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#10 Prayer

Postby Debbie » Fri May 30, 2014 1:35 pm

I didn't end Yesterday well, but was able to start fresh this morning. And a good start it's been. Started with devotional/prayer time and then enjoyed SS #10 on prayer followed by the Depression study; both excellent. Then walked on treadmill 1/2 hour listening to Praise music on iPod. Feeling close to God through these activities. I'd love to start every day this way, but time doesn't always permit. I'm so introverted and uncomfortable socializing, but I do feel God uses me at the hospital, and I try to pray for others on a prayer chain. I request prayer that God would help me to start fellowshipping with others, as I know it is His will; also that I would make better choices in spending my time.
1 Thes 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you ~ Debbie
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Re: #10 Prayer

Postby Mackenaw » Fri May 30, 2014 5:32 pm

Hello Debbie :)

God bless you this day.

From what I read you are really embracing God's Word and the lessons taught within each Stepping Stone. Yeah!!! *Clap*

Debbie, God made us all different. While we do have so many things in common, God did make each of us unique so that we, as a whole, represent Jesus in His fullness. You, Debbie, are uniquely made, and you are special to God. :) Thusly, you are special in the family of God. :)

Not everyone of us feels called to volunteer at a hospital, and even if we all did volunteer at a hospital, not all of us would have the same success in the same area that God uses you to serve others, resulting in you experiencing a feeling of satisfaction at the end of your volunteering day. It's okay to recognize the differing gifts, talents and traits in others -- and see God in them, but just because you may not share in those same gifts, talents and/or traits does not mean you are lacking.

Comparison usually leads a self-conscious person to feel more self-conscious, and comparison usually leads an arrogant person to behave more arrogantly. Sooooooooo, if we tend to compare ourselves with others because we are feeling self-conscious or falsely believing we are lacking, we need to ask God to help us stop doing that. The Holy Spirit gives great nudges (similar to a shove, a gentle elbow to the side, or a gentle foot kick under the table) to nudge us out of that negative thinking. :) And, honestly, others are not thinking about us as much as the enemy of our souls would have us believe. Therefore, we must resist taking the enemy's bait. Remember, you are special to God and He has a purpose for you and the unique gifts, talents and traits He has given you to serve Him and others. :) Wooooohoooooo! God is so very Good!!!

On the topic of prayer, I too love the study. :) Prayer is such a powerful blessing that God has given us, and it is truly a privilege to take all our and others' concerns, wants and needs to God in prayer. God is so very Good!!!

Debbie, I am blessed by your posts. I can sense your love of The Lord. :)

Prayers continue to rise to our Lord in the name of Jesus on your behalf. God's will be done.

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
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Re: #10 Prayer

Postby Debbie » Fri May 30, 2014 10:15 pm

God bless you Sister Mack. I sooooo appreciate your encouraging words. Thank you!
1 Thes 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you ~ Debbie
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