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Zemirahs Day 12 - I fall down, I get up

Postby Zemirah » Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:02 pm

What can I say but .................... wow

that part about what would have happened if David didn't get up again; if Peter didn't get up again; if Paul didn't get up again...........

yeah! i needed to hear that and to think about it ......

if they'd have sat dwelling forever or even for a long time on their sins and focusing on how bad they were instead of how good God is, and on unforgiveness instead of forgiveness and grace ....................... so much would be so different! instead they got back up

they sought forgiveness
they received God's grace
they walked in both

and his glory dwelt within them .......... and they were used for his purposes

thinking I may need to come back to this lesson a bit! and really learn to get back up .... and the quicker the better

i fall down
i get up
i fall down
i get up

dust off the dust
turn to the Lord
onwards and upwards!
Last edited by Zemirah on Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zemi's Day 12 - I fall down, I get up, I fall down, I ge

Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:02 pm

*Guitar* Amen zemi!

Remember that when the Bible speaks of perfection, it means fulfilling God’s purposes. It means being mature, grown up, developed. Perfection means doing what God designed us to do, not what somebody else is or does, but what you and I individually are designed to be in Him.

That means we will fall and slip up, but isnt it so freeing knowing that even after we do slip-up , that His grace is sufficeint? That doesnt mean that we should go around sinning for the sake of our desires, God forbid. But that out of our love for Him our desires turn into Godly desires and we sin less being mindful of Who's we are and the cost it took to get us back to Him. *JesusSign*

God bless ya
and keep ya
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Re: Zemi's Day 12 - I fall down, I get up, I fall down, I ge

Postby Ingegrity » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:56 pm

Right on Zem! I think that is the toughest thing for most of get BACK UP! I'm glad God is patient and FULL of LOVE!

Keep the FAITH!

Love ya!

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Re: Zemi's Day 12 - I fall down, I get up, I fall down, I ge

Postby Zemirah » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:04 am

((((Ing))))) i'm glad as well :) thanks for stopping by *hug*

((((((Jill)))))))))) wow ........... something clicked a little (i'll say a little lol) when i read about being individually designed ............ just thinking how sometimes it's so easy to think we have to be one way or the other way because others are; instead of being ................ ourselves, and who we are becoming in Christ. Thanks also for the reminder about the change in our desires :) bless you Jill
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