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Well...don't really know why I am writing this, just wanted to share...
Since I met Jesus, I always knew what is God will and followed it. I can not say it was always easy, but I tried to listen to God. Some time ago it seemed that God doesn't talk to me anymore or at least I don't hear. It was a long time. At the same time I had very difficult things going on in my life. I was desperate, confused and did not know what to do. I prayed God to talk to me ... He did. Several times and very clearly, but I did not like what He is saying me to do. And I said Him NO. I felt so weak, so vulnerable, I thought I can not do what He is saying me to do. NO NO NO was my reply. I relied on my own strength not on His. I had my own plans, my own recipes what would be better for my healing. But it wasn't God's. Now all my excellent plans are ruined, all the doors are closed.
Now I am waiting on God...
I don't know what He is going to say me but I want to say Him YES, because only He knows what is the best for me!
Since I met Jesus, I always knew what is God will and followed it. I can not say it was always easy, but I tried to listen to God. Some time ago it seemed that God doesn't talk to me anymore or at least I don't hear. It was a long time. At the same time I had very difficult things going on in my life. I was desperate, confused and did not know what to do. I prayed God to talk to me ... He did. Several times and very clearly, but I did not like what He is saying me to do. And I said Him NO. I felt so weak, so vulnerable, I thought I can not do what He is saying me to do. NO NO NO was my reply. I relied on my own strength not on His. I had my own plans, my own recipes what would be better for my healing. But it wasn't God's. Now all my excellent plans are ruined, all the doors are closed.
Now I am waiting on God...
I don't know what He is going to say me but I want to say Him YES, because only He knows what is the best for me!
goofy371 - Posts: 34
- Location: Latvia
- Marital Status: Single
it's so hard to fight our own will, and choose God's will. God does have a plan, but many times we think our own plan is better, or that God's plan is too hard, or any number of excuses we can think of. As we all know that's not the case, but in the mist of trials and turmoil, we can get blinded and fall into a trap of the "I" syndrome. Thinking that I is better than God. Seek God's face sis, listen to Him, follow Him, and let Him know you love Him and need Him.
Praying for you.
luv ya sis

Praying for you.
luv ya sis
mlg - Posts: 4428
- Marital Status: Not Interested
goofy my sweet sis
Dont you worry. Cuz you cannot change the destiny that God has willed for you. Sure we can take the long and hard road there, when we choose to do our own thing and not follow God's will in our lives... but no matter what road we choose, we will end up where we are supposed to be.
Doors may have closed, or you may have walked right past some open ones, but never forget God's Grace. That precious gift of blessings that we do not deserve, but receive anyway. He always gives us a second chance, and sometimes a third and a fourth ...
Keep your eyes on Jesus and be alert and watch for the opportunities
Sometimes they arent always packaged as we imagine. You will know what is for you if you stay close to the Lord, as He will bring you peace when its His will.
GBU sis

Dont you worry. Cuz you cannot change the destiny that God has willed for you. Sure we can take the long and hard road there, when we choose to do our own thing and not follow God's will in our lives... but no matter what road we choose, we will end up where we are supposed to be.
Doors may have closed, or you may have walked right past some open ones, but never forget God's Grace. That precious gift of blessings that we do not deserve, but receive anyway. He always gives us a second chance, and sometimes a third and a fourth ...

Keep your eyes on Jesus and be alert and watch for the opportunities

GBU sis

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