Christianity Oasis Forum
those peskey squirrels get everywhere you know.....1st they are looking for nuts and the next thing you know..........................................................................................
there they are messing up your blank pieces of paper and chewing the corners
luv ya bro
ps .... is it summer yet ?
there they are messing up your blank pieces of paper and chewing the corners

luv ya bro

ps .... is it summer yet ?

storm - Posts: 45
- Location: Oasis
- Marital Status: Single
after having 2 breakins
and one friend look in and make sure everything was ok i have been thinking do i need to lock my doors
then i rember i would only lock my self out for i would forget where my key was at and if one of my friends need a place well they would be locked out tooo if u do come in please make sure u make fresh coffee any one who reads this has a safe spot here if need

Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed!

Cubby - Posts: 45
- Location: Michigan
- Marital Status: Married
its not breaking in if the door is unlocked it is just entering
there is so much i want to write but to get from point yyyyyy to point A and to get the letter 6 right i just dont know

there is so much i want to write but to get from point yyyyyy to point A and to get the letter 6 right i just dont know

Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed!

Cubby - Posts: 45
- Location: Michigan
- Marital Status: Married
Looks at the last posts and says where did the summer days go o though there was no summer heat here tell this week
was thinking about everone here at oasis
evertime I see the sun rise i think of who
evertime I see big bridge
evertime I see a licene plate from tx or Il or In
evertime I see the island (mac island)
evertime I see some sausage
evertime I see a dounght truck
evertime i see a ball and bat and a car all in the same pic
evertime i see a mt i look one one side then the other
if you dont fit in any of these post I need to talk to you more
was thinking about everone here at oasis
evertime I see the sun rise i think of who
evertime I see big bridge
evertime I see a licene plate from tx or Il or In
evertime I see the island (mac island)
evertime I see some sausage

evertime I see a dounght truck
evertime i see a ball and bat and a car all in the same pic
evertime i see a mt i look one one side then the other
if you dont fit in any of these post I need to talk to you more
Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed!

Cubby - Posts: 45
- Location: Michigan
- Marital Status: Married
evertime I see the sun rise i think of who - Storm
evertime I see big bridge - Mackenaw
evertime I see a licene plate from tx or Il or In - all those living in those places
evertime I see the island (mac island) - Lizzie or Mack
evertime I see some sausage - MTJ
evertime I see a dounght truck - Tim
evertime i see a ball and bat and a car all in the same pic - octobercc
evertime i see a mt i look one one side then the other - those in Kentucky
if you dont fit in any of these post I need to talk to you more
I see no squirrel in this post. May you need to talk to me more.
evertime I see big bridge - Mackenaw
evertime I see a licene plate from tx or Il or In - all those living in those places
evertime I see the island (mac island) - Lizzie or Mack
evertime I see some sausage - MTJ
evertime I see a dounght truck - Tim
evertime i see a ball and bat and a car all in the same pic - octobercc

evertime i see a mt i look one one side then the other - those in Kentucky
if you dont fit in any of these post I need to talk to you more
I see no squirrel in this post. May you need to talk to me more.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Y what you silly old bear
Y did state win?
Ask leaps.
Y is the sky blue? It's not, it's grey.
Y are you cooking dinner while I"m on the internet? Cause it's fried foods and you the fry cook.

Y did state win?

Y is the sky blue? It's not, it's grey.

Y are you cooking dinner while I"m on the internet? Cause it's fried foods and you the fry cook.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Because you love me despite myself.
Please don't ever stop trying.
I love you more than anything in this world.
God gave you a broken gift, because he knew you would love it despite the tarnish, cracks, and chips.
To many to ever number.
You do not know how very much I appreciate you.
Not only do I appreciate your love, but your faithfulness, your care, your protection, your concern, your gentleness.
I am sorry I grieve you.
May the Lord help me to be the wife you deserve.
May the day come quickly when your gift is made whole.
I will try to listen to you and not the whispers of the enemy.
Please forgive me.
Please don't ever stop trying.
I love you more than anything in this world.
God gave you a broken gift, because he knew you would love it despite the tarnish, cracks, and chips.
To many to ever number.
You do not know how very much I appreciate you.
Not only do I appreciate your love, but your faithfulness, your care, your protection, your concern, your gentleness.
I am sorry I grieve you.
May the Lord help me to be the wife you deserve.
May the day come quickly when your gift is made whole.
I will try to listen to you and not the whispers of the enemy.
Please forgive me.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Cubbys Blank Pages
I adore the way you never give up on someone. Going beyond, way beyond, what anyone else would, to make sure they have a place to belong.
I think that is why out of all the people in this world God chose you to rescue me.
Despite the times when we are like water and oil trying to mix I think God knew what He was doing.
I don't know where tomorrow we will land, but I want to land there holding your hand.
Thanks for being my best friend. Thanks for being you.
I think that is why out of all the people in this world God chose you to rescue me.
Despite the times when we are like water and oil trying to mix I think God knew what He was doing.
I don't know where tomorrow we will land, but I want to land there holding your hand.
Thanks for being my best friend. Thanks for being you.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Cubbys Blank Pages
Wow how time has gone by.
Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed!

Cubby - Posts: 45
- Location: Michigan
- Marital Status: Married
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