Christianity Oasis Forum
Re: in the beginning, day 1
step 12
bible study yesterday about HS and today about falling down.
have personal experience of this many times. it never gets any easier and problems just get harder.
one of my bigggest assets is getting back up and getting going.
blessings: Jesus, air, car, acupuncture, people i don't know, people i'm gonna meet, great mind, good food, strength of character, bible
bible study yesterday about HS and today about falling down.
have personal experience of this many times. it never gets any easier and problems just get harder.
one of my bigggest assets is getting back up and getting going.
blessings: Jesus, air, car, acupuncture, people i don't know, people i'm gonna meet, great mind, good food, strength of character, bible
Flourish - Posts: 33
- Location: CA
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: in the beginning, day 1
step 13
god works thru others to minister to me.
easy assignment today, i love the chat room.
blessings: good nite sleep-no nitemares. internet, great weather, good food, beth moore bible study resumed, friends, oasis, reading, forgiveness, reconciliation, recovery nation, prayer, miracle grow, thank u Jesus!
god works thru others to minister to me.
easy assignment today, i love the chat room.
blessings: good nite sleep-no nitemares. internet, great weather, good food, beth moore bible study resumed, friends, oasis, reading, forgiveness, reconciliation, recovery nation, prayer, miracle grow, thank u Jesus!
Flourish - Posts: 33
- Location: CA
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: in the beginning, day 1

Just wanted to stop by and show some love

Love ya
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: in the beginning, day 1
step 14
well this is an easy step. Just keep going,
!! well, i will check into the next 14 days, i had some other studies in mind, but what the heck.
blessings: Praise, Lord Jesus, Father God and the Holy Spirit. I am working now the whole month of September. God is Good. blessings have so much more impact when God's will is done and He agrees with me,
. another beautiful day, honey gave me $2000 to help pay my mortgage, oasis support, internet, landline phones, comfy bed, wildlife, nature, great mind & passion for our Mighty Lord.
well this is an easy step. Just keep going,

blessings: Praise, Lord Jesus, Father God and the Holy Spirit. I am working now the whole month of September. God is Good. blessings have so much more impact when God's will is done and He agrees with me,

Flourish - Posts: 33
- Location: CA
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: in the beginning, day 1

It has been a blessing to walk with you and see you grow more in Him !
God bless ya and wow those blessings are spectacular indeed !

♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
xxJILLxx - Posts: 1094
- Location: northeast ohio
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: in the beginning, day 1
having trouble completing blessings and carbs the most. i'm afraid if i am thankful for blessings they will stop or i'll start getting bad stuff. also i'm afraid if i can't think of any blessing i will be punished. go figure. sugar addiction is tough. so it looks like i'll be continuing in the spirit of truth journal now.
blessings: saw huey lewis sat pm, he was awesome. beautiful day. went to thrift town for shopping. dvd last night. great singers at church yesterday. fun bible study about patience which i have in abundance, people at our study group are people we'd like to get to know better. great rub down last night.
blessings: saw huey lewis sat pm, he was awesome. beautiful day. went to thrift town for shopping. dvd last night. great singers at church yesterday. fun bible study about patience which i have in abundance, people at our study group are people we'd like to get to know better. great rub down last night.
Flourish - Posts: 33
- Location: CA
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
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