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This forum is a place where those who feel called by the Lord are able to post about any trials or victories they are going through as they serve the Lord by reaching and teaching His children. You can post and then lock your thread so no one can reply, if you so choose. Think of it as your own personal diary or journal that you choose to share with others who are called as to share ideas, experiences and tips as they too serve the Lord.

Leaps's Journal

Postby Leaps4Joy » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:26 am

What a week it has been! Been sick since sunday night, but never thought
anything of it I just thought that it would go away. Tuesday night came
around and I was still sick. Missed the last 2 days and couldnt miss
another day of school. I prayed for healing Tuesday night. that this nasty
bug would be taken away or at least drop my temp. so I could go back to
school Wednesday. Indeed it did drop and I went back on Wednesday.
Wednesday night I went back to not feelinwell. I prayed something be
done again. Whatever it may be.... I said I cant afford to miss another
sick day at school, but if that is what needs to be done then so be it. I
said just show me what I should do. You choose and tell me what I shoud
l do. Should I go tomorrow or should I not. I heard a whisper just wait
and have patients. Indeed I did :) This isnt always easy that is for
sure I woke up about about every hour that night with a voice tellin
me check it..... I was tired just ignored it. I wanted to sleep. 6:30 came
around I woke up with the worst noist ever... I heard go check it! sat
there for a min. I went to go check the only thing I knew to check.... I
want to our local website for school closeings.... We had no school.... I
knew this was indeed an anwser of prayers..... I spent all day Thursday
lying down and working on catching up on work that needed to be done
for school. By 7:30-8:00 I was very tired and still not feeling well I didnt
pray for anything to be done this time... I just sat there talked on here
for awhile. again heard another voice u know what to do! I replied what
do u mean know what to do? I had no idea what I was being told. He said
_____ How can u not know what to do? I said I am tired and I dont
know what to do.. I dont want to do anything.... he said we all are tired...
Do u think I never get tired? But u never see me just stop and never
finsh now do ya? I said no.... By now my heart was like a racing horse...
I still didnt know what to do lol I said what do u want me too do? I heard
nothing.... I sat there and knew \what to do... Indeed i went to check
again.... No school for friday.... I was very pleased with this due to not
feeling well but not wanting to me miss school again. All I could do was
pray and thank him for anwsering prayers. Many tell me he never
anwsers.... But in the last 6 months I have realized u just have to be
patient and be ready to listen! He does indeed anwser but u have to be
ready to listen and to have patients
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:12 pm

Sat. January 17th, 2009

Woke up to my mom telling me she was leaving and that I needed
to get up to babysit....Woke up finally lol as they were leaving....
I try to wake-up every morning and say a prayer to get the day started
off. I'v noticed not praying before my feet hit that cold floor that it isnt
gonne be as good of a day if I prayed beore my feet hit that cold floor.
its been a fairly easy day... Had one issue in chat earlier but Thanks
goodness mlg was around! Had a good day all day other then that...
Praise God for that!
Read some of 1 peter today.... :) Its nice to get back into the bible.
Love ya all
Last edited by Leaps4Joy on Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sun Jan 18, 2009 5:37 pm

Jan. 18, 2009

Went to church this morning for the first time in a long time.
Ohhhh was it ever so nice to get back there. Being here at Oasis
is very nice and I love it, but going back to church today was great.
Sermon was great this morning, we looked at Hebrews 2:5-18
and how JESUS NEVER DONE ANYTHING HALF WAY! It was always done
all the way. We talked about the image of Jesus as well and got to draw
in church.... lol
Praise and Worship was great as well. We Learned a new song called
"Thank you" :) It was great!
Getting home after church I decided I would do some work for my mom
in the kitchen. ohhhh did she appriciate that. After that I sat down for a
bit to take in what had gone on throughout the day so far. Decided I would
come get on Oasis. Oh was it nice 2 get on Oasis.
This evening I look forward to singing and worshiping our Lord! *ohyeah*
Dinner this evening should be good as well. Be a good dinner get my
food for today that way.
Be back later to write about the othre half of the day.
Love ya all!
Last edited by Leaps4Joy on Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:45 pm

January 19, 2009

No school today some holiday, if ya ask me which one I couldnt anwser ya. Becauss I honestly dont know roflen
Working on getting all my work caught up from last week after missing
all but one day out of 3 and then not having to go on thursday or Friday
has my schedule out of ordenary.
What a night last night was. I must say Church was AMAZING!
And Praise and Worship was fantastic!
After this i felt torn down. Blubbering terribly bad, and just not in a mood
to talk to anyone. Leaveing soon after talking to Phantom, I came to
realize Oasis may not be the place for everyone! Indeed I know this is the
place for me. But again its not for everyone. We all have a purpose here
and we all have a calling. But its not all the same calling.
What a week it has been for sure, but I know there is a purpose for all
of this I know, and if the purpose hasnt been found and another long
week needs to go on,, then im ready for game and im ready to do what
needs to be done to find this purpose.
Go back to school tomorrow, what a week its gonna be there. Finals are
all week, but that means one thing, Im half way done with my freshmen
year! WHERE HAS IT ALL GONE? This only means im getting closer to
going to college and going further into my calling.
Love ya all!
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:24 pm

January 20th, 2009

What a day it was! Finals at school this week.
Soooo its gonna be a long week. Plus side I
get out early Tomorrow and Thursday, and
then I have no school on Friday. YAY! *run*
I'v missed more days in the last 2 weeks then
I have went to school rofl
Other then seeming long, It was a very good day.
A lot better then it has been in awhile...
Woke up this moring with a lol more snow on the
ground. Were up to about 4 inches now.... some spots
a lil deeper.......
Had a teacher today Who wasnt being the nicest but
I just blew it off took it more as a compliment then what
he was getting at,..... *Whistle* I am a big time smartie pants
ready to get this semester over with at school!
Ready to see what this evening brings!
I know its gonna be great! *run*
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:39 pm

this evening was really a God sent evening!
it was great!

So I lost 3 more lbs. I talked to pine she said well maybe u should pray about this maybe u should pray on what u should eat and how much u should eat and when u should eat cause last night I didnt want to eat... and thats when she told me ok so breakfast came around I prayed I said what ya want me to have today for breakfast he said well go look in the fridge. There was vanilla yougert french vanilla my favorite! didnt even know we had any so I had that. then it came time for me to pack my lunch
I dont eat lunch at school soooo again I prayed I said give me what ya want to put in my lunch I ended up with a 4 inch sub sandwhich with cheese, original pringles, cookies, and sugarfree lemonade. Again I ate all of that... Now by this point I was happy! I never eat all of my lunch theres always something left over. Dinner came around and I find out that we are having something that I have wanted for a lont time. Chili, we had just about everything that somone could want to put in tere chili. I said you tell me what u want me to put in this, and how much....
I get everything n it, and had the chili in the bowl. Then I stopped...
Something told me to add some more to it! O.O somemore I though, Id be lucky to eat this all... Well I did indeed eat it all.... later on I felt an urge that maybe I should eat something else, I said u tell me what and I shall eat it.. .Well, we made something called jello cookies, made with splenda..... ohhhhhhhh was it good!
Just a lil thought, and GOD ANWSERS PRAYERS!

Love ya all!
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:19 pm

wow what a day! Im ready for
finals to be done with. Woke up this morning
in terific mood. Not often do I do that. *run*
Got ready for school again prayed for what to have
to eat today... I ended up with Cereal this morning
and then I ate a ham and cheese sandwhich at lunch
with cheese pringles, and sugar free lemonade...
Its been a great day so far! NOW finals on the other
hand arnt so fun rofl
But indeed I did get an A+ on my 84 word vocab. test! *ohyeah*
and yay the snow is melting.... now its just a big mess out
there.... rofl
stil got a good 2-3 inches though...
Now I did have a panic attack today.... which was ok...
just got frightned with to many people and started panicing...
But God Helped me though! *ohyeah*

I be back later to write more
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:34 pm

Just some thoughts for today...

There is no looking back. I have stepped over the line. I won't let up,
back up, give up, or shut up. My Focus is Clear, My path is Straight. My
God is Reliable. I am a disciple of Christ. I am not ashamed of the Gospel
because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes!

Wrote this today, while I was talking to a friend from Oasis. :)

This evening has been quite nice. Nothing to be done. Now I didnt eat all
my dinner this evening :( but I did eat everything else from today.
I still cant find my camera cord, so no 80's picture being added anytime
soon. rofl

Love ya all
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:27 pm

What a day it has been!
First got out of school early today because finals were
done. Come to find out I failed one so far. *Pray* thats
the only one that was failed. After that I went with my
dad to meet someone out of town. On our way there
my mom called and asked if I wanted to go to a Volleyball
game of the school that I went to last year and played
volleyball with. Of course I said yes.
So I went there with a friend who plays volleyball. Watched
her team win but watched the 7th graders lose. :(
Woke up this moring in a great mood.
Ate everything that I prayed for and he told me to eat, and
when and what to eat.
What a great week it has been!
thats all for now...
Love ya all

oh and Praise God my computer is working again! *ohyeah*
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:42 pm

January 23, 2009

Well lets see here..... I woke up at 10:06 AM
this morning not beening woke up by my
brother or sister which is something that
always happens so It was great to sleep in.
No school today! *run*
We got a concert this evening. Winter Jam! *ohyeah*
Im so happy....
I gotta work tomorrow as well.... Hopefully it goes
well im not use to working in the winter i usually
only work in the summer on the carnival but not tomorrow!
Looking forward to it...
In a way rofl

I'v had a great day so far! *ohyeah*

Im off will write more after a while...
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:28 am

WOW what a concert!

tobyMac, Hawk Nelson, Francesca Battistelli, pureNRG, Stephanie Smith,
NewSong, The afters, and special guest speaker Tony Nolan!

Toby def. rawked the show! *run*
I do have to say they all were great! Now I didnt like Hawk Nelson much,
but he still did a good job. It was DEF. LOUD..... and put a lot of pressure
on the ears.

7000 + people were there with 2000 + giving there life to Christ! *Guitar* Now how great is that?!?!?!

Tony Nolan was a great speaker!

well thats all for now....

I gots to work today *run* so I be back early in the morning or later
today evening..

love ya all
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:13 pm

January 24, 2009

hmmmm woke up 11:30 this morning....
so not much has gone on ....
Gotta work tonight from 6:30-closeing
which is about 10:30-11:00, Just depends
on when they get done in the arena....
Well thats all for now...
I be back later after workin and right more...

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