Re: masturbation

Postby mlg » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:02 pm

Hi mercedes,

We have a forum here called S.O.S. It is for souls who struggle with sexual sins. I encourage you to take a look around. There is a lot of good advice on there. Ultimately, overcoming any sin takes work...have you done the counseling steps here? I'm glad you shared with us....I will keep you in prayers.

Take care and God Bless
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Re: masturbation

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:50 am

Hi mercedes, *Wave*
I first want to welcome you to the Oasis, next let you know you have nothing to fear with talking here
we are ALL here for each other no matter what the problem is, it is not for our judgement and just so you know most everyone here can and will relate to what you are going through and have been where you are.
I say hats off to you girl for standing firm *Clap* in todays world it is even harder to remain pure or return to pureness
yes I said return BUT let me add that like any "sin" when you allow it in to your life once it is twice as hard to remove it
Take me for example I am a recovering drug addict and recovering alcoholic...I know if I take one drink or smoke one joint it will be over I would probably be stuck in it for another 20 years before I might get the chance He gave me to walk away from it the first time so there is NOTHING in this world that would make me pick up a drink, joint or even a ciggarette, but the temptations have been put there by satan trying to get me (and it almost worked once) but God stepped in and said not gonna happen!
And just to make you feel more at ease I am one of the members of the S.O.S. forum, you have NOTHING to be ashamed of and EVERYTHING to be proud of, you said yourself when sitting with your friends
Everyone around me has experienced it and the more they talk about it the more curious i get. Sometimes my crave for lust gets so intense i want to touch myself.

try to shut yourself off to those talks not so much your friends just when they start talking of sex pull out a book or your phone....and text someone rofl I know you are young so that shouldn't be a problem *laughter*
BUT the most important part DON'T BE ASHAMED!!! BE PROUD it is them that should feel shame NOT YOU!!
1Corinthians 10:13
May God bless you and give you the strength needed to rise above
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