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trying to put in words of how i feel
i have so many things i feel but i never know how to word it
why is it that i live life but i feel like theres always
something missing that i know deep inside im obligated to do
i cry when i see the world and what it comes to
i want to live in a world of LOVE and peace
it seems like eveyrthing around me is a lie i cant trust anyone or anything
god is the only thing i have
its sad to know that i love my family and friends but they
dont know the true me and i dont trust any of them
the moment i try to trust them they give me a reason not to
and even if they hurt me i always find it in my heart to still
help and 4give them but i can hardly find anyone like me
i love helping people because it fulfills me with happiness inside
but sometimes its overwhelming when all u do is give and get nothing in return
i dont expect anything but people take me for granted and its unfair and i do
understand "lord forgive them for they not know what they do"
i understand people and i dont judge.
the devil is working in so many ways its crazy
but i have faith and i know that in the end god will win
but its hard to stay strong when your so anxious for that
day for everything to be over
things that have been bothering me the most: not speaking to my dad,
finding out something drastic of one of my family members, the hurt and pain i hide but try to stay strong
i admit i was blind before and i now see many people are to, its hard to see true
reality especially when the life we live in is just an illusion of reality.
the mind,brain, body and soul work in so many different ways it amazes and infatuates me.
the devil makes me think of certain things that make me feel ashamed by planting it in my own mind
but deep inside i know i dont mean confuses me and makes me feel embarrassed of what iam
but i know im only human and the flesh is nothing compared to the soul. when we die the body and everything
else in life stays on earth except our soul.
without god i would be soooooooo lost and im sooo grateful for finally realizing i need him in my life especially
all the times i gave up on him but he never gave up on me. words can NOT express what i feel when i think about god.
why is it that i live life but i feel like theres always
something missing that i know deep inside im obligated to do
i cry when i see the world and what it comes to
i want to live in a world of LOVE and peace
it seems like eveyrthing around me is a lie i cant trust anyone or anything
god is the only thing i have
its sad to know that i love my family and friends but they
dont know the true me and i dont trust any of them
the moment i try to trust them they give me a reason not to
and even if they hurt me i always find it in my heart to still
help and 4give them but i can hardly find anyone like me
i love helping people because it fulfills me with happiness inside
but sometimes its overwhelming when all u do is give and get nothing in return
i dont expect anything but people take me for granted and its unfair and i do
understand "lord forgive them for they not know what they do"
i understand people and i dont judge.
the devil is working in so many ways its crazy
but i have faith and i know that in the end god will win
but its hard to stay strong when your so anxious for that
day for everything to be over
things that have been bothering me the most: not speaking to my dad,
finding out something drastic of one of my family members, the hurt and pain i hide but try to stay strong
i admit i was blind before and i now see many people are to, its hard to see true
reality especially when the life we live in is just an illusion of reality.
the mind,brain, body and soul work in so many different ways it amazes and infatuates me.
the devil makes me think of certain things that make me feel ashamed by planting it in my own mind
but deep inside i know i dont mean confuses me and makes me feel embarrassed of what iam
but i know im only human and the flesh is nothing compared to the soul. when we die the body and everything
else in life stays on earth except our soul.
without god i would be soooooooo lost and im sooo grateful for finally realizing i need him in my life especially
all the times i gave up on him but he never gave up on me. words can NOT express what i feel when i think about god.
mercedes12 - Posts: 9
- Location: brooklyn
- Marital Status: Single
Re: trying to put in words of how i feel
Hi mercedes,
Wow, wow, wow that's a lot of feelings and emotions, in those words for sure hun. I think you have a huge compassionate heart for others, and yes I too can relate to this. My love and caring for others has brought pain into my life also, but in reality it's something that makes us who we are, and no matter what we have to continue to care. See Satan wants to stop us from caring, as most of the world has already stopped caring...but you and I know that Satan can never stop us from caring because it's what God wants us to do. Yes there will be times, we get taken advantage of, or people take us for's happened to me a ton...but I've also learned that I will never be disappointed if I don't expect something in return...whether it be appreciation, repayment, or just a kind gesture....because so often people don't care like we do, so they don't think of these things. And that's ok, because God cares...and He sees what we do...and our rewards will come from Him...and that really is all we need. Would you agree?
Sounds like you feel misunderstood a lot is hard to find others like us...I've only encountered a few in my own walk that can relate to what I go through and feel....but there is someone who always understands...and His name is Jesus...never hesitate to turn to Him...when you are feeling alone, misunderstood, or taken for granted, or even mistrusting of another. He can help you walk through the emotions and feelings you are dealing with.
Remember you don't have to carry this hurt alone...Jesus will carry it all...if you will place it upon His shoulders...He won't drop it, He won't loose it...He'll just handle it so you can have the peace you so seek...even in times of trouble...Satan can never defeat God...and it is God's strength that brings me through each day...I have many trials in my own life, day in and day out...but people who see me see God's strength..and He makes my life look easy...despite how difficult it really is...He can do the same for you.
Take care and God Bless
Wow, wow, wow that's a lot of feelings and emotions, in those words for sure hun. I think you have a huge compassionate heart for others, and yes I too can relate to this. My love and caring for others has brought pain into my life also, but in reality it's something that makes us who we are, and no matter what we have to continue to care. See Satan wants to stop us from caring, as most of the world has already stopped caring...but you and I know that Satan can never stop us from caring because it's what God wants us to do. Yes there will be times, we get taken advantage of, or people take us for's happened to me a ton...but I've also learned that I will never be disappointed if I don't expect something in return...whether it be appreciation, repayment, or just a kind gesture....because so often people don't care like we do, so they don't think of these things. And that's ok, because God cares...and He sees what we do...and our rewards will come from Him...and that really is all we need. Would you agree?
Sounds like you feel misunderstood a lot is hard to find others like us...I've only encountered a few in my own walk that can relate to what I go through and feel....but there is someone who always understands...and His name is Jesus...never hesitate to turn to Him...when you are feeling alone, misunderstood, or taken for granted, or even mistrusting of another. He can help you walk through the emotions and feelings you are dealing with.
Remember you don't have to carry this hurt alone...Jesus will carry it all...if you will place it upon His shoulders...He won't drop it, He won't loose it...He'll just handle it so you can have the peace you so seek...even in times of trouble...Satan can never defeat God...and it is God's strength that brings me through each day...I have many trials in my own life, day in and day out...but people who see me see God's strength..and He makes my life look easy...despite how difficult it really is...He can do the same for you.
Take care and God Bless
Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you? If not, I'd like to introduce you.
mlg - Posts: 4428
- Marital Status: Not Interested
Re: trying to put in words of how i feel

Sometimes we expect more of others, or of ourselves, than is feasible. Sometimes there are people who won't live up to reasonable expectations, and yet they do come through in certain contexts. Sometimes we need to look at what we are expecting and ask why do we expect that? Is it really reasonable? Or Biblical? Or was someone so impossibly hard on us that we have made impossible standards for ourselves and others?
Sometimes parents or others convince us of a level of perfection that only Christ can attain. And maybe we need to let ourselves and others be human.
And sometimes people betray - they are a Judas. And it hurts. And sometimes we even love them while they hurt us. And that is miserable. But Jesus did that. And yet, Jesus also spoke back to the Pharisees. Jesus wasn't a doormat.
You might look at your disappointments to see if you are expecting too much or exposing yourself too much. And whether or not either is true, I hope you are flooded with God's love.
Shame and blame are the devil's tools. With God ALL things are possible.
Shame and blame are the devil's tools. With God ALL things are possible.
dema - Posts: 1133
- Location: Indiana
- Marital Status: Married
Re: trying to put in words of how i feel
thank you guys for those inspirational words..and to mlg reading what you wrote finally made me feel understood thank u
mercedes12 - Posts: 9
- Location: brooklyn
- Marital Status: Single
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