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This is for all of u who know me or have talked to me here

Postby Kess » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:30 pm

Ok....i already typed this all out once and it got erased i guess....idk. so here i go again.
Im starting a "new" way of life this year. and i just wanted to ask all of u who i have talked to here to forgive me....for anything and everything....if i have ever lied to u or hurt or upset u or just anything i ask u to please forgive me. God already has and it feels great! as some of u know ive been struggling a lot lately
with health issues and more so....mental health and the ability to control my emotions....but that is about to change!!
Jesus is going to help me as He does everyday....i wouldnt be here today if it wasnt for Him and all of u oasisian friends.

a good friend from msn helped me set a goal for this year....she said " u could have ur goal of the new year to be to do everything u can to get strong"
and she didnt mean strong like only muscle strength but strong like mentaly and emotionaly and also with my health....and to fight the devil and stop him from ruining my life and trying to take over my body!! i think that when/if i am determined to do something or if i set my mind to will most likely please pray for me as i do this and get stronger to fight for my life!! i know Jesus is here to help me along the way....
but it also helps to have human support i think and i thank u all for the help u have already given me and all the prayers. i must admit ive never been good at asking for help....i like to do things on my own and im sure u have heard me say "i can take care of myself"....i am starting to realise that just isnt true....i do need help sometimes....occasionaly....ok fine fine....a not super woman (all the time) hehe!! lol. another issue i have a lot of trouble with is fear....i am scared of, well....pretty much everything it seems somedays....and i have been working to overcome that and trying so hard, but still need a lot of work in that area. ok i think that is enough for now but dont worry there will be more posts as time goes on and i get stronger and have some praise reports!! fear not, for i am with thee said i shall not fear cause He is with me (trying so hard)!! :)

also i have started doing some christian counseling with splashy....she is helping me and i thank God for that and for her, she has an amazing patience level with me as do some of my other friends here (u know who u r)!! ;) so far i like the study and am trying my best to understand and learn what its about. and she is a great teacher (winks @ splashy)!!

ok i know i said i was done eairler but words just keep can be dangerous sometimes i dont want to stop typing and just start rambling sorry lol. im going to stop now, really i am! :p

i wish u all blessings and a great new year....gbu all!!!!

shalom kess
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Re: This is for all of u who know me or have talked to me he

Postby splash » Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:15 pm

Dear Kessie,

I am so incredibly proud of you. I know you've gone through one thing after another with your health and other problems and yet you've never given up. You have kept your faith. You are my hero! I honestly don't know how I would have dealt with all those problems if i had them, but I would sure want you by my side through them. You have a very gentle and loving heart and I'm proud to have you for a friend. (yeah I already admitted that pride thingie huh?)

It's been fun going through the Christian Counseling study together and I'm sure I'm growing as much from it as you are.

There's nothing to be afraid of anymore. Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.

Love ya tons,
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Postby realtmg » Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:25 am

GBU my friend and stay on the path. I've seen you grow in the Lord and He is not finished with ya. Luv Ya, Real. Shalom
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Postby Dora » Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:23 am

Awww Kess,
So glad to hear this.
You are such a strong person to deal with all you are dealing with and have dealt with. You are an encouragement to me, though I've never told you that. Guess I should have. :roll:
God loves ya Kess and so do I! *hug*
So glad you shared.
Praying for you *Pray* as I am so many of my Oasis friends.
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Postby foreverHis » Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:23 am

great news kess..another victory for Jesus..good on ya ya both :P
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