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day 5

Postby sovern1982 » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:34 pm

well...i realized something today...i woke up with a smile on my face...ive been smiling all day...and guess what? i got fired from my job this morning...our company lost a big contract and alot of people lost their jobs. i wasnt even worried at all. i was confident that there was a reason for this. less than a half hour later my dad called me and told me he won a bid on a big job and he would have work for me all through the summer and fall. praise god. ok back to the lesson i just had to share that.

reading through step 5 i had a bit of a revelation...i knew that i was a selfish person. i knew that was the heart of my problem.i thought it was THE problem. i never stopped to consider that i will never stop being selfish because im human. in my previous attempts to change my life i failed because i would become overwhelmed by my thoughts and eventually start making poor decision based on my self and what i wanted. i felt that i could never change because i was inherently selfish. not the case....underlying problems caused me to make poor fear hatred anger etc...all those things apply to me...learning to identify thoughts which are based on those things and learning not to act on them i believe is the message in this lesson. god does not want for me to take matters into my own hands. neither does anyone i know either lol because when i do boy do things get messed up in a hurry. i guess a little bit of self awareness, some humility and alot of hard work are in positive god will bring to light the things inside me that tear me apart and seperate me from his love and the love of my fellows...if i ask for his guidance and strength...but only if and that my friends is the hard part because i am a stubborn fool!i have to ask god about every hour to remove me from selfish thinking, but hey thats a whole lot better than destroying myself and those around me...thanks again for all of you being here...
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Re: day 5

Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:36 pm

Wow sovern! *Clap* God is awesome!! I love to see your faith building in Him :) Alot of growth there in Him!

When someone first told me i was selfish, i felt hurt and then angered. But man they were right! IN the end? Glad that person revealed that to me and i still work on it. I hadnt realised it til they told me. Often i find myself falling back into selfish thinking mode and pointing fingers when my pride is hurt. I look back and say, ugghhh i was a lot worse than that before, i cant even imagine or want to think about how i used to be. He's brought me a long way.

That is why God is so awesome, He gives us the opportunity to become a new creation in Him. Learn HIs ways instead of our own selfish ways. I am so glad you are progressing in your walk with Him. And woooo hooooo, what about that wonderful news???? God is fabulous! Truly a blessing from Him. *Clap*

*Guitar* Keep it going brother, and remember it is not always going to be easy... this life we have here is a challenge and a witness for Him to work through us for His people and HIs glory. Stand strong in HIm always and let HIm guide you into every circumstance that rises up against you.

♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Re: day 5

Postby sbennett » Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:42 pm

*BigGrin* God is sooooo good to take care of us!! And when we have faith in HIM and trust HIM he will bless us. So glad you are smiling. Keep it up! *BigGrin*
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Re: day 5

Postby Lani » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:35 pm

*Wave* Hey Sovern :)
Welcome to the Oasis Family Bro. It was a blessing to meet ya in chat yesterday! Looking forward to that which He shares through ya in the future.

sovern1982 wrote:because i am a stubborn fool!

Hey! Me Too! lol
Completely Awesome how GOOD our God is to help us identify this weed and work through it (hour by hour when needed), huh?

Sending up praises for your blessings this day, may the smile and HIS Light never fade.

Prayers for God's Will and faithful comfort as you continue on His Path.

Peace n Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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