Christianity Oasis Forum
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Tres's Journal
This week has been a wild one. Many things going on and hard at times to step away and regain regular breathing.
Monday I got my hearing aides. I was totally shocked when I could hear things that I had not even realized that I could not hear anymore. Simple lil things. By monday nite I was ready to cry and even did so. The lady told me that I would need to take it slow, I would have to retrain my brain to the sounds that I have not heard in a long time. I guess in reality the fact that I could not hear things didn't bother me till I realized that I was not hearing them. Weird but very overwhelming. Of course the kids realized that mom could hear them and then they was like this -->
and I was like this *rofl* .. It was great spending time with my husband. Been a while since we got to be out just him and me..
Tuesday was work, work, work... by this morning if I would of had a wire brush that could have fit in my ears I would have used it ! Oh man did my ears itch
then I remembered to use baby oil before bed.. ears are better now
But at work it is very different.. The two ladies I work with.. well hard to explain but one says she is a "believer" but does not practice any religion.. the other says she has no idea where she is .. they both believe in reincarnation and speaking to their spirits from another time ? weird but I am like yeah I speak to a Holy Spirit
.. by late in the afternoon I was dragging from distrubution and paper work.. however left work and went to join pw and his dad at the specialist's office.. pw's dad was told that he has a tumor in his lung.. and they are wanting to have some testing done immediately.. thing is it is an hour away... and taking off work is not easy anymore. So got this scheduled for next week..
Wednesday was Pw's and Mine anniversary
we did go to lunch together ! Wow what a change it was.. Pw had keep a "free lunch" he received for Christmas just so we could go to lunch on that day
The rest of the day at work was so mind boggling it was unreal .. we are networking computers together and trying to make sure they are protected against things and just regular paper work it is keeping two of us busy at all times..
Thursday I thought I would freeze to death.. It was so cold.. And we had a unload a truck.. geezzz....Made it thru it but I was just feeling down.. both of my coworkers stated they was concerned, however actually talking to them about things is a difficult task.. hard to talk to people when they don't believe the way you do and you don't have that encourgament and uplifting like you have with other Christians.. I cried at different times thru the day, not really sure as to why but just felt like doing so.. I prayed and was talking to God and then I started listening.. where had I had him with me thru the week ? when everything was going crazy ? I do believe I have a purpose at where I work, and I know God is with me, so why is it that at times I push HIM away? Is it cuz I get caught in that worldwind ? cuz I loose focus ? not sure but I am working on it..
Friday was another wild and fast paced day at work... Getting the kids to school and to work on time is something I work at achieving daily. Some days it works .. others it doesn't. This day it did ! thank you Jesus. Cold as can be but expected a warm up
Had peeps at work that was being not so nice and had to be incharge cuz boss was away, situation was handled however leaves one skepitcal in todays society with safety. After Pw had went to work, and the kids and I was finishing up things in the house and trying to keep water from freezing.... we realized we had a busted water pipe under the shower in the bathroom
I was fit to be tied... I could NOT turn off the shutoff valve at all, calling pw on the phone and freezing while doing it, finally had to call the water company in the middle of the nite to come and shut it off.. by this time it was chaos in the house.. no body went to bed till after 1 am
however we are trying to look at the bright side with rerouting the pipes
praying for guidance and wisdom on this.
Thoughts run thru my head at things I would like to do more of and wondering when I can find time to acomplish them.. just having Christian friends that I could call during lunch would help I think some days, however, that is something that I am working on still. I have started writing the book that I want to write,, a few pages is done if that many. I love to write, but I have not even had time to do that in a great while.
At times I see me lacking in my responsibilities in being a mother to my children. I currently see my oldest son going thru changes that I am guessing all boys go thru ? not too sure since he is the oldest boy i have
.. he is lacking in school in certain areas, not because of it being too hard however but he is bored, and a faster pace would be better, I think a private school or even better yet homeschooled would be awesome for him however funding for this is not available.. I will keep praying on what to do about it all. I did put a Christian Cd in the Van so we can listen to it in the mornings and while I can coming home from work, that helps alot in the mornings. Esp with some grouchy kids
Thanks Mack and Phan and Oasis for this thread. This is a great ideal. GBU all
Luv ya all who are reading this
Monday I got my hearing aides. I was totally shocked when I could hear things that I had not even realized that I could not hear anymore. Simple lil things. By monday nite I was ready to cry and even did so. The lady told me that I would need to take it slow, I would have to retrain my brain to the sounds that I have not heard in a long time. I guess in reality the fact that I could not hear things didn't bother me till I realized that I was not hearing them. Weird but very overwhelming. Of course the kids realized that mom could hear them and then they was like this -->

Tuesday was work, work, work... by this morning if I would of had a wire brush that could have fit in my ears I would have used it ! Oh man did my ears itch

Wednesday was Pw's and Mine anniversary

Thursday I thought I would freeze to death.. It was so cold.. And we had a unload a truck.. geezzz....Made it thru it but I was just feeling down.. both of my coworkers stated they was concerned, however actually talking to them about things is a difficult task.. hard to talk to people when they don't believe the way you do and you don't have that encourgament and uplifting like you have with other Christians.. I cried at different times thru the day, not really sure as to why but just felt like doing so.. I prayed and was talking to God and then I started listening.. where had I had him with me thru the week ? when everything was going crazy ? I do believe I have a purpose at where I work, and I know God is with me, so why is it that at times I push HIM away? Is it cuz I get caught in that worldwind ? cuz I loose focus ? not sure but I am working on it..
Friday was another wild and fast paced day at work... Getting the kids to school and to work on time is something I work at achieving daily. Some days it works .. others it doesn't. This day it did ! thank you Jesus. Cold as can be but expected a warm up

Thoughts run thru my head at things I would like to do more of and wondering when I can find time to acomplish them.. just having Christian friends that I could call during lunch would help I think some days, however, that is something that I am working on still. I have started writing the book that I want to write,, a few pages is done if that many. I love to write, but I have not even had time to do that in a great while.
At times I see me lacking in my responsibilities in being a mother to my children. I currently see my oldest son going thru changes that I am guessing all boys go thru ? not too sure since he is the oldest boy i have

Thanks Mack and Phan and Oasis for this thread. This is a great ideal. GBU all
Luv ya all who are reading this

Ya know sometimes I don't stop and just look at things enough. With all of this going on here at home with the water and all, well there is no need to worry about laundry. That in itself leaves me some time, and a few other things.. I had been thinking wow now what are we gonna do and so on and then last nite it hit me... time to stop and just look around and listen... so that I did
Funny at times when we think a situation is not so good and then something great starts to happen, we oft times forget who's hand is in it from the beginning and we just get caught up, and don't always see what is intended for us to see..
I had some "quiet" time last nite and it was awesome. Just chillin and talking to God and praising HIM for all he is and has done in my life.. Then I had a great nite of sleep ! not so many hours now but it was a well rested nite.. Thank you Jesus... this morning I have been up for a while, got a lil one not feeling well, and had some more time to just enjoy things and not be in the hussle and bussle that is going on out side. I even got to listen to some music today !!!!!!!!
Goes to show that I need to reorganize some things in my life so I can have my time with God that I want and need. Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes and ears as to what I have been missing.
Who knew a busted water pipe could reveal so many things in ones life.

Funny at times when we think a situation is not so good and then something great starts to happen, we oft times forget who's hand is in it from the beginning and we just get caught up, and don't always see what is intended for us to see..
I had some "quiet" time last nite and it was awesome. Just chillin and talking to God and praising HIM for all he is and has done in my life.. Then I had a great nite of sleep ! not so many hours now but it was a well rested nite.. Thank you Jesus... this morning I have been up for a while, got a lil one not feeling well, and had some more time to just enjoy things and not be in the hussle and bussle that is going on out side. I even got to listen to some music today !!!!!!!!
Goes to show that I need to reorganize some things in my life so I can have my time with God that I want and need. Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes and ears as to what I have been missing.
Who knew a busted water pipe could reveal so many things in ones life.

Another Day at work. It seems like I need a computer class
. Networking these two comps together at work is a task... thanks Skrubby for all your help.. however I am learning things i did not know before so that is great.
We are seeing so many more people with the economy the way it is and people loosing jobs, more things to do and not alot of more time to get them done. But I enjoy my job. I love the fact of helping others. Sometimes we get some people who want to cause trouble however, those people are everywhere. The part that hurts deep within is that some people we actually have to tell that they are over income
Did not sleep well again last night for some reason.. I guess too many things on my mind.
We did get the water pipe fixed
well both lines that was busted, so spent the day yesterday catching up on laundry. I don't think my husband likes plumbing so well
Gonna do some reading if possible tonight and just chill ...
luv ya all

We are seeing so many more people with the economy the way it is and people loosing jobs, more things to do and not alot of more time to get them done. But I enjoy my job. I love the fact of helping others. Sometimes we get some people who want to cause trouble however, those people are everywhere. The part that hurts deep within is that some people we actually have to tell that they are over income

Did not sleep well again last night for some reason.. I guess too many things on my mind.

Gonna do some reading if possible tonight and just chill ...
luv ya all
Ice Storm of 2009
It was Monday January 26, 2009. When I awoke that morning we had about one and half inches of snow on the ground, so no school for the lil ones. My husband had to make a run to where he works as he does every Monday, and then I needed to head to the doc to have a check up. Things went along as normal
It was Monday January 26, 2009. When I awoke that morning we had about one and half inches of snow on the ground, so no school for the lil ones. My husband had to make a run to where he works as he does every Monday, and then I needed to head to the doc to have a check up. Things went along as normal
April 23,2009
Been a while since I have wrote anything. Things on my mind and honestly not entirely comfortable with writing some of them here. One of my down falls I guess. Anyway.
Last few weeks I have gotten hurt at work. Which caused me to be off of work for a week and a half. Which I did protest too however it did no good. I did understand the severity of my injury, however I was just thinking of the rest of the family and how I need to provide for them. You go from working like crazy one month to not hardly working the next and really throws one off.
I keep being told I need to learn how to relax more..
.. they should come to my house for a week
Honestly I do try to when I can however I have lots here that depend on me and things that need done, so I do them. However occasionally we are going to see some of my friends that I have not seen in a great while. While we are there relaxation is the key
Okay and playing basketball !
Lately I have really been looking at how times are here and around us. They are hard for everyone. This month has really taken a toll on us here. My husband and I have been contemplating relocating. There are jobs at this place, and he has already been told he could get one that is a monday thru friday job with benefits. I can always work in the medical field.. no shortage of sick people unfortunately. This is something that can not be done instantly. It is a process, for his mom and dad would not be going with us. We did talk to his brother about it and let him know that we was considering it, then of course he said he had no time to help with them to find an apartment for them to stay in. So what do you do ..... stay... take care of them till their end.. move .. have a new start at things.. hard decision to make. I personally figured that his brother would say something like that. That is his way.
Anyway lighter topic is I got to see my neice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leaps and family came down and spent a few days with us..
oh yeah! The hardest part is having to say see ya later .. goodbye as some put it.. always tears a rollin.. Leaps has always held a special place in my heart and I love her dearly, as well as her family.
Kids are starting to get better ! thank you Jesus. Rough around here when the two boys are sick and one of the girls.. now I think they passed it on to some of us older ones
*thanks kids!*
I miss being on here like I used to get too. Things keep me pretty busy however I am working on getting on here more often. You all help me so much just by being you. I thank God for bringing you into my life. I am blessed for getting to know you.
Positive thoughts ........ I am blessed with a wonderful bunch of children.. and family (even tho we don't always see eye to eye) .... I have a wonderful Oasis family... No matter where I go or what I do God is always there for me to reach out to and hold onto.
I will write more when I can,, God bless you all.
Luv ya
Been a while since I have wrote anything. Things on my mind and honestly not entirely comfortable with writing some of them here. One of my down falls I guess. Anyway.
Last few weeks I have gotten hurt at work. Which caused me to be off of work for a week and a half. Which I did protest too however it did no good. I did understand the severity of my injury, however I was just thinking of the rest of the family and how I need to provide for them. You go from working like crazy one month to not hardly working the next and really throws one off.
I keep being told I need to learn how to relax more..

Lately I have really been looking at how times are here and around us. They are hard for everyone. This month has really taken a toll on us here. My husband and I have been contemplating relocating. There are jobs at this place, and he has already been told he could get one that is a monday thru friday job with benefits. I can always work in the medical field.. no shortage of sick people unfortunately. This is something that can not be done instantly. It is a process, for his mom and dad would not be going with us. We did talk to his brother about it and let him know that we was considering it, then of course he said he had no time to help with them to find an apartment for them to stay in. So what do you do ..... stay... take care of them till their end.. move .. have a new start at things.. hard decision to make. I personally figured that his brother would say something like that. That is his way.
Anyway lighter topic is I got to see my neice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leaps and family came down and spent a few days with us..

Kids are starting to get better ! thank you Jesus. Rough around here when the two boys are sick and one of the girls.. now I think they passed it on to some of us older ones

I miss being on here like I used to get too. Things keep me pretty busy however I am working on getting on here more often. You all help me so much just by being you. I thank God for bringing you into my life. I am blessed for getting to know you.
Positive thoughts ........ I am blessed with a wonderful bunch of children.. and family (even tho we don't always see eye to eye) .... I have a wonderful Oasis family... No matter where I go or what I do God is always there for me to reach out to and hold onto.
I will write more when I can,, God bless you all.
Luv ya
April 27, 2009
Had an interesting weekend.. Found out on Friday that Pw's dad does have lung cancer.. so that answers many things that was in the air before.. He is the only one to take care of them.. so moving is out ... for now.. the family is taking it okay i guess you could say.. they are going to do scans this week and see how many other places it is.. done in two we know of.. and then to add to it.. he is loosing his vision in his eye he has left very quickly. No more driving at all.. we gotta do that now for them since his mom doesn't drive.
Boys are feeling better thank you Jesus. Lil one had to postpone surgery cuz of it but all for the best i believe. Now they are passing it to pw
however i believe he has strep to go with his .. just topping for the cake
The rest of the kids are being themselves.. Two of them that WAS in college .. withdrew.. drove me nuts for a few days but nothing i can actually do about it.
This is very hard to write tonight.. I have had a few days of looking at my life and realizing things.. things i can't change, things that doesn't change, things i don't want to change, not sure on what to do about some changes, stress, mistakes, regrets, etc.
For the first time in a very long time IF i would have had something to drink..... I would have drunk it. I feel so overwhelmed with some things and not sure how to deal with them. Choices are mine to make.. just making the right one is the key.
I did upset my daughter when i was talking about it today, she said no mom you have been alcohol free for many yrs ... don't .. so i threw it back with ........ you drink..... was harsh but true.. she was telling me she knows how i feel. She has been off drugs for 29 months.. and there are times when she wants it but hasn't .. so i guess she actually knows how i do feel.. Some people just don't understand for me it is not being around it that makes ya want it .. it is wanting that feeling of NOT feeling for a while.. problems still there yes, done been thru it a million times..
All I can say is .. thank God there was nothing around where I could have gotten ahold of it..
Had an interesting weekend.. Found out on Friday that Pw's dad does have lung cancer.. so that answers many things that was in the air before.. He is the only one to take care of them.. so moving is out ... for now.. the family is taking it okay i guess you could say.. they are going to do scans this week and see how many other places it is.. done in two we know of.. and then to add to it.. he is loosing his vision in his eye he has left very quickly. No more driving at all.. we gotta do that now for them since his mom doesn't drive.
Boys are feeling better thank you Jesus. Lil one had to postpone surgery cuz of it but all for the best i believe. Now they are passing it to pw

The rest of the kids are being themselves.. Two of them that WAS in college .. withdrew.. drove me nuts for a few days but nothing i can actually do about it.
This is very hard to write tonight.. I have had a few days of looking at my life and realizing things.. things i can't change, things that doesn't change, things i don't want to change, not sure on what to do about some changes, stress, mistakes, regrets, etc.
For the first time in a very long time IF i would have had something to drink..... I would have drunk it. I feel so overwhelmed with some things and not sure how to deal with them. Choices are mine to make.. just making the right one is the key.
I did upset my daughter when i was talking about it today, she said no mom you have been alcohol free for many yrs ... don't .. so i threw it back with ........ you drink..... was harsh but true.. she was telling me she knows how i feel. She has been off drugs for 29 months.. and there are times when she wants it but hasn't .. so i guess she actually knows how i do feel.. Some people just don't understand for me it is not being around it that makes ya want it .. it is wanting that feeling of NOT feeling for a while.. problems still there yes, done been thru it a million times..
All I can say is .. thank God there was nothing around where I could have gotten ahold of it..
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