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tossed in the air . . . pt 2

Postby vahn » Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:37 pm

Actually this is a reply I pasted to a new post with the hope that it may explain things in a different light .

Needless to say where I was at the time , in the middle of this great big confusion , to say the least , in my last post and obviously I dont do confusions very well , if at all . See , God is no author of confusion so ... I know , and I dont do ANYTHING without asking for guidance from Him first in all my undertakings , I mean I dont even put my shoes on without asking Him if there's a reason for me to do so first ( overdoing ? maybe ! but hey if it works , dont fix it right ? ) so that's how I know the confusion is not generated from my side of the street , so that leaves me with one other option right ? If its not from God , then it must be from the enemy , that's where my frustration lies , he is working thru a person, but which ? Obviously its not the person directly involved in this whole mess ! so that leaves two more , and I normally would think it's any of my business , except for the fact it's causing more damage to the person I care about than me , which in turn makes it my business . Not being able to pinpoint where the enemy's front is , naturally frustration turns to anger and I know better than to direct my anger to either God , the people involved nor myself , my anger is toward the enemy cuz one of these other ppl I hold dear to my heart as well and I feel like I'm walking in a mine field , ever being careful where to step , and that , my friends is definitely not God's work ,period .
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Postby Dora » Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:49 pm

I'm walking in a mine field , ever being careful where to step , and that , my friends is definitely not God's work ,period .

Amen Vahn *KeepOnWalkin*

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Postby deetu » Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:19 pm

vahn, take a quiet time, away from the anger and confusion (I usually do this during worship) and ask the Holy Spirit to show you that open door.
It's easier then trying to figure it out on your own :)
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Postby mlg » Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:21 pm


Seek ye the Kingdom of God and all other things will come into perspective. God's will over our will always, and what is more we must not take from God to fulfill our own wants.

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